Posts Tagged
White Nationalism

Are Jared Taylor and Ron Unz Compromised?
Jared Taylor, left, and Ron Unz by Everett Gruber LET ME BEGIN by stating that Whites are surrounded by enemies, each of which sharpens its knives and ravenously licks its teeth in anticipation of our blood. Each of these enemies must be neutralized if we are to survive. That said, we cannot allow this…

A Thousand Points of White: One Strategy for Achieving White Nationalism
Fading fast by Thomas Dalton, PhD THIS ESSAY is intended as a response and follow-up to the excellent recent article by Giles Corey, “American Roulette.” Corey’s piece is passionate, clear, and well-written. He makes a powerful and inspirational case, in a short space. My intent here is to build on…

Definitions and the High Ground
by David Sims THE FBI’s definitions for “White nationalist” and “White supremacist” are surprisingly accurate. What follows in quotes is from a US House of Representatives resolution. “A 2006 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) assessment defined a…

Keep In Mind
by David Sims HERE IS Xurious featuring Hiraeth, singing “Keep in Mind.” Have a listen. White nationalist music is often pretty good stuff! Here are the lyrics: Yes we want
To be free
live our lives
As they…
by David Sims HERE IS Xurious featuring Hiraeth, singing “Keep in Mind.” Have a listen. White nationalist music is often pretty good stuff! Here are the lyrics: Yes we want
To be free
live our lives
As they…

Nordic Resistance Movement Holds People’s Conference
ON SUNDAY the Nordic Resistance Movement held the People’s Conference event, at which several important announcements were made. The three major announcements at the conference were as follows: Demonstration in Uppsala Postponed The planned 1 May demonstration in Uppsala has been postponed due…

White Nationalism, White Supremacy, and White Superiority
by David Sims THERE ARE three distinct viewpoints that often are confused with each other: White supremacy, White superiority, and White nationalism. White supremacy includes White superiority, but it goes a step further. In addition to asserting that Whites are superior to other races, a White…

National Socialism and Reactionary Nationalism
Klaus Lund writes about the relationship between reactionary nationalists and National Socialists and why National Socialism is the only way forward. by Klaus Lund NATIONAL SOCIALISM and nationalism might be related, but there are a lot of differences between National Socialism and what we usually…

Jared Taylor vs. CNN’s Forthcoming Hatchet Job on White Nationalism
Jared Taylor on CNN’s “The State of Hate” In April, CNN asked me for an interview with one of its hosts, Fareed Zakaria, as part of an hour-long program on “white nationalism.” I was reluctant. Programs of this kind don’t try to understand why people become “white nationalists.”…

A Letter to an Aryan Mother
by Karl Radl I wrote this letter in reply to a long email I received from a female friend of mine who asked me for advice about her feelings of personal despair for the Aryan Race after completing graduate studies, getting married to a fellow National Socialist and having children. I reproduce it here because…

ADL, CNN, FBI, Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance Pushing to Criminalize White Nationalism
The ADL’s George Selim, who claims to be “Arab-American.” by Chris Rossetti and National Vanguard correspondents GEORGE SELIM is head of the “Center on Extremism” at the organized crime-linked ADL, a Jewish pressure and smear group. Selim also oversees the ADL’s…