Classic Essays

Is Science “Hatred”?

races-of-manOr is it a means of understanding reality?

by John Ashley

A RACE is a major division of the human species. Its members, though differing from one another in many minor respects, are nevertheless, as a whole, distinguished by a particular combination of features, principally non-adaptive, which they have inherited from ancestors alike as they are themselves. These distinguishing features are most apparent in body, where they are both structural and measurable, but manifest themselves also in innate capacity for intellectual and emotional development as well as temperament and character.

Like many White people, I once thought that the only difference between the races was the color of skin. After all, I had been taught this in school as well as by the many television programs which either directly or indirectly promote this idea of racial equality.

However, as I grew older, I came to think twice about this idea, and as I learned more about the world (I had an avid interest in history), it became clear to me that if the races were truly “equal”, they would have contributed to the world equally. Also, it became clear to me in my contacts with other races that the other races did not think or act the same as White people. There was a definite difference between us and I later learned that these differences are caused by biological differences.

There are only two ways people can be equal. One way is to be the same physically; the other is to be the same mentally. Considering the former first, are people the same physically? No. We have tall and short, thin and fat, young and old, White and Black, strong and weak, fast and slow, plus all sorts of mediums and in-betweens. No equality is to be seen among individuals. As to differences among races, there are many differences such as head shape and facial features, physical maturity at birth, brain formation and cranial capacity, visual and auditory acuity, body size and proportions, number of vertebrae, blood types, bone density, length of gestation period, number and distribution of sweat glands, rate of infant development of alpha brain waves, fingerprints, ability to digest milk, hair forms and distribution, odor, colorblindness, genetic diseases (such as sickle cell anemia and Tay Sachs), galvanic skin resistance, pigmentation of the skin and eyes, and susceptibility to infectious diseases.

If there are this many physical differences, it would be silly to think that there would be no mental differences, and indeed we do find that they not only exist, but are of great significance.

The brain is the most important organ in the human body. It comprises only 2% of our total body weight but uses 25% of all the calories we consume. The brain never sleeps; it works around the clock keeping the body functioning. Besides the thinking process, it operates the heart, respiratory and digestive systems, and directs the body’s resistance to disease.

In his epic book The Story of Man, Professor Carleton S. Coon (former President of the American Association of Anthropologists) wrote that the weight of the average Black brain is 1249 grams, compared to the weight of 1380 grams of the average White brain, and that the average cubic capacity of the Black brain is 1316 cubic centimeters, and was 1481 cubic centimeters in the White Man. He also found that brain weight and size is greatest in Whites, with Orientals second, Blacks third, and Australian aborigines last.

The differences in brain size between the races is in large part due to the differing sizes and shapes of the skull. Any anatomist, for example, can look at a skull and instantly tell you if it belongs to the White or Black race, and this is borne out by the fact that when a person’s body is found, that person’s race can be determined even if it is completely decomposed and only the skeleton is remaining.

The Black skull is narrow with a low forehead. It is not only smaller but is thicker than that of the average White. The hardness and thickness of the Black skull has much to do with their success as boxers, for they can generally absorb more blows to the head than their White counterparts. The area of the brain termed the cerebral cortex is the most recently evolved and most complex part of the brain. It governs the most advanced types of mental activity, such as mathematical ability and other forms of abstract reasoning.

Dr. Coon wrote that there is a considerable difference between the Black brain and the White. The frontal lobe of the Black forebrain is less developed than that of the White. Thus, their ability in the performance of thinking, planning, communication, and behavior is more limited than in Whites.

Professor Coon also found that this area of the Black brain is thinner and less grooved on the outer surface than in that of a White person, and that the development of this part of the brain ceases at an earlier age in the Black, thus limiting further intellectual advancement. Nor is Dr. Coon alone in his conclusions.

The following researchers, in the listed years, using different procedures, showed the differences to run from 2.6 to 7.9% in favor of Whites: Todd (1923), Pearl (1934), Simmons (1942), and Connolly (1950). In 1980, Khang-cheng Ho and associates, working at the Case Western Institute of Pathology, determined that White men had brains 8.2% larger than those of Black men, while White women had brains 8.1% larger than those of Black women. (Women’s brains are smaller than men’s if measured absolutely, but larger in proportion to their body size).

Even more important than brain size are differences in brain shape, fissuration, the number of pyramidal neurons, and supra-grandular layer thickness. It has long been known that the depth of fissuration is related to superior intelligence, and the brains of Whites have deeper fissures in the frontal and occipital regions. In 1932 and 1934, studies by F.W. Vint showed that the supra-granular layer of Black brains is 16% smaller than it is for White brains. (Ed. Note: The subject of Black-White skull shape/brain differences is also covered in depth by Kevin Strom’s ADV broadcast entitled “Biological Reality: Part 3”.)

Black infants mature faster than White infants. Their motor skills develop earlier, along with their mental alertness, but they later start falling behind, so that by the age of five, Whites have not only caught up, but have developed a 15 point I.Q. advantage. By age six, the larger brain size of young Whites is clearly evident. (Of all the I.Q. tests that have ever been given, most show the I.Q. differences to run from 15% to 23% with 15% being the more common).

Studies by Todd (1923), Vint (1932 & 1934), Pearl (1934), Simmons (1942), Connolly (1950), and Ho (1980 & 1981) showed major differences between the races in both brain size and development, and hundreds of psychometric experiments have again and again confirmed the 15 point average I.Q. advantage that Whites hold over Blacks. However, such studies are very much discouraged today and there would be a frenzied effort to suppress them if they did take place.

Indeed, studying the biological differences between the races seems to be one of the only topics in our country that is “off limits” to talk about. The findings of Professor Audrey Shuey, in a monumental compendium of 50 years of I.Q. tests entitled, The Testing of Negro Intelligence, are that Blacks, on average, score 15 to 20 points lower than Whites. This research has recently been confirmed by the bestseller, The Bell Curve.

