Posts Tagged
Racial differences
Will the Real Tucker Carlson Please Stand Up?
Welcome to the psych ward; the reinforced glass is for your own protection. by Martin Kerr TUCKER CARLSON WAS FIRED from Fox News two months ago on short notice. Since then, pro-White circles and the mainstream media alike have been a-buzz speculating on the reason or reasons that he was so unceremoniously…
America: The Ongoing Slaughter
by David Sims IN 2019, there were 566 Black-on-White murders. In that same year, there were 246 “White”-on-Black murders. Of the “White” perpetrators, 95 were really non-Whites that the FBI/DoJ misleadingly categorizes as Whites when counting crime offenders, hence…
The Rebirth of Race
by Douglas Mercer A FUNNY THING HAPPENED on the way to a post-racial color-blind future. Against all expectations, race was reborn. And it’s no surprise for anyone who has been paying attention: Race is both the oldest and the newest aspect of Life, and the thin gruel of a “content of your…
Australoid Skull Features Prove Deep Racial Differences
The true White liberal sees no differences except skin color. by Ryan Cavallius THE MISTAKEN NOTION that human racial differences are only ‘skin deep,’ while unfortunately still popular today, has in fact been long ago refuted by research and observation in a wide range of professional fields. One…
Race Differences in Bone Density
by Ryan Cavallius DESPITE THE CLAIMS of egalitarian propagandists over the past century or so that human racial differences are ‘only skin deep,’ it is a well-established fact that the physiological differences which distinguish one race of man from another include far more than just those which…
David Sims: The Answer Man
questions by Internet users on Quora
answers by David Sims “WHY DOES SOCIETY run from the truth when we see it?” Because, in its past, people (society) made mistakes and the errors became established as social canon. Many people invested themselves in the beliefs that propagated out of…
answers by David Sims “WHY DOES SOCIETY run from the truth when we see it?” Because, in its past, people (society) made mistakes and the errors became established as social canon. Many people invested themselves in the beliefs that propagated out of…
A Universal Plague
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 24 September, 2022 by Kevin Alfred Strom THE JEWISH-RUN so-called “mainstream media” like to claim that the National Alliance idea of the toxicity…
Why Did Humans Evolve into Such Different Races?
by David Sims HUMANOIDS SPLIT FROM THE Great Apes in Africa about five million years ago. Migrations of humanoids out of Africa probably happened many times, and most of those migrations left no trace that we have been able to find in our era. Anatomically modern humans, or approximately such, probably…
Grandeur and Envy
by David Sims THE WHITE RACE HAS a grand history; it is perhaps the grandest history of all the races of mankind. The discovery and mathematical description of electromagnetism was a White achievement, and so was the industrial use of electric power. So was the internal combustion engine. So was nuclear…
Are the Races Equally Intelligent?
by David Sims A QUESTION from Quora: “Are all races equally intelligent?” No. Intelligence is differently distributed among the races. Intelligence isn’t how much you know; it is, rather, how quickly and how completely you can learn more. It’s the ability to “catch on” to circumstances…