In Defense of White Supremacism
by Gordon Bakken
I HAVE KNOWN many people who support White people more than they support people of other races. Never have I seen them call themselves “White supremacists.” That is a label that is attached to them by their enemies. For that reason, it is hardly necessary to defend it. Yet I will attempt to do so. Here are three reasons why “White supremacism” is somewhat justified.
1. Most everyone thinks their group should run things. That is normal. The Democrats think they should rule America. The Republicans think they should. Christians probably think it should be them. Perhaps Blacks or Jews think it should be them. Such thoughts may be foolish in some instances, but they are normal. Thus it is quite normal that Whites would think that they should run America.
2. The population of America is predominantly White. In the early 1800s the citizenry of America was almost entirely White (Blacks and Indians were not citizens). Today it is less so, though Whites are still by far the largest group. Thus America being run by Whites is proper, as China being run by Chinese, Japan being run by Japanese, and France being run by French are all proper.
3. Whites generally do a good job of running things. If you think Blacks should run our country, look at Haiti or Zimbabwe, or at almost any nation in Africa. None of those countries are run well. For example: Blacks have more than ten times the income in White-run countries than they do in countries run by Blacks. (The consensus of sources I found on the Internet says it is 31 times.) If you think the Jews should run America, notice how the Palestinians are treated. Or look at the Soviet Union, which was run almost entirely by Jews. No one lived well there and about 50 million citizens were executed.
Note how many non-Whites are trying to move into White countries compared to the number trying to go the other way. And worry about this: If these migrants succeed in dominating the nations into which they move, those nations will become like the nations they left. Even they won’t like that.
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Source: Author
No puedes ir contra la naturaleza.
Human brain can be easily manipulated to accept
common sense as an evil idea if a simple narrative is
just repeated again and again.
And any depravity as an favorable idea, if that is repeated
enough too.
It’s somewhat disappointing that human has to be born
with that defect. And even worse. We have Jews who seem
to be always fascinated by that low aspect of human.
But sometimes it can be useful that
we should do the same tactics to make people
accept common sense as just common sense.
I always respond to accusations of being a “white supremacist” with the truth: white supremacy is not a philosophy but a fact of nature. If black and brown folks did not believe that then why would they be clamoring to escape from their own societies in order to live in ours?
Yes, “Smash White Supremacy!” Abandon those evil Whites and return to your own countries and your own judeo-communist governments.
You’ll need to make them “return to your own countries” Mr. Truthweed, no one will be leaving voluntarily just because you or anyone merely says so.
At this time, no White organization nor anyone else with making a space all White in mind as a goal is capable of making anyone do anything. Wouldn’t it be best to work towards building up a set of institutions towards getting Whites on the same page regarding this and other important goals instead of telling others what we are (but are incapable of doing now) going to do?
Thanks JM. I was responding to the communist sign in the image above. I don’t really think they would leave America willingly. Lethal electrified barbed wire fences could not prevent Africans from other countries invading South Africa in order to be ‘persecuted’ whilst they were better paid there. You are correct. White people must collectivize. Start with your own families and then unite with other families. Become a presence. Communicate with and actively support each other. Most Whites are gradually becoming aware of their environment and how and by whom they have been deceived. They just need the means to quietly consolidate.
I am advocating a doctrine of white leadership based on proved achievement, NOT SUPREMACY, in any sense of domination, exploitation, or violence. As far as the Black race is concerned, if it is interested in such cultural elements as our white civilization has to offer, it should realize that to destroy or to debilitate the white race would be to kill the goose that lays the golden egg. It is a temptation as old as the human species, and always ends with a dead goose and no eggs.
Look at pictures of angels in a Catholic or Orthodox church. take a look and punch these images with your hand. Break them on the knee so that the children do not see this disgrace. These are hermaphrodites, not men, Mikhail Salafilov and others just pretend to be men, they are hermaphrodites or women or homosexual fantasies, it doesn’t matter. Save your children from this image of masculinity. a male name is associated with a man, not a freak. Especially in childhood. do not raise your children on this outrage.
Greetings NEW ORDER. ‘Angel’ merely means saint. The first supposed saint was the Roman emperor Constantine who wore an imperial mantle that was presented on some of his coinage and seems like a pair of wings. There is a large painting in the Vatican that visitors thought was an angel but the officials said it was a representation of Constantine.
Нет никакого отношения святой не имеет к ангелу . Ангел это дух .
Часть мистической иерархии с весьма специфическим изображением тела.
Не знаю кем должны были быть художники чтобы такое дерьмо . изображать
White supremacy is a system by which White men and women founded and built these US, the most powerful and successful country ever to have existed. But today’s negative meaning attached to the term, “White supremacy”, has been created by the real racial supremacists, the jews, for the purpose of taking our homelands away from us, from we, the very people who made them great. The fact of the matter is that Whites, whether they prefer the term White Nationalist or White supremacist, have absolutely no desire to rule over other races. In the early 20th Century, White supremacy was self evident truth that every person on the planet used to accept. In 1900 whites were 1/3 of the world’s population and except for a very few backwards places we… Read more »
There is ONLY Jewish Supremacism. Remember, that whatever you are or are doing, always claim your enemy to be it or doing it so as to keep them constantly on the defensive. This buys you time while your enemy chokes and stumbles.
