Twitter to Impose Mass Censorship on Whites December 18
TWITTER IS abandoning its free speech policies and will begin banning Whites who expose or oppose the ongoing genocide of their race.
In what amounts to a major shift in Twitter policy, the company announced on Friday that it will be monitoring user’s behavior “on and off the platform” and will suspend a user’s account if they “affiliate with” organizations categorized by Jewish groups or Twitter’s own internal monitors as “hateful” or “violent,” according to an update to Twitter’s Help Center on Friday. (“Hate” is a weaponized term used by those promoting genocide of Whites to describe Whites who resist that genocide, even verbally.)
Twitter isn’t taking action immediately. Rather, it’s given users until December 18, 2017 when it will then begin enforcing the rule. The month-long wait is due to regulations in the European Union that require companies to inform users of a new policy change 30 days prior to enforcement.
The Dec. 18 deadline also applies to using “hateful images or symbols” in profile images or profile headers. Twitter will also monitor for “hate speech” in usernames, display names, and profile bios.
A controlled media piece described the censorship as follows: “This new rule closes a loophole that Twitter’s critics had long pointed out: That known white supremacists and others affiliated with hate groups could still use the platform to send a sanitized version of their message and use their followers to bolster their overall profile.”
What is really happening is that National Socialists, National Alliance members, and other advocates of White survival and resistance to genocide are having a notable degree of success in spreading their message on Twitter, and anti-Whites aim to put a stop to that.
It’s unclear how exactly Twitter will prioritize taking action and how much will come from user reports versus its own monitoring.
“The updates to the rules today will be enforced starting December 18. We’ll also have more details on these policies to share that day,” a Twitter spokesperson wrote in an emailed statement.
Over the last week, Twitter permanently banned Tim “Treadstone” Gionet, a prominent alt-right troll more widely known as Baked Alaska and also removed the verification badges of Jason Kessler, one of the organizers of the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, and of “alt-right” activist Richard Spencer.
Twitter’s decision to monitor users off site sparked concern from free speech advocates such as Andrew Torba, founder of social network Gab. “This is a scary precedent to set,” he wrote in an email. “Rules like this will only force dissidents and those who are speaking truth to power to silence themselves or risk being silenced by Twitter.”
Twitter gave Jason Kessler, organizer of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in August, a blue checkmark last week. Blue checkmarks are perceived by some as an endorsement, though that’s not really true: They simply indicate that the account holder — usually a person of some note — really is who he says he is.
That might not sound noteworthy to someone removed from the daily drama of Twitter, but that single decision reinvigorated one of Twitter’s oldest controversies: Should Whites attempting to save their people from genocide — called “neo-Nazis,” “white supremacists,” and “members of the alt-right” by Jews and others who favor the genocide — be banned from the world’s leading network of political speech? (Jews and other anti-Whites call opposition to genocide “hate speech.”)
This time, however, the move to verify Kessler, which happened on Nov. 7, and the resulting fallout, with him being stripped of his badge on Nov. 15, looks like it may have finally started a purge.
Twitter has also, for the first time, detailed a set of “guidelines” that, if broken, can result in accounts losing their verification. From Twitter’s support page:
– Intentionally misleading people on Twitter by changing one’s display name or bio.
– Promoting hate and/or violence against, or directly attacking or threatening other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or disease. Supporting organizations or individuals that promote the above.
– Inciting or engaging in harassment of others.
– Violence and dangerous behavior
– Directly or indirectly threatening or encouraging any form of physical violence against an individual or any group of people, including threatening or promoting terrorism
– Violent, gruesome, shocking, or disturbing imagery
– Self-harm, suicide
– Engaging in activity on Twitter that violates the Twitter Rules.
Previously, Twitter’s support materials only had the vague statement that “Twitter may remove the verified badge and verified status of a Twitter account at any time,” noting that verified accounts that significantly changed their profile settings could lose the checkmark.
On the 15th, Twitter permanently banned Tim “Treadstone” Gionet, a prominent “alt-right” activist more widely known as Baked Alaska. (Which is odd, because Gionet has toned down his Twitter posts in recent months, and for quite some time they’ve been little more radical than Donald Trump’s.) A few hours later, Twitter stripped White advocates Kessler and Richard Spencer of their previously granted verification badges, though they both remain on the platform.
Kessler was one of the organizers of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in August, and his (briefly) verified status on Twitter had inspired him to tweet, “I must be the only working class white advocate with that distinction.”
The blowback began immediately. Anti-White users recycled their false narrative of Kessler being responsible for a rally of “Nazis who murdered Heather Heyer.” They demanded that Kessler be de-verified.
In response, Twitter chose to temporarily stop its verification process. This week, Twitter released new rules for verification, and immediately began acting on them, banning accounts like Baked Alaska and taking away verifications. More could come as Twitter acts upon its new policy.
The anti-White and anti-free-speech attitude at Twitter headquarters is palpable: “No more nazis,” one Twitter employee texted Thursday morning, accompanied with a GIF of someone dancing.
On Wednesday employees received a lengthy email with the new verification policy, which was also added to Twitter’s Help Center and tweeted out. At almost the exact same time, Twitter banned Gionet and revoked verifications from Spencer and Kessler.
