Interference in the Political Process
by David Sims
I WANT you all to understand the duplicity and two-faced nature of the ostensibly “moral” judgments by which the censorship policies of the mainstream media are formed.
According to Parler, “Facebook Places Curbs on Ads by US News Publishers With Political Ties.”
Oh? Does that include ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN? Those news publishers have political ties to the Democratic Party [and to very political Jewish groups and individuals].
Wait. That particular kind of political tie doesn’t count. Those political ties are okay. It’s only ties to news publishers that the leftists and Jews who run the big-tech companies don’t like that will cause censorship and banning.
This is blatant interference with the the political process and elections in the US. These big-tech leftists are in a conspiracy to deny American voters truthful information about the plans of patriotic groups and candidates to help their country out of squalor, poverty, and chaos and back to law and order and prosperity.
Facebook Places Curbs on Ads by US News Publishers With Political Ties
FACEBOOK Inc (FB.O) on Tuesday unveiled a new policy that would prevent U.S. publishers with political ties from running ads presented as news articles, as the country gears up for the presidential election in November.
Under the new policy, publishers with any political connections will still be allowed to register as a news page but the company will implement some restrictions.
“The news pages with these affiliations will not be eligible for inclusion in Facebook News,” the social media giant said.
Facebook said it will extend its ad authorization policy to cover publishers with political affiliations. Under the policy, the platform publicly discloses who paid for an ad that has opinion-based content on social issues and elections.
The world’s largest online social network, with 2.7 billion monthly active users, has come under fire for its lax approach to fake news reports and misinformation campaigns, which many believe affected the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.
“Identifying politically connected publishers is a new process for us, and we will learn and adapt as needed,” Facebook added.
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Source: Author
If you are getting your news from facebook, you are in trouble already. Even if you don’t, you still are in trouble. Trump Biden is theater and all “news” is theater. Newspaper at one time bound the nation together creating what we call society along with education and literature and entertainment. Now, all of those organs of discourse are meant to divide. Finally, we have no society at all, just people being nasty to each other. That is the objective; destroy the enemy from within..
So, tell us how to stop it…..