The average overlap (in which exceptional Blacks score the same as Whites) is only 11%. Equality would require a 50% overlap. According to Professor Henry Garrett, author of Children: Black and White, for every one gifted Black, there are seven to eight gifted Whites. He also states that 80% of gifted Blacks are of mixed blood. In addition, the researchers Baker, Eysenck, Jensen, Peterson, Garrett, Pinter, Shuey, Tyler, and Yerkes all agree that Blacks are inferior in reasoning and abstract thought, numerical calculation, and conceptual memory.

It should also be noted that those of mixed blood score higher than those of pure Black ancestry, but lower than those of pure White ancestry. This explains why light-skinned Blacks are almost always more intelligent than dark-skinned. An easy way for you to examine whether this is true or not is to look at the “Blacks” on television, particularly on news programs. Many of them have as much or more White blood than Black, and as a result, are more capable of communication on a par with Whites.

The argument has been made that I.Q. tests are somehow “culturally biased.” However, this can be easily refuted by the fact Asians right off the boat from Asia, totally unaccustomed to our culture (which certainly cannot be said of American Blacks), outperform Blacks on these tests. Also, American Indians, who clearly are the most socially disadvantaged group in America, also outperform Blacks. Lastly, poor Whites with few advantages still outperform upper class Blacks who have been thoroughly integrated into our culture.

Furthermore, every I.Q. test which has been given by the U.S. Dept. of Education, all branches of the Armed Forces, state, county, and city boards of education, have always found that Blacks test on average of 15 points lower than White children. If the tests were culturally biased, it would be practically impossible that each test, which contains a great variety of questions, could possibly be biased to such a precise degree.

Research by the Society for Research on Child Development demonstrates that the vast majority of Black children score in the lower range on I.Q. tests.

As an I.Q. of 85 to 115 is considered normal, it can be seen that the majority of Black children fall below this. It can also be seen that many more White children than Black have I.Q.s of more than 100.

The difference in raw brainpower is not the only mental difference between Whites and Blacks. According to J.P. Rushton’s analysis, Blacks are more excitable, more violent, less sexually restrained, more impulsive, more prone to crime, less altruistic, less inclined to follow rules, and less cooperative. The crime statistics, the impulsive and violent nature of most crimes that Blacks commit, the fact that integrated schools require more discipline and oftentimes the presence of police than do all-White schools, and the greater willingness on the part of Blacks to participate in riots would all seem to confirm Mr. Rushton’s observations. (Ed. Note: Mr. Strom’s “Savage Africa” programs — both Part 1 and Part 2 — go into great detail about Black African behavioral differences.)

Thomas Dixon, author of the book which became probably the greatest movie of all time, The Birth of a Nation, perhaps put the idea of racial equality between Whites and Blacks best when he wrote the following:

“Education, sir, is the development of that which is. Since the dawn of history the Negro has owned the continent of Africa — rich beyond the dream of poet’s fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a White man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use.

”He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail!”

At one time, when there was much more expression of free thought and the media were not so thoroughly under Jewish control, the books of science and reference readily expounded upon the facts above. The Book of Popular Science, Vol. 11, 1931 edition, page 515, for example, stated the following under its chapter on “Primitive People”:

”The verdict is that the Negro does belong to an inferior race. His brain capacity is poorer, its construction simpler . . . It is in this respect that alcohol and other drugs which paralyze self-control are his enemies.”

A second example is a direct quote from the section on the Negro in The Encyclopedia Britanica, 11th Edition, page 244:

“The colour of the skin, which is also distinguished by a velvety surface and a characteristic odour, is due not to the presence of any special pigment, but to the greater abundance of the colouring matter in the Malpighian mucous membrane between the inner or true skin and the epidermis or scarf skin. Excess of pigmentation is not confined to the skin; spots of pigment are often found in some of the internal organs, such as the liver, spleen, &c. Other characteristics appear to be a hypertrophy of the organs of excretion, a more developed venous system, and a less voluminous brain, as compared with the white races.

“In certain of the characteristics mentioned above the negro would appear to stand on a lower evolutionary plane than the white man, and to be more closely related to the highest anthropoids (apes). The characteristics are length of arm, prognathism, a heavy massive cranium with large zygomatic arches, flat nose depressed at base, &c.

“Mentally, the negro is inferior to the white. The remark of F. Manetta, made after a long study of the negro in America, may be taken as generally true of the whole race: ‘the negro children were sharp, intelligent, and full of vivacity, but on approaching the adult period a gradual change set in. The intellect seemed to become clouded, animation giving place to a sort of lethargy, briskness yielding to indolence. We must necessarily suppose that the development of the negro and white proceeds on different lines. While with the latter the volume of the brain grows with the expansion of the brainpan, in the former the growth of the brain is on the contrary arrested by the premature closing of the cranial sutures and lateral pressure of the frontal bone.’ This explanation is reasonable and probable as a contributing cause…”

Why has this information been removed? Simply put, it has been removed because it did not conform to the agenda of the government and media. Please remember that until the 1960s, racial differences between the White and Black races were almost universally known and accepted. These are the biological facts of race. I realize that they may not be “politically correct” but facts are no less facts if they are “politically correct” or not.

It is not hatred to state the biological facts that the White race possesses more intellectual capability than the other races — any more than it is hatred to state that humans possess more intellectual capability than animals, and some animals possess more intellectual capability than other animals. Science has nothing to do with hatred, but everything to do with reality.

* * *

Source: Usenet

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Blibo Swaggings
Blibo Swaggings
13 November, 2016 1:56 am

Is this article’s name retarded?