Asian Immigration Outnumbers Europeans for the First Time in Australia
IT HAS BEEN a direction the country has been intentionally steering towards for decades, however now it seems Australia can truly call itself an ‘Asian Nation’.
The 2016 census figures reveal that China, India and the Philippines now account for more foreign-born residents than the traditional birthplaces of England, New Zealand and Europe.
The census reports that more than a quarter of Australians — 26.3 per cent, up from 24.6 per cent in 2011 — were born overseas in 2016, and even second-generation Aussies will soon be the minority.
Nearly half of Australian residents had at least one parent who hailed from a different country.
In the five-year gap between 2011 and 2016, an additional 1.3 million new migrants — mostly from China and India — called Australia home. As a whole, Australia experienced an 8.8 per cent population increase since 2011.
Migrants now make up 28 per cent of the populations of New South Wales and Victoria, and 32 per cent of the population in Western Australia.
Tasmania is the least migrant-populated state, at 12 per cent, and recorded the highest English-speaking only population of 88 per cent.
There’s also been an increase in the number of Australians shying away from religion.
Up from 22 per cent in 2011, 30 per cent of the population identified as having ‘no religion’ in 2016.
But, while Australians are turning away from Christian religions (Catholic and Anglican being two of the biggest), there’s been a massive leap in other religions since the 90s.
Hinduism has undergone a 533 per cent increase since 1991, Buddhism has leapt 200 per cent, and Islam has increased by 160 per cent. …
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Source: The European Union Times
A common people will only fight and die for three reasons; land, tribe and creed. Although Christianity gets a ton of bad press on White nationalist sites, and even with its downside, there is no denying that historically, it served as a powerful uniting force for Whites against the jews…even though some hold that Christianity itself was a jewish tool. The danger in dumping Christianity comes when it’s not replaced with any higher, uniting belief system to hold a people together with priorities that are greater than themselves. Dumping Christianity has left Whites with no common creed and yet, one less pillar that should be uniting us, that we’re willing to fight and die for. Since many Whites have already been taught to hate their own countries/lands and tribe/race, becoming… Read more »
What are you talking about? Unity? Christianity has never been a reason for unity; more Christians have killed each other over who had the right version of the bible than by afro-asiatic invaders. White people are still divided by different branches of christianity, which is still promoting racial mixing and equal rights for all races. If we have survived long, I can tell you for sure it wasn’t because of a jewish cult that came from the desert and tried so hard to destroy us, but rather, because of the natural strength and power of the race. We are better off without it. Australians were just too soft and comfortable within their own continent (just like Americans) that they’ve forgotten the meaning of the eternal struggle for survival. I hope… Read more »
Which Christianity? Catholicism, Lutheranism? Calvinism? Eastern Orthodoxy? They don’t unite, nor will I worship a k*ke!