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Welcome to the psych ward; the reinforced glass is for your own protection. by Martin Kerr TUCKER CARLSON WAS FIRED from Fox News two months ago on short notice. Since then, pro-White circles and the mainstream media alike have been a-buzz speculating on the reason or reasons that he was so unceremoniously…
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David SimsEssays

A reprise of my central point regarding the efficacy and worth of philosophy in the absence of science by David Sims I THINK that philosophers know as little about ethics, absent any empirical research into it, than they do about anything else. Rather, the reason philosophers make free, at present,…
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With some Jews you don’t need to do any further research or editing to show what they’re like — the Wikipedia entry by itself is more than enough to understand their “ethics.” But we should say was more than enough; the 2014 text used here has been toned down a great deal
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by Kenneth Anderson ACCORDING TO Anthony Stevens the psychobiological functions required of religion are: A mythological explanation of how we began and how we relate to the cosmos;Sanctification of the ethical code, to insure group cohesion;Providing rituals and bonding ceremonies to rejuvenate…
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In the great span of world history, nearly all change and progress has come from an under-served and out-of-power group pushing, prodding, and pounding on those who hold power to expand it to include a wider and more diverse population. NO. Prior to the disastrous Jewish century and the Semitic doctrines…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims CAN “racism” be ethical? Here’s a cut-short debate in which I showed that the correct answer to that question is “yes.” TomDJ wrote on Disqus: This came up in a couple previous threads not too long ago. I’ve had individuals give talking points regarding…
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EssaysH. Millard

by H. Millard IT IS FAIRLY COMMON to hear awakened Whites say that we must survive as Whites. I often say that myself. But what does it mean for us to “survive as Whites”? Is it just the person we see in the mirror who must survive this life until he or she dies a natural death? Is that all there is…
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Untrammeled logic and reason is “scary” and “racist,” according to this controlled media article. LET’S FACE IT: artificial intelligence is scary. After decades of dystopian science fiction novels and movies where sentient machines end up turning on humanity, we can’t…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims ABOUT 10% of the members of the US House of Representatives are blacks, but five of the six of the Representatives who were under review by the House Ethics Committee in March 2012 were black. Go back three years, to 2009, and you would find that all seven of the Members of Congress who were…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

A Cosmotheist lecture never before transcribed by Dr. William L. Pierce I WANT TO talk to you some more this evening about ethics and about behavior, in particular about the way in which we should behave. Last week we saw a couple of interesting films on man’s origins and on animal behavior, and let me remind…
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