Will the Real Tucker Carlson Please Stand Up?
by Martin Kerr
TUCKER CARLSON WAS FIRED from Fox News two months ago on short notice. Since then, pro-White circles and the mainstream media alike have been a-buzz speculating on the reason or reasons that he was so unceremoniously let go. Since then, he’s reappeared on Twitter.
For the anti-Whites on both the Left and the Right, it is a given that Tucker is a hardcore “racist,” and that that was a key factor in his dismissal. Yet, among the pro-Whites, a debate rages on just how much of a “racist” Carlson really is. Confusing the matter are his own words, which sometimes seem pro-White, while on other occasions are explicitly hostile to any form of pro-White racial consciousness.
Let’s let Tucker speak for himself. Here is a partial transcript of remarks which he made in a podcast with sympathetic interviewer Adam Corolla earlier in April, before his dismissal:
I will say this, if I could just make one prediction. So the United States is becoming nonwhite. Everyone’s excited about it. Or if you’re not excited about it, it doesn’t matter. Whites are going to be in the minority. So what that means — soon — so what that means is, you’re gonna get, at some point, probably in my lifetime, people standing up and saying, “I represent white people! I’m the candidate of the white voter!”
And I just wanna say, on the record, that I’m gonna tell that person to f___ off. Because nobody speaks — I’m a, I’m an adult man, and nobody speaks for me ’cause he shares the same skin color as me. I just reject that entire idea. If I agree with you, I’ll let you speak for me, and if I don’t, I won’t. But this idea that someone of a certain skin color, any skin color, or any ethnic background speaks automatically on behalf of all people who share that skin color or ethnic background is a Nazi idea, and I’m totally opposed to it. And I will be opposed to it when it happens to me. When some — this will happen — someone’s gonna, “Oh, white people!” And I’ll be like, “I don’t even know you, dude. I don’t even know you. I refuse to allow you to purport to speak for me ’cause we look the same, period.”
Well, I mean, the whole thing, everything about it is shocking to me, including the fact that people put up with it. The endless attacks on the whites, and I’m not defending whites — plenty of them, in fact, most of the people who annoy me are white, okay — but to attack any group as a group is by definition, like, a Nazi move.
Let us summarize: (1) Carlson is aware that White people are being systematically replaced in the US, but (2) he doesn’t care. (3) Further, he rejects the notion that Whites share any common interests, because White people don’t have anything in common other than their skin color, which he deems irrelevant. (4) He also rejects any leader who may arise seeking to defend White racial interests. (5) To do so, says is a “Nazi idea.” He says this twice (in slightly different wording), just so people know that Carlson is not just non-Nazi, but is, in fact, completely anti-Nazi.
So noted, Tucker, and we will surely keep that in mind!
He is right, of course, that thinking in racial terms and defending the interests of White people is at the core of National Socialism. In assigning a negative value to pro-White racial consciousness, however, he damns himself with his own words (even if he does not seem to be aware of it).
So there we have it, right? Tucker Carlson does not consider himself to be a White racist. But not so fast! Here is a text which he purportedly sent on January 7, 2021 (note the date), in which he takes an explicitly pro-White stance [emphasis added]:
A couple of weeks ago, I was watching video of people fighting on the street in Washington. A group of Trump guys surrounded an Antifa kid and started pounding the living s___ out of him. It was three against one, at least. Jumping a guy like that is dishonorable obviously. It’s not how white men fight. Yet suddenly I found myself rooting for the mob against the man, hoping they’d hit him harder, kill him. I really wanted them to hurt the kid. I could taste it. Then somewhere deep in my brain, an alarm went off: this isn’t good for me. I’m becoming something I don’t want to be. The Antifa creep is a human being. Much as I despise what he says and does, much as I’m sure I’d hate him personally if I knew him, I shouldn’t gloat over his suffering. I should be bothered by it. I should remember that somewhere somebody probably loves this kid, and would be crushed if he was killed. If I don’t care about those things, if I reduce people to their politics, how am I better than he is?
Here, Carlson (1) clearly identifies himself as a White man, (2) identifies Trump supporters as fellow Whites, and (3) claims that Whites normally behave with superior morality to anti-Whites (here represented by Antifa). There is no talk about “skin color” being the only characteristic that separates the races, and, indeed, skin color is not even mentioned.
Some in the media claim that it was specifically this comment in the text that led to Carlson being fired. (Personally, I do not think that he was dismissed for any single thing he said, but rather for the cumulative effect of his words and stances over a period of years.)
So what are we, as National Socialists, to make of all this? Is Tucker Carlson pro-White or not?
If we take his words in the two lengthy passages cited here as being truthful reflections of his thoughts, the logical conclusion is that he is, at the least, racially neurotic, and possibly racially schizophrenic. In this he would be like many, many American Whites: In his heart he feels one way, but the face he presents to public, guided by his intellect, is entirely the opposite. His racial instincts tell him that Whites are honorable and should hold themselves to a higher standard of behavior than their enemies. But he tells his audience that race does not exist (apart from skin color) and he rejects the very idea that White people have any collective interests.
