Posts Tagged

Jewish Hypocrisy

EssaysH. Millard

by H. Millard LOTS OF Whites are confused when they see people who they think are also White attacking Whites. We hear them say things like “He (or she) is White so why is he saying bad things about his fellow Whites?” The truth is that many of these “White people” ragging on other…
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THE JERUSALEM POST just reported that over 40 municipal rabbis signed a petition on Tuesday saying that Jews should not rent homes in Israel to non-Jews. Many religious Jews consider this statement as a prohibition with as much force as law. One Knesset member has condemned it. Among the reasons given…
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Yet the Jewish state has been continuously whining about Iran allegedly owning or making one such weapon (a false charge) since 1979. ISRAEL, which has been regularly accusing Iran of building one atom bomb since at least 1979, has at least 90 nukes of its own, according to the latest released yearbook…
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David SimsEssays

Israel’s Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked: Her Facebook account and Paypal account, etc., remained intact despite her direct and credible call for murder of Palestinians. by David Sims AYELET Shaked is the Israeli Justice Minister. In 2014, she used her Facebook account to promote genocide…
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American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

The anti-White attitude of the Establishment is largely due to Jewish influence. Organized Jewry’s history of hostility to non-Jews is becoming more well-known. It is essential that we understand it. American Dissident Voices broadcast of June 2, 2018…
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Boycotting Israel is the Right Thing to Do Philip Giraldi | The Unz Review Tracking the consequences of Israel’s apparent conviction that it should never be bound by the rules and conventions that constrain the behavior of other countries sometimes leads one into dark places. The daily torments inflicted…
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TODAY WE’RE GOING to stare right into the horrific abyss of “racism,” defined as wanting to be with your own kind and not wildly incompatible religious, cultural, and genetic outsiders. What you are about to hear is so shocking, intolerant and downright vile your may find yourself…
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“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys,
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims THE HYPOCRISY of the Jews knows no bounds. In every White country (i.e. created by Whites, or having White majorities, or both), the Jews are all for the importation of non-Whites, especially from Third World countries. But in Israel, the Jews are unabashed racists, who are presently trying…
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ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu has reportedly predicted that racial mixing between liberal Jews and non-Jews will wipe out Reform Judaism in America by 2070 — and that as a result, the Jewish ethnostate must prepare itself for survival without being supported by the US. The comments, first…
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