David SimsEssays

Our Enemy’s Fragility

by David Sims

RACIAL DIVERSITY IS NOT a strength. It is a source of needless trouble and unending conflict. For but one example, simply keep the races separated, with each secure in its own space, and you will better than halve the rate of violent crime.

Even if, by some miracle, you could momentarily halt all racial animus within a mixed-race population, the peace would not last long. Everyone would be walking on eggshells. Everyone would be hyper-alert for any small sign of interracial hostile intent, or even disrespect.

The moment one person says a wrong word, or is misunderstood, the hard-won but unstable peace would instantly break and all of the racial acrimony and hatred would rush back into the world. If anything, the situation would be worse than it ever was before.

What fool would want to build a world that fragile, a world where the good order of society was like a house of cards, certain to collapse come the slightest breeze?

Or, if not a fool, what sort of evil would it take to desire such a world, knowing that it would be so unstable?

You know the answer. There is one group on Earth that desires that all societies, except that of their own country, Israel, be racially mixed. They want this precisely to keep racial hate alive, to sow disunity, even as they pretend that they wish it would end. There is only one group that evil.

And that hypocritical. And sufficiently skilled in deception.

A question I recently saw on Twitter is relevant to the situation:

Whose job is it to save America from enemies foreign and domestic, when all levels of government have been corrupted?

Thomas Jefferson’s answer is found in the Declaration of Independence. It’s still true:

To secure the rights of the people, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

The constitutional Republic, which the United States of America has been, no longer works as its founders intended. Those we mentioned earlier, whose power and evil are so great that the mere mention of their name can cause brilliant careers to end overnight, are the culprits — and our secret rulers. The time has come, once again, to throw off a corrupt and tyrannical government, and begin anew the task of organizing our affairs under something new.

* * *

Source: Author

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Art Moenck
Art Moenck
11 July, 2023 4:24 pm

That last point made, about “organizing our affairs under something new” is a need only we Whites can begin to do today. No one else will do it for us. We in the National Alliance have already started, but where are the rest of our race? Passively observing events isn’t working, praying to a worthless “god” is even sillier. Sometimes I wonder if most Whites are simply waiting to die. Prove me wrong!

Reply to  Art Moenck
20 July, 2023 1:07 pm

You are correct, Art. I know 3 European men born between 1957-1964 who chose not to procreate, due to the conditions. National Vanguard Book Review: Serpents Walk ended with how Black Muslim’s were calling for a racial separation of their own. But only a small number, because the larger black populace like their Concessions. So, who is the real slave here? Reality is, if all people of color succeed to eliminate the Slavik, European, Norwegian bloodlines, the folks of color will end up eliminating themselves through their own vices of violence.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
12 July, 2023 4:24 pm

Another outstanding piece by you, Mr. Sims! Art Moenck: …“[O]rganizing our affairs under something new” is a need only we Whites can begin to do today. No one else will do it for us. We in the National Alliance have already started, but where are the rest of our race? Passively observing events isn’t working, praying to a worthless “god” is even sillier. Sometimes I wonder if most Whites are simply waiting to die. Prove me wrong! — You are not wrong, Art. You are absolutely correct, and so was our revered forefather, Mr. Jefferson. I read Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf more than 30 years ago, but I was not yet experienced enough as a race-thinker to grasp the wisdom he was relating to the reader. The translation wasn’t all… Read more »