Hate, Oppression, and Charity; and the Worst of These is Charity
by David Sims
WHAT GOT THE WHITE man into trouble wasn’t his oppression, but his charity. Lots of other races have done their share of oppressing without incurring anywhere near the blowback that the White race is now having to put up with. That’s because other races oppressed far more thoroughly than Whites did.
The Arabs made sure that their Black slaves did not reproduce and did not live long enough to rebel. The White man got all morally wussified and turned his slaves loose. In Haiti, that got all the White people in the country murdered in a very short time. In Zimbabwe and in South Africa, the extermination of Whites is going on now, but at a slower pace.
It isn’t oppression that causes problems for an oppressor. It’s relenting from oppression that does. All history, both political and natural, teaches — over and over and over again — that you must never, never give up the decisive control that comes from a position of dominance.
Another thing: When was the last time you heard about someone getting beaten up or murdered by a gang of Australopithecus robustus? You haven’t heard of such a thing because there aren’t any A. robustus left in the world. Our own ancestors, H. erectus, killed them all off. Do you suppose there ever was any bad karma from that? No. Instead, the genus Homo basically owns the world and the genus Australopithecus is dead, dead, dead. We have no regrets. We have experienced no adverse consequences. Quite the contrary.
So, really, the best thing to do with an enemy race is exterminate it. People used to understand that quite well. It’s why the aliens who came to our planet from other star systems, in most of the early (pre-Political Correctness) science fiction stories, did not come in peace. They came to exterminate us, or to eat us, or to exploit us in one way or another — and take possession of the Earth.
That is how Nature really works. That’s why the only good books in Orson Scott Card’s Ender Wiggin Saga are Earth Afire and Ender’s Game. The later books are corrupted by moral wussiness.
But the best science fiction along these lines is Robert Heinlein’s Starship Troopers. Read chapter 12 of that book for a rather concise philosophical treatise embedded within a very well-told science fiction story.
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Source: Author
The formula for a people to survive and flourish is very simple. Whatever the rulers of that people do it MUST be done on the basis of this principle, which may be stated as a question – Is this action something that ADVANCES the interests, the well-being and the flourishing of this people? The matter should be assiduously analyzed and decided upon with all intellectual seriousness and great care. NEVER…should the well-being of the other diminish, let alone counter the principle just stated. All ethical considerations should be judged at the bar of the ¨primary directive¨ enunciated above.
The moral of the story: Don’t help sh1t-skins! They have the hunger for control, but not the wisdom to handle it.
“So, really, the best thing to do with an enemy race is exterminate it.”
I could not disagree more. We need the “other” to challenge us, and to have something to strive against, to wake us up!
Arnold would not have achieved his physique if he were not competing against the awesome Negro, Sergio Oliva. Although he will not admit it now, there was a racial component in his early writings about winning the Mr. Olympia title from Oliva.
The other, that you praise so highly, certainly seem just fine with our extermination and don’t fret over empty philosophical platitudes. The entire universe taunts us and challenges us. The non-whites were a secondary thought, if even a thought at all, while the white man exploded in all of the areas of high civilization. We challenged ourselves, usually the greatest competitor one can go up against. As for the Arnold example, in a white nation that wasn’t stupid enough to allow alien peoples in it, Olivia wouldn’t have been anywhere near a bodybuilding competition. So, what then? Unless you are suggesting that white nations and only white nations have to embrace multi-culturalism despite the overwhelming proof of its failure. How much has the white race been dragged down by the… Read more »
Dude, you’re using a dude whose career is pretending to be something he isn’t as an example? Really? Particularly one who betrays everything his father stood for?
(Seriously, google “Gustav Schwarzenegger” and you’ll know what I mean)
PS—science fiction is just someone’s literary idea. It is fantasy! To use that as a pretext for exterminating another race is lunacy. Absolute lunacy.
Really now? Just because something is “fiction” doesn’t mean it doesn’t have any merits. In fact that’s the whole point of ficton. Its to teach lessons of the real world through a different lens. But hey typical of a spoiled woman to preach moral outrage on top from her ivory tower. Why dont to take a trip to Africa or the Favelas and you will see what the good littler “other races” are like. You wont even last a week there.
Science Fiction, or television dramas, are what you Americans call a “brain fart.”
It is all someone’s brain fart about reality, or about what they think is real.
It can go for us, or against us, but it is simply smoke and mirrors.
I have been to both Senegal and Ukraine. Both are far from our conception of things. There are some good people in both places. I would want neither to be exterminated.
Browse even a little of the Vedas and other religions for that matter. Look up the etymology of the word “science”. It basically at its root in english is “to know”. What does mankind do KNOW of thousands of years of racial mixing? Is it not obvious it destroys potential? i personally do not hate other races or old no ill will towards those who don’t willfully do evil. Each race from my studies has different potentials and starting points. It is mixing the dna of two different which always causes problems as studied in nature. For example a mut and a purer bred german shepherd. This is why #1 there should be no racial mixing. Races can imho work on projects together if a mutual respect for each other… Read more »
Agreed, but from now on let’s spell ‘White’ as capitalized. Same goes for ‘Jew.’ As a race, Whites ourselves appear to have degenerated in quality, likely from the advent of civilization when we began to accumulate knowledge to save the weakest among us instead of letting Nature weed them out. Even had miscegenation been strictly avoided by Whites up to this point in time, I believe our race has still fallen from our pre-historic ancestors. This trend must change. As part of the program of the National Alliance, which is to say we’re implementing the ideals of Cosmotheism, a conscious effort will be undertaken to improve the quality of breed of Whites. Knowledge along these lines has already been discovered by those practicing agriculture, husbandry of livestock, and by those… Read more »
So, the jews and non-whites that salivate over our dwindling away to nothingness must be avid sci-fi readers.
There are only a very few insane people who want to see our extermination. You are believing someone’s brain fart. The ones (mostly Jews and white leftists) who want our extermination are in brain fart fantasy land. The real world is not like that.
There are many who desire that Whites live and breed with the rest of the races on this planet, that is to say, genocide via the bedroom. You can count the true believers as well as the casual proponents of this desire to be in the billions. The net effect is the same as as to outright kill Whites violently, the extermination of Whites. The real world is like this.
I have found that most people do not care who Whites breed with.
It is the Whites who do not stick up for themselves or other Whites. Most Whites are virtue-signallers who are too frightened to say what they really think.
Finding that “most people do not care who Whites breed with” is passive acceptance of the genocidal trend. It’s how formerly Aryan holdings such as in India millennia ago became full of mongrels in conjunction with the disappearance of the Aryan. They didn’t care to maintain their special genomic sequencing, and now that’s gone. That timidity or lack of racial patriotism will have to be eliminated by nature and nurture. Christianity cannot do this!
In reply to the top, you’re using the “I know a good one” argument that a lot of milquetoast or gatekeeping WNs use. Just because you know a couple of decent individuals is insignificant to the interests of the race. I know some good ones too, but my people come first, now and forever. As for your brainfart argument. Is it really? There used to be websites that collected articles about the Whites who were murdered, usually by blacks. The numbers were staggering then, and they are probably higher now if those sites haven’t been scrubbed since I last checked on them. NV has plenty of those kinds of articles on here though. One website estimated that from about 1900 to 2000 about 800,000 Whites had been murdered by blacks… Read more »
Was it not sci-fi thought of nikola tesla that would have had so many inventions come to be if it were not for the jew wanting planned obsolescence in material things to make re-occurring profits?
Was it not “sci-fi” thought that had a german scientist of what the 1920’s,30’s? prove that something could travel faster than light?
How about this english guy who basically proves what is known as “science” today is based on flawed “laws” – he is basically re-discovering what was known by tesla and german scientists of hitler’s day.
It’s not fiction if it’s proven that it is possible is it? It should be abhorrent to any people to hoard knowledge because it cannot make “profits” as the joos and many “gentile” lackey corporations do
Comments like the one from Carmine only morally freeze the white man into action.
Exterminationism has never been fiction. Several other races of man have gone extinct due to another overpowering it through millenia up to this day, as how this article clearly state.
Only someone with a very Judeo Christian mindset, who are expert reality deniers, can call lunacy to the concept of extermination. After all, quantity is what matters to them and the more featherless bipeds they can convert, the better.
I’m up for it if that’s what it takes to preserve white women and children.
To love those that hate you, is to hate those that love you. We know this because love is, among other things, self-sacrifice. When you sacrifice yourself for someone that hates you, you also are harming those that love and depend on you.
Say someone were to break into your family home. Instead of defending your home and family, out of love for the intruder, you attempt to convince the intruder to leave after he robs you. But the intruder kills you instead and leaves. You haven’t just sacrificed your life out of love for the intruder. You’ve also sacrificed the well-being of your family.
To love those that hate you, is to hate those that love you.
That sounds like a good phrase to put onto a sticker or flier.
— Elfriede Lentner
Feel free to use it without attribution.
I never gave a single penny for charity in my life and I’m proud of it. It’s counterproductive. Charity is nothing but virtue-signaling for brainwashed liberals. If you actually want to help both us and brown people, leave them on their own and let them work in a factory (in their own country of course).
You guys will love this one from Germany. ALDI is the largest low-budget retail chain in the country and this is one of the newest ads for their clothing lines.
The translation of the meme below: “Workwear for whites, casual wear for blacks.”
Subconsciously the woke corporations know that blacks don’t do labor.
Re ‘HATE, OPPRESSION, AND CHARITY; AND THE WORST OF THESE IS CHARITY’ Not really, no: Charity, in its proper sense is the peak human endeavour when such efforts are directed towards one’s own family, our own people and to those who display unquivering loyal – dogs for instance, who have served us as loyal companions since the dawn of humanity. The author of this article misses what it is to be a noble human. Correctly focused sacrifice and compassion are at the very essence of those of us of white European ancestry. The problem, to which the author somewhat clumsily alludes, is being duped, brainwashed and/or socially pressured (women are especially vulnerable to this tactic) into giving charity to the ‘other’ – those with whom you share no affinity; those… Read more »
Calling for genocide? Really? You’re just giving antiwhites even more reasons to hate us…
They already hate you, no matter what you do.
However, they can’t do that if they are dead, which is the point of this article.
The Arabs made sure that their Black slaves did not reproduce and did not live long enough to rebel. The White man got all morally wussified and turned his slaves loose….It isn’t oppression that causes problems for an oppressor. It’s relenting from oppression that does. All history, both political and natural, teaches — over and over and over again — that you must never, never give up the decisive control that comes from a position of dominance. You’re basically right, but in my opinion it is just this wussiness as you put it, this quixotic lack of prudence, which distinguishes us from the other races, which makes us Aryans — noble. We shouldn’t seek to imitate the other races in the ways of oppression — least of all the self-centered tribalism of the Jews.… Read more »