One has not to divide mankind into superior (master race) and inferior (subhumans), the Jew demands permanently. Thus the cultural development of the Aboriginies, who in 40,000 years did not accomplish much more than their “boomerang”, and the nuclear physics and lunar travel of the Whites are claimed as “equal”. White people have no right to feel superior because of their (for every halfway intelligent earthling) obvious superiority, they dictate.They call this ideology “humanism”, that sounds so sympathetically “humanistic”. Surely no one can seriously object to that. On closer inspection, it’s a gigantic fraud. From the same unnatural attitude of mind springs “equality”, which is diamterally opposed to elitism (leader principle), that is, the selection of the best, the brightest, the most efficient and the most capable. A mentally handicapped… Read more »
According to this “equality” ideology, a digeridoo (that is, a hollowed-out tree trunk) is equivalent to a Stradivarius violin. Consequently, digeridoos made by “particularly talented digeridoo makers” should cost the same money as Stradivari’s violins.
I dare to make an apt comparison: “conservatism” is like drinking non-alcoholic beer; or a man having sexual intercourse without a penis.
By the way, it occurs to me that a Jew collected the “obscene vocabulary of the Germans” for years and published it in a dictionary. (I wonder what always interested the Jews in this topic?) Anyway, I still have to laugh today at the creativity of the Germans as soon as I open this book named “Sex in Vernacular” (Sex im Volksmund). The author later killed himself out of “love-death-anxiety” because his young German lover cheated on him. (He also dealt with the subject of “bondage,” apparently because he himself was a sufferer). In the preface to his encyclopedia he even claims that he invented the term “beat music”. The Jews are avid word collectors in general. They usually speak several languages at once, which makes it easier for… Read more »
“Do the thing you fear most and the death of fear is certain.” (Mark Twain)
I really love Twain. Next to Jack London and Edgar Allan Poe, my favorite American author. However, he had more problems with the German language than any semi-literate sandnig. But instead of admitting, “I am incapable,” he blamed the language of Schiller and Goethe.
It’s like a grandmother who doesn’t say “I don’t hear well”, but “you speak too softly”.
The traditional globalist rat is very clever to say the least. It is also very patient and quite observant. It looks for vulnerabilities within the native social climbing population and pounces when a handful of these deplorable creatures are discovered.
It is evident that democracy no longer has any place in a conscious and civilized society (historically, it never did).
How can Donald Trump or any other Trump for that matter accomplish anything when tens of millions of unconscious Americans voted for that social climbing treasonous creature….
America is a constitutional republic, not a democracy. If we once again fail to learn from history, we are bound to repeat it.
This harmless article (machine translation) by a world-renowned behavioral scientist appeared in a major daily newspaper in 1990. Unthinkable today. This shows how the conditions have developed even further to the disadvantage of the white race in the meantime. Opportunities of a multiethnic society from the perspective of an ethologist by Prof. Dr. Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt The proponents of a multicultural society more or less assume that phenomena such as fear of foreigners and rejection of foreigners are caused by education. If children were educated in the sense of internationalism, then nothing would stand in the way of a peaceful multicultural society. Is this assumption well-founded? According to our present knowledge of evolutionary events and of our behavior, can we expect that a multicultural society of the kind outlined will… Read more »
Right, and there is the hammer and the sickle, and the red star. Two symbols soaked in blood from countless of victims worldvide. While a red fist strike the swaztika. How could it be that the hammer and the sickle are accepted? These people in the picture are the worst hypocrites ever. They spit on all the ones tortured and brutally killed by communists all over the world and still they have the nerve to judge white nationalists and seperatists. These people wouldn´t mind a black ethno state in America, but they would definitely brutally attack and commit brutal violence towards a white ethno state in America. Well, not only in America of course. Hate is not enough to describe how i feel about these people, they deserve the worst… Read more »
There’s the guy you need to check out named JonTron, who was in a livestream with Destiny, JonTron stated that he doesn’t like how whites are becoming a minority and are labeled as racist for wanting to remain the majority. He even mentioned that Europe is in chaos due to illegal immigration. However, Destiny (who claims to not be Jewish) stated that mass immigratino is good since people from other countries are given opportunities. Then again, he seems to be okay with bestiality and from what I heard, incest. Unfortunately, JonTron has got into controversy by some of his fans and media outlets such as Kotaku calling him a racist. I would give it a watch, here are the videos: Short version: Full version: This was back in… Read more »
Even among the acknowledged members of the white racial right you find few people who could properly be called “white supremacists.” While this was the common way of thinking a hundred years ago, it’s not so today. Why? There are literally no whites around who want to subjugate and dominate blacks for their own economic advantage, which is what white supremacy was all about for several hundred years. Today sane white people want nothing to do with blacks. We want to get as far away from them as possible. White supremacy was replaced by white nationalism a generation ago, which is built upon a desire for white separatism. When it comes to white racism, there are so few examples of it these days that the Left has to either manufacture… Read more »