
White Child Adopted by Black Reality TV Star Beaten to Death

LOCAL NEWS are covering the story, along with a few celebrity-oriented Web sites. But the Jewish-controlled national networks, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, will say nothing — absolutely nothing — about the beating death of a White child adopted by a Black couple in South Carolina, even though the Black female arrested along with her Black husband was a reality TV “star.”

Reality TV star Ariel and husband Jerry Robinson: She posted about “White privilege,” shortly thereafter little adopted Victoria was found beaten to death in her home.

According to Greenville County, South Carolina coroner Kent Dill, three-year-old homicide victim Victoria Rose Smith had been a foster child. Just a few months after being adopted by a Black couple, little “Tori” was found in the couple’s home beaten to death.

Victoria Rose Smith: The first two pictures above show her before her adoption by Blacks. Once the Robinsons got hold of her, they began pulling her naturally soft, flowing Aryan hair into extremely tight cornrows and other “dos,” even some that severely reddened her scalp, apparently to obscure its European character.

Smith died Thursday, according to the coroner. Jerry and Ariel Robinson would be charged with homicide by child abuse five days later. Warrants stated they were responsible for the victim’s care and welfare.

Ariel Robinson had posted about her adoptive White children’s “White privilege” shortly before Tori’s being beaten to death in her home.

“She was sweet as could possibly be, so it makes no sense how somebody could hurt her in any kind of way,” said Alan West. West said his (White) aunt was the baby’s foster mother for nearly a year before she went to live with the Robinson family.

West and his wife Ashley West said they last saw the little girl — known to them as ‘Tori’ — about a year ago. They described her as fun, funny, sassy, and affectionate.

They were shocked when they learned Tori was murdered — her new caregivers, Jerry and Ariel Robinson, charged with homicide by child abuse.

The coroner said she died of multiple blunt force injuries.

“I still can’t believe that it’s true,” Ashley West said. “I just feel like maybe we’ll all wake up and it’ll be a bad dream.”

“You could not be mad at that girl just by how she looked and how sweet she was, so I don’t understand how this man and woman would have done this to her,” Alan West said.

Ariel Robinson achieved fame last year as the winner of a $25,000 “worst cooks” prize on a reality TV program on the Jewish-run “Food Network.” Food Network’s only response has been to wipe all episodes of the show featuring Robinson from their archives. Ariel Robinson had also worked for as teacher in Greenville County from 2016 to 2017. She was also an employee of Laurens County School District 55 during the 2018 to 2019 school year.

The tabloid Sun reported on the murder, even posting pictures of the Black adoptive parents and White child, then ludicrously stated “It is not yet known if the victim was one of the couple’s biological or foster children.”

The Daily Beast carried a one-paragraph notice of the crime without telling us that the dead child was White or that this was an interracial adoption.

And — get this — it is reported that those on social media trying to bring awareness of this horrific crime were posting using the hashtag #justiceforvictoriarose and some Twitter users now state that the platform has blocked new posts using that hashtag.

One observer said:

I was posting about this recently but I gave up because it seemed no one was interested. You JUST KNOW that had the races had been reversed, this would be receiving widespread media coverage across all the main big newspapers and half the ‘celebrities’ and blueticks on Twitter would be going nuts about it on their timelines. But a little White girl beaten to death by Black celebrities — and silence across the board. I feel livid about the injustice of this.

A local reporter asked the Department of Social Services about the process for vetting the Robinsons and whether they had received any complaints about them. DSS responded with a statement, saying they are investigating along with law enforcement. They also said “The agency’s standard procedures in a case like this involved taking appropriate action with any children remaining in the home after evaluating safety and risk.”

Unasked was the crucial question: Should non-Whites ever be entrusted with the care of a White child, particularly in the extremely anti-White atmosphere created by the Jewish media recently?

Jerry and Ariel Robinson are being held in South Carolina’s Greenville County Detention Center.

* * *

Source: WSPA and National Vanguard correspondents

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25 January, 2021 11:08 am

When I first became aware of this story it sickened me to my core.
There are literally millions of White families in the U.S. who would gladly have taken this child into their home. There shouldn’t be any inter-racial adoptions, or adoptions by gays and lesbians. These policies are just WRONG! Who is protecting these vulnerable little ones?

Reply to  Karen
25 January, 2021 1:14 pm

You are so right, Karen. I am thinking the same thing! Whites have wanted to adopt White children for many, many years. It’s easy to see that our Judean/Jewish usurpers are deliberately manipulating the adoption process as a part of their overall plan of miscegenating the White race out of existence.

Johnny Reb
Johnny Reb
Reply to  Karen
25 January, 2021 1:18 pm

The jews in America are responsible for every noted complaint in your comments…

Reply to  Karen
25 January, 2021 2:43 pm

Greetings Karen. Why were there no black children for them to adopt? Who approved this adoption?

Reply to  Truthweed
6 February, 2021 5:58 pm

A judge genius.

Reply to  Karen
25 January, 2021 4:09 pm

Those rich white leftists were too busy adopting a negro child.

25 January, 2021 11:26 am

Which healthy and normal parent voluntarily gives his child into the care of such gorillas? These parents have paid for their almost inconceivable lack of instinct with the death of their daughter. This shows once again what fatal effects the lying Jewish “diversity” propaganda has on the gullible brains of the most naive whites.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
25 January, 2021 12:08 pm

Erectus Walks Among Us.

Phil Keup
Phil Keup
25 January, 2021 12:26 pm

I attended college in Tere Haute Indiana whose most famous resident was Eugene Debs the Marxist candidate from the early 20th century. I hated going there and fled My roommate called me a couple years ago. He still lives in that town. His white wife and him go to a Judeo Christian Evangelical church. He says to me Phil why don’t I listen to you? As it turns out his wife is wearing a rainbow mohawk to celebrate the love of Jesus. She ran up to the pulpit grabbed the microphone and told the congregation they are all going to hell if they don’t change their ways. The pastor called him and said to get over here and get your wife. Their son was engaged to a half black after… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Phil Keup
1 February, 2021 12:09 pm

That is some sick s**t, Phil. (TISSS) You need to go ahead and drop Mike like a bad habit, tell him why, and seek new friends who won’t put up with that sort of craziness for one minute.

We can’t blame the Black savages in this story. They are only following Nature’s imperative to take what the competing sub-species — the White man — is willing to give up to them. Who’s responsible? Odds are it Is a church adoption agency with the state’s (DSS’s) approval. Is there not one SC legislator who will introduce a bill forbidding adoption of White babies by non-Whites after this tragedy? .

Phil Keup
Phil Keup
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
2 February, 2021 1:08 pm

Thank you Will. I have done just that. In fact for a long time I have avoided him like the black plague (pun intended). I feel more connected to my friends I’ve met on this website than I have at any state institution of lower learning. I pray to our ancestors for the opportunity to meet all of you in person to exchange war stories and strategize for the future. Victory is ours for the taking. We just need the courage to seize it.

Victor Arminius
Victor Arminius
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
3 February, 2021 6:15 pm

I agree. I also get tired of whoever is the enemy of the moment. One day it’s Russia, the next day it’s China. The U.S. is like Oceania in that regard. (Oceania is at war with Eurasia, Oceania is always at war with Eurasia-except last week when Eastastia was the hated enemy) Cowardly conservatives need to quit whining over China. They do what they do because America is weak!

I see you, FBI and other (((watchers)))
I see you, FBI and other (((watchers)))
25 January, 2021 12:45 pm

What sort of a country or culture gives its innocent children to gays or low IQ people of a different race? Are we sick or what?

Reply to  I see you, FBI and other (((watchers)))
31 January, 2021 1:51 pm

I watch your ADs on TV over her in Britain,and its full of race-mixed couples,always White girls with apes.In fact,they`re in everything.How do you put up with this pornography?14

25 January, 2021 1:42 pm

I feel pretty certain that they will be let off with a slap on arrest and told never to do that again. After all their nothing but victims of ‘racism’.

brian boru
brian boru
25 January, 2021 2:25 pm

The only way real justice would be served is if both of these sub-human vermin were slowly beaten to death over several days, as well as the social service workers who recommended that this child be given to the animals. Probably not much will happen to the apes, and nothing at all to the social service personnel. Crimes like this are only going to increase as open season is declared on all white people. It’s going to up to ourselves to defend our people, because definitely no one else will do it.

Reply to  brian boru
25 January, 2021 6:34 pm

Greetings brian. Regarding justice, is there anyone out there who could act to implement a ‘Tori’s Law’ to prevent it happening again? …chirp…..chirp….

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
25 January, 2021 6:36 pm

The local media characterized it thus… “Jerry and Ariel Robinson are being held  in South Carolina’s Greenville County  Detention Center.” So, if you were a devotee of the “Food Channel” here, you would still not know the race of the “foster child.” Similar to the case of Brittaney Drexel, who was ultimately fed to alligators by a gang of feral Negroes. The Jews and  their Shabboz Goys at concealing the facts are very clever. Here I am in  Pontiac, SC., and the only way I know  about it is thru this site. Where is the so-called SCCAC (South Carolina Conservative Action Council) on this issue? Are they so busy praying to their Holy Spook Up In The Sky, that their uninterrupted prayers require  precedence over this murdered child at the hands… Read more »

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
25 January, 2021 6:40 pm

The image of the benevolent mammy has been with us in cinema for just about 100 yrs. The image of the righteous, longsuffering, and wise black man has been with us for about 60 yrs. . . in books, even longer. What is it with us Whites that we eat up these fabrications? Why do we melt when we see Mammy giving wise and loving advice to Scarlet O’Hara or when the black mammy in that episode of “The Little Rascals” is made to gush about her “little White lamb”? Why do we get starry-eyed when Morgan Freeman plays a wise and whimsical version of God? Did dwelling in our ice-caves during the long European pre-historic winters dispose us to the most fanciful form of fantasy? Imagination and fantasy are… Read more »

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
26 January, 2021 7:51 pm

White people – Celts and Germans in particular – are unique in the world in their ability to identify and sympathize with creatures who are different from them.
Other races – virtually every international aid organization was founded and is maintained by Whites.
Other animals – Almost all animal sanctuaries, welfare programs, Vet services etc. worldwide were started and are maintained by Whites.
Even creatures who do not or may not exist – The vast majority of Fantasy, Horror and Science Fiction authors worth reading are of Celtic or Germanic origin.

Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
1 April, 2023 8:55 am

Any idea as to *why* we might be this way?

Reply to  val
2 April, 2023 8:25 am

Ultimately, ‘why’ is a question no one can answer. Why does the universe exist ? I suppose we can debate endlessly as to what or who created the universe, but that doesn’t bring us any closer to WHY. Why is grass green ? Sciencism cultists will tell us that it’s because chlorophyll, but why does chlorophyll make grass green ? I think the altruism/animal care part may be due to the fact that most White people are basically ‘good’ – which is nice – and VERY MUCH want to believe others are basically good, too – which is a fatal flaw that has cost us and is continuing to cost us very dearly. The fantasy part may be due to the fact that White people tend to have the most… Read more »

26 January, 2021 3:39 am

You can see in her face something is wrong. First two pictures her smile and eyes are relaxed. The third picture she’s standing there looking upset drawn into herself. Forth picture looks ok maybe a little tension. Fifth picture she is tense, smile looks almost fake. Very sad.

26 January, 2021 6:15 am

This story physically sickened me! Unfortunately, until the separation of the races becomes a reality and the jewish influence has been removed from our society tragedies like this will continue to happen. If we continue to educate the rising generations to the real threats they are facing we can make a difference and bring a end to these horrible situations. This website is the best tool out there to enlighten those in darkness. Share it with as many as you can.

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
26 January, 2021 9:05 am

Whoever ok’ed this adoption is guilty of Conspiracy to commit Genocide and needs to hang.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
26 January, 2021 11:36 am

I do not know this for a fact, but almost all of the staff
of Social Services up there are probably of the African
race. I know almost all of them are – in this area – which
is only around a hundred miles south of the Upstate area.

Reply to  Walt Hampton
31 January, 2021 1:55 pm

I wouldn`t give my cats poo to these morons to look after,never mind a White child.14

Josef Tone
Josef Tone
26 January, 2021 2:39 pm

I can just hear them cackling as they were putting her hair in corn rows.

26 January, 2021 6:57 pm

I’m sick to my stomach, this has to end, we have to separate from these goons, how long do we have to say it before we actually do it.

27 January, 2021 6:17 am

Beasts without intellect. In Europe it is exactly the same, the power of Jews and Communists allows these animals to carry out criminal acts every day. Especially against white women. The situation has become intolerable. European cities are in the hands of organized gangs that are protected by local police. We cannot take a step back, our survival is only in our hands, we will not have anybody’s help. We must fight without fear.

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
28 January, 2021 12:55 am

I read about this story yesterday in, a UK online publication that frequently pops up in my ads. It had pictures of the child and the two gorillas who had adopted her. Unlike US publications, it makes no effort to cover up the race of victims and perpetrators of crimes. It reports a lot of these kinds of crime stories that are never reported in the US mass media. To think this kind of monkey business takes place in South Carolina, the home of Strom Thurmond and Fritz Hollings. Yes, I know Fritz was a Democrat, but earlier in his career he was a segregationist Democrat who held out as long as he could. He was a Citadel graduate back when that really meant something. He served with distinction… Read more »

Reply to  Old Aardvark
31 January, 2021 2:01 pm

The Daily Fail is not a Conservative paper,its fake and anti-racist. The abuse it has given to Nationalists is legend.The paper even called a group of Whites “murderers” in 1997 about the alleged murder of Saint Steven Lawrence.They had not been charged as there was no evidence,but this Jew rag convicted them before a trial.14

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  DAVIDK
2 February, 2021 1:14 pm

I never said it was a conservative paper… not that conservative is really any better than liberal. Both are our enemies. I pointed out that unlike US publications, it does report a lot of significant crime stories, and it does show the pictures of the victims and the perpetrators, so the white viewer/reader at least has that information and can then draw his own conclusions. With the Jewish rags in the US these stories never see the light of day.

28 January, 2021 1:32 pm

The expression of Liberal beliefs should ideally be categorised as either treason or insanity.

Reply to  Stefan
23 June, 2021 5:13 am

i enjoy the tragic comedy though

Diversity is Genocide
Diversity is Genocide
28 January, 2021 9:16 pm

Not a peep from the American jewish controlled media. White lives do not matter to jewish media bosses. Whites are marked for extermination, so stories like this are shoved under the rug to keep us blind to reality.

30 January, 2021 5:22 am

Surprise, surprise! Facebook will not allow me to share this story!

Reply to  GB
31 January, 2021 2:02 pm

Get off that platform,you are abusing yourself.14

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  DAVIDK
3 February, 2021 2:50 am

I finally ended my Facebook account for good. I presented myself as an unapologetic white nationalist and pushed that narrative — especially to my conservative friends — despite being frequently suspended for “hate speech.” Now with the total victory of the communists at the federal government level, it may be the time to go low profile. If any of m Facebook friends didn’t learn what was going on, it wasn’t because I didn’t warn them. Those who were doubters and skeptics will find out for themselves in the months that lie before us.

The only elections that will matter going forward will be at the local and state levels. If you want to be politically active, that is where you may have some success and influence.

Reply to  Old Aardvark
3 February, 2021 7:46 am

Those who STILL remain blind, deaf and dumb to what’s going on are probably beyond help. I don’t think even local muh(s)elections matter, they’re ALL rigged and corrupted. Network as much as you can, using whatever internet resources remain open (Bitchute, for example is still ok as of today) as well as locally. Going forward, we have essentially 2 choices: If you STILL believe in politics, National Socialism is the only option left, if you’re now fully awake, it’s full-on Robin Hood from here on out.

Hans Schneider
Hans Schneider
31 January, 2021 1:38 pm

black culture at its finest again and again

31 January, 2021 1:46 pm

For those interested,The Irish Savant has been taken down. As for those pair of apes,the death penalty should apply. 14

Jim Puckett
Jim Puckett
31 January, 2021 5:05 pm

I saw the subject article a few days ago in another media outlet and it broke my heart. Our children are under assault by many attributes of our living conditions. We are unable to protect them without numerous possible retributions inflicted by our “society.” One organization in southern California that is actively waging a defense of our childen is “” and Opal Singleton. 60% of children that encounter an online predator will eventually meet up with the predator . . . to recover a naked photo sent by smart phone or other online application. The image becomes a path to the child’s exploitation by predators. Our children must be cautioned to NEVER make video images of themselves available for unknown predators to exploit. I would also like to mention an… Read more »

1 February, 2021 9:33 am

What I would like to know….who authorized that white child going to those two ____. Fill in the blank with whatever you wish.

Victor Arminius
Victor Arminius
3 February, 2021 6:07 pm

As a matter of principle, I do not believe in transracial adoptions. It is not strictly a black versus white issue with me. I also would oppose Asian children being adopted by white couples or Asians being adopted by black couples. America may be a nation with a white majority but it is a nation that is profoundly anti-white! Ask yourself the name of the black capital police officer that killed Ashli Babbitt? We do not know! It has not been released to the public. Now had that been an unarmed black female shot by a white capital police officer would we know the name of the officer? Need we even ask? I really get tired of playing this demonic game. The United States is terminal. We need to get… Read more »

5 February, 2021 2:28 pm

I bet this gets swept under the rug just like Cannon. That sweet little boy that got shot in the head in his front yard by his neighbor/parents friend. The day I trust a negro with my son is the day I die first..
My heart breaks for this little girl! I can’t begin to imagine the pain she had to go through at the handa of these monkeys!!


8 June, 2021 7:29 am

Dang all I see are racist comments. Guess this is where all the racist people hang out.

Art Thief
Art Thief
Reply to  Jeff
8 June, 2021 3:27 pm

I’ve said this before to the Peanut Gallery that jumps on here to call us racists but…

…imagine being so tone-deaf to the audience in question that you think we’d actually consider being called “racist” an insult.

Are you a Jew?

Reply to  Art Thief
23 June, 2021 5:28 am

I would hope the comment was just some lazy, unprepared sarcasm. Because it’s obviously racist to save a child from chimpouts. Like that maybe. But I hope the jews are on here to see how much better we are as humans. They only excel at deception, and being expelled from a record number of nations. We excel at inventing civilization and making families, they don’t even know what those things really are.