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Favoritism Toward Non-Whites and More on the Waywardness of Blacks
by David Sims Anti-White Bankers (What Else Is New?) THE BANK OF AMERICA (BoA) has announced zero down payment, zero closing cost mortgages for first-time non-White home buyers. Whites are explicitly excluded from this benefit. Someone really should take Bank of America to court over this, to the…
Blacks Can’t Figure Out the Simplest Things: Water Pressure
by David Sims NOT LONG ago, the city of Jackson, Mississippi, was having problems with keeping the water running in area houses. The pressure was low due to water being depleted from tanks owned by the water utility. The local “engineers,” mostly Blacks, couldn’t figure out how…
Whites Avoiding Blacks
by David Sims THE QUESTION WAS ASKED on Quora: “Why do rich Black people move to White neighborhoods, and rich White people not move to Black neighborhoods?” Russ Dewolf’s answer, in which he said that Whites do move to Black neighborhoods sometimes, is misleading. When Whites move to…
The Jurisprudence of Floydism, part 2
The justices of the Washington state Supreme Court by Douglas Mercer MANY WILL RECALL THE lament that there are more Blacks in prison than college. But when the Black man knocks off a liquor store at gunpoint, what’s the store clerk going to do — hand the tar monster a Harvard application?…
Peace Is White Supremacy
PLEASE WATCH THE AMAZING video above. Muh Biden Sign. Believe it or not, the fact that you and many of your dead relatives voted for a loathsome pedophile scumbag is not going to protect you from the dark mobs.…
Blacks: The Cost Is Too Great
And it isn’t only the cost of housing, policing, coddling, imprisoning, feeding, and paying them forevermore: Now we are expected to essentially give our daughters and our entire nation to them. by David Sims NO BLACK person is British. “British” isn’t a political category; it…
Why do White Liberals Speak for Black People?
by David Sims THE REASON White “liberals” speak for Black people is because the liberal Whites are better-spoken — meaning they have superior language skills, as compared with the Blacks themselves. And the liberal Whites are cleverer liars than the Blacks are. That’s not to say…
Not-so-great Expectations
by David Sims ON FOX News recently, one of their pet Negroes waxed eloquent about how Blacks do well in school when standards are raised instead of lowered. At about 1:13 in the video below, he says, “Take a look at Capital Prep. A charter school with locations in Harlem, the Bronx, Hartford (Connecticut),…
Hearty Congratulations to an Artist-Philosopher
NOW WE SHOULDN’T be too surprised by this. Black men like to play the field a bit, and see which babies come out the prettiest, before they eventually settle down as good fambly men with their three or four favourite women. Or to put it another way, they whelp with all the diligence and foresight of…
Oakland, California “Juneteenth”: White People Don’t Act This Way
CAN YOU imagine an ambulance being called to a White neighborhood, arriving with the intention to save someone’s life, and the White neighbors emerging from their homes and doing what you see in this…