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Achieving Peace and Harmony
by David Sims THERE ARE SOME VERY naïve questions on Quora. Here’s an example which I answered: “I think we should encourage peace and harmony between White people and Black people instead of strife and hostility. Don`t you agree?” “Encouraging peace and harmony”…

Our Enemy’s Fragility
by David Sims RACIAL DIVERSITY IS NOT a strength. It is a source of needless trouble and unending conflict. For but one example, simply keep the races separated, with each secure in its own space, and you will better than halve the rate of violent crime. Even if, by some miracle, you could momentarily halt…

Hate, Oppression, and Charity; and the Worst of These is Charity
Artist’s depiction of Australopithecus robustus by David Sims WHAT GOT THE WHITE man into trouble wasn’t his oppression, but his charity. Lots of other races have done their share of oppressing without incurring anywhere near the blowback that the White race is now having to put up with.…

Countering Jewish CivNat Propaganda
by David Sims I SAW an Internet commenter’s thread promoting civic nationalism, and chimed in with some important facts of which his readers needed to become aware. * * * YOU WERE doing well, Dennis, until you started trying to distinguish nationalism from racism. Nationalism is about race,…

Quit Pretending
Breeding ground of the “New York race” American Dissident Voices broadcast of 24 July, 2021 2021-0724 Quit Pretending.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom I apologize for the fact that this program, and several other pieces I’m working…

Euro Cup Win for “Racist” Italians, Occupied Britain Humiliated
The Italian winners by David Sims THE circumstances by which Italy defeated England for the soccer Euro Cup might be amusing to those of us who enjoy watching the Politically Correct make hypocritical excuses when their ideas fail. First, you have to know that Italy fielded an all-White team, while…

Savage Black Rites in New York City
Ugga buggah, literally. Leading Establishment cultural and art publications, including Smithsonian magazine, have rushed to heap praise on this new “work.” Once the Jews convinced us that Jackson Pollock’s brush drippings were “art,” this became inevitable.…

White Child Adopted by Black Reality TV Star Beaten to Death
LOCAL NEWS are covering the story, along with a few celebrity-oriented Web sites. But the Jewish-controlled national networks, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, will say nothing — absolutely nothing — about the beating death of a White child…
LOCAL NEWS are covering the story, along with a few celebrity-oriented Web sites. But the Jewish-controlled national networks, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, will say nothing — absolutely nothing — about the beating death of a White child…

The Great Booby-Hatch
by Revilo P. Oliver A FEEBLE-MINDED Englishman named Paul Chadeyron was educated in one of England’s famous public schools (not Eton or Harrow, but a lesser one), went to Cambridge, one of the most highly reputed universities in the world, and obtained an honorable degree in law. He became,…

In Defense of White Supremacism
by Gordon Bakken I HAVE KNOWN many people who support White people more than they support people of other races. Never have I seen them call themselves “White supremacists.” That is a label that is attached to them by their enemies. For that reason, it is hardly necessary to defend it. Yet I will attempt…