This type of racial neurosis is all too common among the White population these days. Ideally, what someone feels in his heart, what he thinks in his brain, what he says in public, and how he behaves should all line up. Such consistency is the hallmark of a healthy, integrated personality. But Tucker Carlson does not have such a personality, and so he is racially defective and unreliable.
Over the past years, the effect of Carlson’s commentaries has been largely beneficial to the White population. He has said things that others in the media have dared not say, and he has called attention to topics others have willfully ignored. And, like Donald Trump, he has “all the right enemies.” But until he gets his inner life straightened out, and accepts the biological and spiritual realities of race, we cannot say that he is on our side.
Addendum: What It Means to ‘Fight White’
I understand, even if the talking bobbleheads of the media do not, what Tucker Carlson means when he says, “that’s not how White men fight.”
He and I are both part of the same generation, and presumably were taught similar values by our fathers and other adult males when it comes to fighting. We were instructed, through words and example, that there was an honorable way to fight another man. This was called “fighting fair” and it was indeed the way White men fought. There were simply things that you did not do in a fight:
- All fights should be one-on-one. If you have a beef with another male, the two of you should settle it with each other, and your friends and observers must not participate.
- You do not attack another man without warning. That is called a “sneak attack” or “sucker punch.” Nor do you attack another man from behind.
- You do not kick or stomp on a fallen opponent. The goal of a fight is to assert dominance over your opponent, not to kill or to maim him.
- No biting, eye gouging, or striking the groin.
- Kicking was frowned upon; “that’s how girls fight” we were told. Likewise, no scratching, pinching, or hair-pulling — these were all considered feminine and unmanly.
- You don’t strike women.
- You do not use a weapon if your opponent is unarmed.
- The fight is over when one opponent gives up, or if he is unable to continue. You do not continue to beat someone who is no longer able to defend himself.
I understand that things change over time. The rise of mixed martial arts has now made kicking more permissible, for example. But the other rules are more or less in effect, one hopes.
We knew, back in the days in which I was growing up, that these guidelines only applied when White boys fought each other. If you had to fight a Black or a Puerto Rican, you should not expect any of the niceties listed above to apply. And even among Whites, there were low-lives who would not fight honorably. I remember one neighborhood tough, a White youngster from an otherwise respectable family, Jerry V., whom we all knew “fought like a nigger.” We avoided being around him whenever possible.
In 1991, I had a conversation with two brothers who attended a racially mixed middle school in Gaithersburg, Maryland. One told me of a common schoolyard chant,
A fight! A fight! A nigger and a White!
If the White don’t win, we all jump in!
Such an attitude reflects the reality of racial struggle in the real world. If you are forced to fight non-Whites, do not expect them to “fight White.” Adjust your values and defend yourself accordingly.
* * *
Source: New Order
Whites don’t “have” to be a minority, Tucker! We can stand up for ourselves and say enough replacing us! In fact, we must do this.
We built this country. No one else. No non-white groups or individuals have the right to just waltz in here and take it from us, legally or illegally.
He, and all other supposedly pro-white people should be devoting all of their time and resources into how we’re going to stop non-whites from coming in, and how we’re going to get current ones out. For us, our children, and our grandchildren.
Carlson was never ‘pro-white’ — on his program he may have featured some controversial topics, e.g. the ‘great replacement’ (he would not have called it dispossession or said it was a threat to Whites), affirmative action and its inherent unfairness, etc, and these issues may disproportionately and adversely affect Whites, but that is not the same as being ‘pro-white’. Peter Brimelow wrote Alien Nation and has run the Vdare website for decades, but when the NYT called him a White Nationalist he sued them — if the purpose of his immigration activism wasn’t to preserve a majority white America, then what was the purpose? I don’t hold it against Carlson for not being openly ‘pro-white’ — he was good at drawing attention to topics that affect Whites. Similarly, I don’t… Read more »
We in the National Alliance take the hard stance, we name names, tell the truth whether it is popular or not, and our stance is uncompromising as to our needs and goals we have set out to accomplish using the Program of the National Alliance to guide us. The White race needs tough, hard men and women to accomplish this; the Tucker Carlsons and the Peter Brimelows of the world who dance around without doing anything concrete are weak men who lead us nowhere. If White men falter due to there being too many of these weak men, this may end our race permanently and we won’t be remembered by our enemies except as they spit upon our memories. If you have the fighting mettle our ancestors had, join us… Read more »
I disagree; the likes of Jared Taylor had not benefited White people in the long term. I would admit that some of his articles and videos were very good. HOWEVER, if you do not denounce clearly the mortal enemy of your race by calling it by its name, you are a traitor. We must be ruthless in our action. If Hitler and his men would have been worried about what the Jews would have done or said, the glorious NS victory of 1933 would have never happened.
The National Alliance is the only political group or organization that has understood this principle and do not compromise in ANY way with the rotten system established by our enemies.
An old aphorism is ‘perfect is the enemy of good’ — I think it applies in the case of Jared Taylor and his work on behalf of white people. And I say ‘on behalf of white people’ because I do think Jared Taylor is pro-white, and has been for a long time. His media appearances are unfailingly professional — he’s an erudite, well-spoken man who always makes a very good impression as an advocate for white identity and self-interest. I can live with the fact he will not openly address the role of Jews.
