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Jews Screech, Facebook Jumps
by Tanstaafl In accordance with the recommendations outlined in the “The New Antisemites” report, which call on social media platforms to eliminate antisemitic content by adopting the IHRA working definition as the basis for content removal policies, we the undersigned coalition of 128 [as of 11…

They Know Their Narrative Is a Lie
by David Sims FACEBOOK HAS semi-censored my post in which I reported that Jeffrey Alan Acord, a 36-year-old BLM supporter, was arrested Wednesday in Puyallup, Washington, after being caught setting a fire in the brush along a state highway. Why did Facebook restrict my post? Because Facebook relies…

Interference in the Political Process
by David Sims I WANT you all to understand the duplicity and two-faced nature of the ostensibly “moral” judgments by which the censorship policies of the mainstream media are formed. According to Parler, “Facebook Places Curbs on Ads by US News Publishers With Political Ties.”…

Who the Hell Are You, Zuck?
by David Sims SOME MONTHS ago, I posted on my Facebook page a message containing three sentences, each of which expressed some easily verifiable truth regarding the general run of Black people. I’d touched upon: 1. The most common opinion among Blacks concerning the importance of Black slave…

Italy: Facebook Forced to Pay Restitution to Italian Nationalists It Deplatformed
IN SEPTEMBER last year, the Jewish-owned social media giant Facebook engaged in electoral meddling by arbitrarily banning the large accounts of radical nationalist parties Forza Nuova and CasaPound. In a rare victory for free speech in the West, Judge Stefania Garrisi found that Facebook had violated…

France: Facebook to Turn Over Data On Its Own Users if Deemed “Haters”
Facebook — which is run largely by Jews — now is voluntarily turning over information on its users to the police if said users merely say things deemed by Jews to be “wrongthink” or “thought crime”; as this controlled media despatch from the Reuters news service reveals. IN A WORLD…

Facebook Spies on Your Offline Life to Decide If You’re a “Hate Agent”
AN INTERNAL Facebook document reveals that the social media giant monitors its users’ offline behavior as part of how the company determines whether a person should be classified as a “Hate Agent,” as reported by the Washington Pundit. Titled “Hate Agent Policy Review,” the document reveals that…

Facebook to Ban White Nationalist or Separatist Posts
Facebook’s Brian Fishman speaks in Israel FACEBOOK WILL BEGIN banning White nationalist or White separatist content on its platform starting next week, the social media giant announced on Wednesday. Facebook officials formally decided to ban “white nationalism” and “white…

Facebook Censorship of Alternative Media ‘Just the Beginning,’ Warns Top Neocon Insider
THIS OCTOBER, Facebook and Twitter deleted the accounts of hundreds of users, including many alternative media outlets maintained by American users. Among those wiped out in the coordinated purge (along with innumerable pro-White and Jew-critical accounts, of course) were popular sites that…

Censored Film Reveals Secret Jewish Facebook Campaign
THE ISRAEL PROJECT, a major Jewish advocacy group based in Washington, is running a secret influence campaign on Facebook. This is revealed in The Lobby – USA, an undercover Al Jazeera documentary that has never been broadcast due to censorship by Qatar following pressure from pro-Israel organizations.…