Facebook to Ban White Nationalist or Separatist Posts
FACEBOOK WILL BEGIN banning White nationalist or White separatist content on its platform starting next week, the social media giant announced on Wednesday.
Facebook officials formally decided to ban “white nationalism” and “white separatism” on the platform at a content moderation meeting on Tuesday, according to Motherboard.
The significant policy shift comes a year after Motherboard, a tech news outlet, reported that Facebook’s content moderation had allowed “white nationalism and separatism” on the platform, though it barred explicit “white supremacy.”
Facebook, in training documents for moderators last year, wrote that White nationalism “doesn’t seem to be always associated with racism (at least not explicitly),” incurring immediate backlash from civil rights groups and experts.
Brian Fishman, Facebook’s policy director of counterterrorism, told Motherboard this week that after speaking to a range of experts Facebook has concluded “the overlap between white nationalism, [white] separatism, and white supremacy is so extensive we really can’t make a meaningful distinction between them.”
“Our own review of hate figures and organizations — as defined by our Dangerous Individuals & Organizations policy — further revealed the overlap between white nationalism and separatism and white supremacy,” Facebook said in the blog post announcing the change. “Going forward, while people will still be able to demonstrate pride in their ethnic heritage, we will not tolerate praise or support for white nationalism and separatism.”
It was claimed by Facebook that “experts” told the social media giant that White nationalism and White separatism are linked to violence. Normally this would have been a place to insert the name of the leading such “expert,” the so-called Southern Poverty Law Center or SPLC, but the Jewish group has been imploding lately, with its founder, CEO, and other leading figures leaving the group under a cloud of “racism” and sexual improprieties — so the “experts” were left unnamed.
Facebook will now ban content that praises or supports White nationalism and separatism. And when users try to post or search explicit White nationalist or separatist content, they will be redirected to the website for Life After Hate, an anti-White group that attempts to pathologize advocacy for White people.
“If people are exploring this movement, we want to connect them with folks that will be able to provide support offline,” Fishman told Motherboard. “This is the kind of work that we think is part of a comprehensive program to take this sort of movement on.”
Facebook did not immediately respond to The Hill’s request for comment seeking more information.
Fishman said the ban will not extend to implicit or coded White nationalism and White separatism, noting those messages are harder to identify and take down, according to Motherboard.
Color of Change, another anti-White organization, called the policy change a “critical step forward.”
“Color of Change alerted Facebook years ago to the growing dangers of white nationalists on its platform, and today, we are glad to see the company’s leadership take this critical step forward in updating its policy on white nationalism,” Color of Change President Rashad Robinson said in a statement.
Facebook will no longer allow posts that include statements like ‘I am a proud White nationalist’ and ‘Immigration is tearing this country apart; White separatism is the only answer’ to remain on its site. They will be immediately banned.
The censorship also applies to Instagram, which is owned by the same Jewish interests which control Facebook.
Facebook made the decision Tuesday, and COO Sheryl Sandberg, a Jew, was among those who put together the policy.
Facebook’s decision comes as the major tech platforms face heightened pressure from Jewish groups over their efforts to remove “White supremacist” content. Lawmakers, also under intense insistence from Jewish groups like the ADL and SPLC, have been putting pressure on the world’s largest social media companies to take aggressive action against the free speech of Whites because, they say we are now “in the wake of the New Zealand massacre.” Some have speculated that the massacre was staged, or at least taken massive advantage of, so Jewish groups could advance their censorship efforts.
Facebook is the first of the tech companies to announce a specific policy shift since the New Zealand events.
“Unfortunately, there will always be people who try to game our systems to spread hate,” Facebook wrote. “Our challenge is to stay ahead by continuing to improve our technologies, evolve our policies and work with experts who can bolster our own efforts.”
In addition, Facebook has for two years been a part of the “Global Internet Forum for Counter-Terrorism,” which brings together Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, and YouTube in an initiative to control online speech. Facebook and YouTube are Jewish-owned and the other tech giants are Jewish-dominated.
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Source: based on an article on The Hill; National Vanguard correspondents
Oh, these judens think they can stop us from congregating. They do fear us, they fear us more than they do losing their gold. Their world will collapse and Israel will be destroyed and they will have no leaders to guide them. Patience is my virtue.
There was no consideration of a sensible alternative by these social media monopolies? How about categorizing such accounts as “controversial content” so only adults can access them, only by logging into the service. IOW, treat white nationalism as adult content. Jumping to censor political speech reveals that people in power are afraid of the truth that might upset their apple carts, and white nationalists are the ones revealing it, in this case. It’s time for Congress to apply laws designed for traditional monopolies to those with a strangle-hold over free speech.
Sensible to Americans who believe in the 1st Amendment. Some censorship is good. I wouldn’t want a foreign enemy’s facebook page urging American parents not vaccinate to their children, or a swindler’s page calling for donations to a false charity that is just a shell corporation, or one for a Chinese mass marketer selling knock-off car parts claimed to be OEM replacement, as well as illicit content available to children. Mark Zuckerberg is now calling on government censorship of the internet. If he is talking about discussion of racial disparities and conflict/crime, political debate or historical debate, that’s a big problem. But for the other examples I mention here?