David Sims: The Answer Man
questions by Internet users on Quora
answers by David Sims
“WHY DOES SOCIETY run from the truth when we see it?”
Because, in its past, people (society) made mistakes and the errors became established as social canon. Many people invested themselves in the beliefs that propagated out of the errors, and they don’t want to be embarrassed and lose their social “investments” if the errors were to be exposed and overthrown.
One such error, made by the West about the middle of the 20th century, is the idea of racial equality. The races aren’t equals, and the idea led to all kinds of mistakes that have cost trillions of dollars, have corrupted the government and many big corporations, have begun the rise of tyranny, have collapsed the social order, have reduced the faith of men in their fellow men — and appear likely to end civilization.
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“Why do Black women call themselves queens?”
Another person who answered this question proposed that Black women are compensating for low self-esteem by calling themselves queens. I think to the contrary. Low-IQ people tend to overestimate themselves because they aren’t even smart enough to perceive their own mental limitations. High-IQ people, on the other hand, question themselves about ignorance (the limits of their information) and on the limits of their intellectual abilities, which they are smart enough to perceive. Because Blacks are typically people of low IQ, they commonly possess a self-esteem that is far higher than it should be. They blunder, and then they blame someone else. They fail, and they blame a non-existent “systemic racism” for their failure.
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“Why do people think race is not real?”
A lot of bad things happened in scientific establishments in 1973. The American Psychiatric Association revised its diagnostic manual to remove homosexuality as a disorder. There was no scientific basis for that decision. No new data had come to light that proved that homosexuality was a normal human condition. Instead, the leaders of the APA were subjected to an onslaught of political pressure and constant harassment by Marxist activists and homosexual infiltrators, and the scientists were basically badgered until they gave in. That was unfortunate, because it was the first step on the slippery slope that led to Critical Race Theory (“White people are evil”), pornography in children’s textbooks, “drag queen story hour,” and other grotesquely perverted doings that are routine today.
Another thing that happened in 1973 is that a Jewish geneticist at Harvard named Richard Lewtonin published a paper in which he asserted that the differences in the DNA between races were so small that no one, working with genetic information alone, would be able to identify the race of the individual who supplied the sample. This was called the Lewontin Hypothesis. Leftists who heard about it began creating slogans for chanting in protest rallies. You’ve probably heard them: “There’s only ONE race, the HUMAN race!” and “Race is a social construct!”
The Lewonton Hypothesis was proved wrong in the late 1990s, when advances in genetics made it possible to identify the race of an individual from his DNA alone. Police began using DNA analysis to identify criminal suspects. Family courts began using it to determine which man (of several possible men) was the actual father of a child whose mother wasn’t quite sure about its paternity. In 2005, a study was published in which researchers, working blind, were able to predict how a study subject would identify himself by race in 3,631 out of 3,636 cases.
But leftists and Jews never give up a good lie. They just kept on chanting their slogans as if science had not proved them wrong. More people hear those chants than read scientific papers, so in the propaganda war the lefties are still kicking.
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“What are some misconceptions about White nationalism?”
Because of constant Jewish propaganda in the media, many people think that White nationalists are mean, boorish, and poorly educated. It isn’t true. I’m a White nationalist. There have been White nationalists with doctorate degrees in physics, in business, in math, in law, in medicine, and in anything else that you can get a Ph.D., a DBA, a J.D., or a MD for.
And, although we are racists, we’re not trying to be mean to anybody. Our preference is to associate with other human beings of our own race, and our political goal is to create a country where our race is forever dominant, where we alone make the laws, where we alone enforce the laws, where we alone are the judges in the courts, etc. — like Israel is for the Jews. Nothing more than that. We don’t like “diversity.” We want to be rid of multiculturalism. We don’t want to be required to mute our voices when others say so.
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“Are Blacks really stupider than chimps in IQ?”
No. Blacks have a greater degree of general intelligence, as compared with chimpanzees. From the Web sites on the subject that I have looked at, chimpanzee IQs are somewhere between 25 and 50. Thus, the highest estimate of chimp IQ is about the same as the average IQ of the least intelligent human population groups (e.g., Ethiopian Blacks or Equatorial Guinean Blacks).