Yes, it is a big plus for the National Alliance that they highlight the role of Jews in undermining white society.
Angelicus: … if you do not denounce clearly the mortal enemy of your race by calling it by its name, you are a traitor. We must be ruthless in our action… — You’re right that members of our race must recognize and name the mortal enemy of their race, but the “t”-word is harsh to describe those who have yet to be awakened and aroused to what seems to many the incredible truth who that enemy is. When you encounter a member of our race and try to educate him that there is a mortal enemy of our race and who that enemy is and his eyes glaze over and he puts his fingers in his ears, move on. Don’t call him a traitor. Be satisfied that you may have… Read more »
Mr. Williams: Thank you for your kind words. To be the recipient of a favourable comment by you is an honour. You are right about me being too harsh. I admit “I have a very short fuse” as the English say, but I cannot help it. However, I will remember what you said because is foolish to alienate potential comrades by words spoken in anger. I use a pseudonym because I live in a country where the feeble but still effective guarantees regarding freedom of speech that you enjoy in the USA are non-existent and the slightest word against the Jews will land you in jail. I consider a pleasure and an honour to be able to contribute to the National Alliance even in a very small manner (a few… Read more »
Angelicus: I will remember what you said because is foolish to alienate potential comrades by words spoken in anger… — As a valuable proponent of our Alliance, try to channel your justifiable anger productively. I consider American Renaissance a valuable entry level group, despite its avoidance of the JQ because it is very effective in matters of race. Even Stormfront, which is all over the board, attracts people looking for solution to the problems White America faces. NA has found potential support at both of those sites. I’ve attended their conferences in the past and met good people who joined with us. I can say the same about CoCC (Council of Conservative Citizens) though they openly state, “CoCC is a Christian organization, based on Christian principles.” I overlooked that and… Read more »
Thank you very much for your advice, Mr. Williams. Obviously, it pays off to bit our lips sometimes and do not say what we really think. I must try harder to curb my temper, the examples you provided are very good ones and worth imitating. Regards.
We just need one billionaire to leave his estate to the National Alliance.
Or a million Ted Veghs to donate $1000. You can even split that up over 50 months at $20/per month (the National Alliance’s minimum dues rate.) Billionaires can’t really be counted on, they are rather vulnerable to Jews who can take everything away from them rather easily. A million White men and women are, however, much more difficult for Jews to control. So how about it, Ted? Can we look forward to seeing a donation from you?
Fully agree with this assessment. Although I disapprove Jared Taylor’s readiness to accept Jews as “Whites”, I think that he does his work well. He has chosen his niche and works in its framework for many years. This fact alone, his long-time dedication to the cause, deserves to be respected. I was disgusted to see Laura Loomer to be invited as a speaker to the last American Renaissance conference. But it backfired spectacularly; the commentary section on AmRen Odyssee channel was overflowing with White rage. People expressed absolute disapproval. Very few said anything even remotely positive about Laura Loomer. It means that AmRen auditory consists mostly of the people who share our views, not the Jew-friendliness of Jared Taylor. All of them listen Jared Taylor only because he speaks truth… Read more »
I did not know who Laura Loomer is, I looked her up and now I understand your comment. Like Mr. Williams you are right; in a way Jared Taylor has helped or at least awaken many White Americans about the vital importance of race and the on-going war against the White race. That, in itself is very valuable. I tend to see things in black and white and that has led me sometimes to wrong conclusions. I am aware that political activism demands a certain flexibility. Thank you for you observations and information
Carlson was perfectly willing to sell his soul to the Zionist media and he would still be there if they had not fired him. How can anyone trust this man.
Whites have always been a minority. Anywhere we haven’t has only been a regional phenomenon. I personally think our becoming a minority in the US would not be the beginning of the end but rather could be what saves us. We conquered the world as a minority. It seems like only when we are outnumbered that the majority of Whites are able to think and act in their own interest.
On a side note regarding that chant: https://genius.com/Apache-a-fight-lyrics
Very good observation Joe. Carlson NEVER had the guts to say what it should be said. Some people make stupid excuses like “He would have been fired” So what? If your pathetic career means more to you than the welfare and survival of your people, then you are a despicable human being and an enemy. It is simple as that.
Yes, the racial awareness comes only when the very existence of the race is threatened. Therefore, the popularity of our ideas will grow exponentially with deterioration of the overall situation. Jews miscalculated greatly on this point. They thought in a linear fashion. They supposed that if Whites didn’t resist when their share decreased from 90% to 60%, they would behave in the same passive fashion when their number slump to 30%. No way. The 50% threshold is sure to mark a new stage when situation turns into much more violent phase. On the one hand non-whites would think that the final victory is near and they can grab everything they want; but on the other hand Whites would start to see more clearly the reality around them. The Jewish dream… Read more »
“Their temporary success isn’t a sign of their brightness but the result of White decadence and insanity.”
Very good! This could serve as an award winning thesis statement. It is the truth when assessing things in a cosmic scope. This power they have will end soon.