Posts Tagged
Benjamin Netanyahu

The Scrape
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 30 September, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom AS HE CONTINUES his feud with Jewish thug Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL over the censorship Greenblatt demands on X, Elon Musk has decided that his best tactic now is to show just how much he loves Jews — which he might…

AIPAC Jews: Above the Law
by David Sims HERE IS something about Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress ten years ago that you might not have known, because the facts were not widely publicized by the controlled media. Just after the Israeli Prime Minister had spoken favorably about “youth demanding more democracy,”…

The US Elite Comes to AIPAC
WHEN Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the 2019 AIPAC conference, he must have been very happy. The US, in opposition to the rest of the world, recognized the long-occupied Golan Heights as part of Israel. Kevin McCarthy (head of the Republicans in the House), Senate Minority leader…

Orwell Alert — America’s “Special” Relationship with Israel… in the United States of Clown-World
Why Confronting Israel is Important The Jewish State is No Friend by Philip Giraldi I am often asked why I have this “thing” about Israel, with friends suggesting that I would be much more respected as a pundit if I were to instead concentrate on national security and political corruption. The problem…

Israel: One Way or Another, Jews Will Deport Blacks
by David Sims DO YOU REMEMBER the 2017 Israeli decision to round up all the Blacks in that country and deport them? At first, the Blacks were going to be deported to Uganda, regardless of which country they’d come from. Later, the Jews had a different idea; instead of deporting the Black immigrants…

Bloodthirsty Zionism (Part 2)
In our last post we reprinted a portion of an essay by James Petras titled “The Fifty-Two Major Jewish American Organizations and Israel Celebrate Passover with the Slaughter of Twenty-Five Muslim, Christian and Secular Palestinians”. In this piece Petras demonstrated how a Jewish-Zionist…

The Brutal Occupation of Palestine Continues — Thanks to America’s Jewish Masters
Below are excerpts from an article by Philip Giraldi, who Wikipedia describes as a former counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer at the CIA. From my estimation, Giraldi is the best expositor of how the Jewish Lobby has totally corrupted U.S. foreign policy and irreparably…

No Free Speech for the Goyim: The Jews Escalate Their Zio-Supremacist War on Our Ancient Liberties
Boycotting Israel is the Right Thing to Do Philip Giraldi | The Unz Review Tracking the consequences of Israel’s apparent conviction that it should never be bound by the rules and conventions that constrain the behavior of other countries sometimes leads one into dark places. The daily torments inflicted…

Exposing the Warmongering
by Dr. William L. Pierce EVERY EVENING when I have turned on the television news during the past few weeks, the message has had the same theme: Saddam Hussein must be stopped! Saddam Hussein is a danger to America! We must destroy Saddam Hussein! About the only difference I’ve noticed in these daily…

Global Jewry Attacks Austria’s New “Far-Right” Government
WHENEVER EUROPEANS try to defend their countries against Muslim invasion, Jews rally to the defence of their Semitic brothers. The Jew as Ally of the Muslim is a story as old as Islam itself.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who also holds the foreign affairs portfolio, said Monday that Israel…