Chimpanzees do excel humans in some kinds of pattern recognition, however, being able to memorize and replicate short sequences of simple signals more quickly than humans can. And some chimps have learned human sign language.
But for most forms of abstract thought, Blacks are superior to chimpanzees. That’s mostly because the average brain size of African Blacks is 1282 cm³, whereas the average brain size of chimps is only 450 cm³. (The average brain size of European whites is 1369 cm³.)
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“Do you think minor-attracted people only deserve death or suffering?”
I don’t think that anyone should trust pedophiles to control their urges voluntarily. The risk to children is too great. So the pedos must be separated from children in a way that is utterly dependable. It must not be possible for any pedophile to get a job where he has contact with children. Pedophiles must never be school teachers, school bus drivers, youth camp counselors, pediatricians, child psychologists, leaders of religious services for minors, juvenile detention officers, and so on. While a pedophile probably should not be executed for having his urges, if he acts upon them by sexually abusing a child, then he certainly should be legally executed by the state, and it should be a justifiable homicide when anyone defends a child from rape by killing the pedophile.
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“Are Black people a hated race?”
Nope. Blacks are a hating and a hateful race. That can be considered a definition of “savage.” Survey the crime statistics. You will see two things. First, the Black-on-White rate of violent crime is about 50 times higher than is the White-on-Black rate of same. That means that Blacks behave with racial hate much more often than Whites do. Second, you can infer that Blacks have a greater capacity to experience racial hate, as compared with Whites.
Let’s use murder as an illustrative crime.
The Black-to-White per capita rate ratio for the perpetration of murder (regardless of the victim’s race) was about 9.80 in 2019. (Source: FBI Uniform Crime Reports, Crime in the United States 2019, Table 43A.)
However, when you examine only interracial murders between Blacks and Whites, the per capita rate ratio is 18.0. (Source: FBI Uniform Crime Reports, Crime in the United States 2019, Expanded Homicide Table 6.)
The former rate ratio (9.80) indicates the extent to which Blacks’ propensity for deadly violence exceeds that of Whites. The latter rate ratio (18.0) indicates a product of the aforesaid extent, multiplied by the extent to which blacks’ capacity for racial hatred exceeds that of Whites. Dividing the latter by the former should cancel out the ratio in the willingness to kill, per se, and leave the ratio in the capacity to experience racial hate.
Thus, 18.0/9.8 = 1.83. The average Black is motivated by racial hate about twice as much as is the average White. I’ve done this calculation for other years, as well, and the resulting number is almost always about the same (the highest value is about 2.5).
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“Why is it anti-Semitic to talk about the Jews on Quora?”
It isn’t considered “anti-Semitic” to talk about the Jews, provided that you are sufficiently reverent and servile, and if you pretend not to notice their usury, their racism, their money-laundering, their insurance frauds, their engaging in human trafficking, their making of child pornography, their selling of illicitly acquired human organs, their shielding Jewish criminals from justice, their control of the media, and their conspiracy to exterminate the White race.
(This answer was censored on Quora — surprise, surprise!)
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Source: Author
If DAVID SIMS: THE ANSWER MAN ever decides to come back as a Part 2 or a further installment in a series, that would be a wonderful service rendered here at National Vanguard. Keep hitting us with facts both here and abroad in the rest of the internet. It’s our goal of the National Alliance to bring in people to set up other platforms to disseminate these high quality messages. http://www.natall.com/join-us/
Yes, I agree. This article held my attention all the way through.
Relieving. I especially liked the part on minor-attracted people (or by extension, naturally dangerous people, if only from their intellectual limitations) needing to be dealt with properly, The part on intelligence implicating its own self-awareness too, I appreciated.
Do you have any reading reference on this last point, conscience being required for its own awareness, that sort of topic?
“Are Blacks really stupider than chimps in IQ?”
No. Blacks have a greater degree of general intelligence, as compared with chimpanzees. However, that does not deter them in the least from “chimping out” like enraged monkeys.