Suddenly, Twitter was abandoning its decade-long free speech principles in the name of what the anti-Whites and Jewish groups were demanding: “No more Nazis.”
“There’s some things you can just say, ‘This is wrong.’ Nazis are wrong. Homophobia is wrong. It’s a non-starter, non-conversational [sic],” a Twitter employee said over the phone Thursday.
Twitter has long promoted itself as network for free speech and having open dialogues. But free speech for Whites enrages Jews and self-hating Whites. One anti-White remarked that Twitter’s free speech policy “came at the cost of creating a place where women and people of color are constantly harassed. Meanwhile, neo-Nazis share photos of gas chambers.”
Another anti-White, Parker Molloy, expresses his ignorance and anti-White mindset perfectly:
Andrew Torba, former ad tech founder and now head of free speech social network Gab, argued that Twitter is politicizing its platform and is no longer accepting of an open dialogue.
“Twitter’s hypocrisy and poor leadership is on display yet again,” Torba wrote in an email. “By selectively removing verification from certain right-leaning groups and individuals and not left-leaning groups and individuals who also break these new subjective guidelines, Twitter is indeed ironically turning verification into a direct sign of endorsement.”
Indeed, a Twitter employee noted that the verification badge can be beneficial even if granted to “white supremacists.” It helps signal who is the real Jason Kessler, for example, and not an impersonator or a parody account. “I do want to know these people, and put a face to a name instead of it being a monolith of there are people that support nazis,” said the Twitter employee.
Gab is one of several alternative social networks that have risen in popularity over the last year in part due to Twitter’s increasing censorship. Gab received thousands of new user sign-ups overnight after Twitter unverified Kessler and banned “Baked Alaska,” according to Torba.
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Source: Associated Press and National Vanguard correspondents
This kind of thing dovetails with traitorous cuck Senator Dick Durbin’s introduction of the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act which enhances the Feds’ ability to monitor “domestic terrorists” (i.e. pissed off white goyim) as well as increasing training and “resource assisting”(i.e. more MRAPs and .50 Barrett rifles))) of local law enforcement in detecting and deterring domestic terrorism (i.e. The Boys in Blue Serve the Jew- New and Improved). Who is behind this legislation you ask- why, it’s the (((Usual Cast of Characters))) like the SPLC and the ADL as well as a few Muslim “Religion of Peace” advocacy groups like the Arab American Institute and the Muslim Advocates.
“In order to protect the experience and safety of people who use Twitter…” Someone needs to call their bluff on exactly HOW (legitimate proof) anyone’s individual safety is physically and IMMEDIATELY threatened by speech on their site, because unless speech can be proven to pose an imminent physical threat, it’s legal in the U.S. (Brandenburg vs. Ohio), regardless of how offensive it may be. I know these goons are claiming they have a right to do this because the service is free or that it’s privately-owned, but they are still conducting business in the United States and are (or should be) bound by the highest law of the land, that being the Constitution. There is only one real answer: Whites have to abandon this site en mass. Even if only… Read more »
I would like to cordially invite Twitter to go f….oh, I nearly forgot that crude language was prohibited.
11/19/17: What is really happening is that National Socialists, National Alliance members, and other advocates of White survival and resistance to genocide are having a notable degree of success in spreading their message on Twitter, and anti-Whites aim to put a stop to that.
How’s that working out for National-Socialists and National Alliance members now, four months later? How about for Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance? How about for the alt-right crowd that depends heavily on Twitter and other social media platforms like Facebook.
Not good. Most of the independents like @BakedAlaska were shoah’d beginning around Nov. 2016 after Trump’s win, as their rapid follower-growth frightened the ((censors)) more than tweets from the traditional leaders who are still on and regularly targeted by the MSM for “balance”. Banned include alt.right “shitlords” like original Ricky Vaughn (500k+ tweets, .25mil+ followers!), my fave, original Spectre, a true genius, not to mention @AAnglin. Don’t know what AmRen could’ve said – perhaps they didn’t buy [enough] ad space. For @Kevin_a_Strom, @RichardBSpencer, and @DrDavidDuke, the latter two having lost their blue check-marks, it appears that organizational leaders get to avoid @Jack’s impetuous ban-wand far easier than a shitlord gaining 10,000s of goyim he just redpilled. Oh you clever, @Jack.
I would say Taylor is a lost cause as he openly
cavorts with Jews.
I revisited this and find the Alt-Right crowd less inspiring daily. They do not have the staying power or consistency in viewpoint that the National Alliance has and will have. Baked Alaska is a brat, doing his Lets Go! phone call in Pelosi’s office while recently infected with Covid. Not quarantining, if warranted, was pure 3rd-worldism. Also disturbing is his treatment of the White working class that Alt-Right claims to defend. In the ADULT video he abuses apparently White store clerks. I doubt he’d have such a mouth if those clerks were black.It’s hard to imagine a life that’s been more blessed than Tim’s. Richard B Spencer is still on Twitter – and threw his support for Joe Biden over Trump, and not as an accelerationist (supporting liberals to… Read more »
Editor: FYI: referenced above, OJ Simpson in Richard Spencers tweet at: