
Cannibalism Still Stalks African “Conflicts”

Mob Cannibalism

A MOB in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) stoned, burned and ate a man after accusing him of being part of a Ugandan-based Islamist “rebel” group operating in the area — forming part of an ancient and still-ongoing tradition of cannibalism in Africa (pictured above).

In the latest incident, the unidentified victim was “accused” of being part of the Islamist group ADF-NAUL, who have massacred hundreds of locals using hatchets and machetes in the north east of the DRC.

However, it appears that the “evidence” which the mob used was the fact that their chosen victim could not speak Swahili and had a machete in his possessions, which were stored on the bus he was riding. Witnesses said he was then stoned to death by the crowd before his body was burned and eaten.

Cannibalism remains common in all parts of Africa. In January 2014, for example, cannibals in the Central African Republic (CAR) were photographed eating other — unrelated — Muslim “rebels” in that country. The cannibals claimed they were “Christians” taking revenge on the “Muslims.” In reality, of course, it was just plain barbaric savagery.

In the most prominent of those CAR incidents, a cannibal boasting the name “Mad Dog” (apparently his real name is Ouandja Magloire) openly cut pieces off a dead body in full view of western journalists and ate them.

"Mad Dog" puts a knife to his meal
“Mad Dog” puts a knife to his meal

Mad Dog 2

...and licks his knife clean.
…and licks his knife clean.

In February 2014, a hotel in Anambra, Nigeria, was closed down after two human heads wrapped in cellophane were discovered at its restaurant that had been serving human flesh.

Human flesh was apparently being sold as an expensive treat at the restaurant, with authorities saying that roasted human head was even on the menu.

According to reports, a local pastor said that he was “surprised,” particularly because he had eaten at the establishment.

“I went to the hotel early this year, after eating, I was told that a lump of meat was being sold at N700, I was surprised,” a pastor who had visited the eatery said.

“So I did not know it was human meat that I ate at such expensive price. What is this country turning into? Can you imagine people selling human flesh as meat?” he added. “Seriously I’m beginning to fear people in this part of the world.”

The cannibal activities of the Liberian “Civil War” warlords are well known and have been documented by a famous Vice documentary on the topic (see video below).

Liberian cannibals
Liberian cannibals

Cannibalism has been present in Africa from the very beginning, as noted by all early explorers, including the famous Paul du Chaillu (who also first reported on the existence of pygmies and gorillas) in his books Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial Africa and A Journey to Ashango-land, and Further Penetration into Equatorial Africa.

These works contain vivid and uncensored descriptions of native African cannibalism, tribal warfare, witchdoctors, superstition, and technology. His astute observations were even used by Oxford University professor John R. Baker in a section on African cognitive ability in his classic work Race.

Sidney Langford Hinde, the former captain of the Congo Free State Force, in his 1897 work The Fall of the Congo Arabs, also noted:

“Nearly all the tribes in the Congo Basin either are or have been cannibals; and among some of them the practice is on the increase. Races who until lately do not seem to have been cannibals, though situated in a country surrounded by cannibal races, have, from increased intercourse with their neighbors, learned to eat human flesh. There is not the slightest doubt in my mind that they prefer human flesh to any other.”

Du Chaillu concluded:

“As to his future capabilities, I think extreme views have prevailed among us. Some hold the opinion that the negro will never rise higher than he is; others think that he is capable of reaching the highest state of civilization. For my own part, I do not agree with either of these opinions.

“I believe that the negro may become a more useful member of mankind than he is at present, that he may be raised to a higher standard; but that, if left to himself, he will soon fall back into barbarism, for we have no example to the contrary. In his own country the efforts of the missionaries for hundreds of years have had no effect; the missionary goes away and the people relapse into barbarism. Though a people may be taught the arts and sciences known by more gifted nations, unless they have the power of progression in themselves, they must inevitably relapse in the course of time into their former state.”

* * *

Source: The New Observer

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16 August, 2015 12:43 pm

Yeah, what can be said? Truly, a waste of a beautiful land mass, contrasted with a grim view of behaviors that inspired our exodus a hundred thousand years ago; yet legible today. This instinct is not just on the downbeat in the flaming tire heat of Mandela’s necklacing streets. A number of their ersatz leaders demonstrate this hard wired behavioral trait as well.

“Emperor” Bokassa, Charles Taylor, assorted Jungle generals, Witch Doctors and Sangomas. A continent of a billion Homo africanus, with a mean IQ of 68, statistically increasing in population to 5-6 Billion by 2100. The rewards for our delusion, that Human Rights are Natural Rights at the Afro-Asiatic Bazaar: Cannibalism and Usury.

9 September, 2016 11:04 pm

Now, I have found out more about the Black Homeland for former slaves in America.
Liberia, what a name, the Blacks were reported as attacking each other aboard ship.
The cause, reported by NYT Scribler, was argument about who would be Top Rail, when
they arrived in Liberia.
Cannibalism would be a natural for the slaves, who had no idea about producing food.
Obama has a subsidized Airfare for Blacks & Ebola was instrumental in getting Blacks here
for Treatment.
However, Benefits are more generous in the States.

Josef Tone
Josef Tone
8 August, 2019 5:45 am

The pure bred Negro, all by himself; dark skin, dark heart, dark soul.

Reply to  Josef Tone
11 May, 2021 5:30 pm

There are some good Blacks out there but they are few and far between. It seems to me that the Blacks are more predudiced and racist than anyone on planet earth! All races have gone through hard times!! But they want a medal!!

Reply to  Larry
12 May, 2021 7:15 pm

Greetings Larry. Quite so. Good Blacks should help their tribes in Africa but I suspect they are too afraid to go there and be invited for lunch with the local rulers. Africa needs them. Instead of sending aid funds to Africa the US should create an African Peace Corps and send welfare money recipients there. Both Africa and the US would benefit. Those African recipients should pay for a medal to reward the Whites who send them there. Africa is a land of opportunity! Get it before it becomes Chinese. Also, America should pay African countries to house criminals from America so they can experience their own culture.

Reply to  Truthweed
13 May, 2021 6:01 pm

Some afterthoughts: Sending US Africans to Africa will increase the average IQ of both countries – a win/win situation. As an incentive to Africa, every returned African should be swapped for a whole family of White farmers who should be expelled to America.

21 February, 2020 8:47 pm
Reply to  Sethmoto101
22 February, 2020 4:00 am

At $15 this is quite a bargain. I’ve had this book (two copies, actually) for many years and found it to be factual, dry, well annotated, and an extensive bibliography- just what I like in a scholarly work. Good idea bringing it up, Sethmoto101