
South Africa: Seizure of White-Owned Land to Be Legalized

SOUTH AFRICA’S African National Congress (ANC) has teamed up with the radical anti-White “Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party in that country’s parliament to pass a resolution ordering a subcommittee to investigate ways of changing the constitution to allow the government to seize White farmland by force and without compensation.

The vote, on a motion proposed by the EFF, has ordered the Constitutional Review Committee to consider changing section 25 of the South African constitution which currently prevents forcible seizures without compensation.

The ANC proposed an amendment to the EFF motion, which was adopted, that the Constitutional Review Committee “undertake a process of consultation to determine the modalities of the governing party resolution”.

The resolution it refers to was taken at the ANC’s conference in Johannesburg in December, to allow expropriation of land without compensation.

The Constitutional Review Committee has to report back to the parliament by August 30, 2018, and will doubtless hold a number of public hearings on the matter.

From there, any suggestion it makes will then have to be put to the parliament. It requires a two-third majority to change the constitution, which is 267 votes. The ANC has 249 seats in the 400-seat parliament, and the EFF has 25.

In its reaction, the TAU, South Africa’s largest White farmer’s association, said in a statement it “considers the decision of the National Assembly to amend the Constitution to allow expropriation without compensation, as legitimising theft and the commencement of a process of nationalization of land and property.”

“The government must take note that they should expect many farmers to regard it as a declaration of war. Nobody stole the land. It was bought and many mortgages have been or are still being paid for with heavy interest, and worked from sunrise to sunset be able to make payments and to make sure that there is food on every table,” the TAU statement continued.

“ Nobody will give just away their land, regardless of the country’s Constitution. Theft remains theft, even if it is authorized in a constitution.

“People who are currently in the process of buying property are already questioning why transfer duty should still be paid to the state? They are now taxed, just to eventually lose everything.”

* * *

Source: New Observer

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George Wright
George Wright
6 March, 2018 5:31 pm

I knew this would happen. As soon as the international community was assured that South Africa’s transition to a “multiracial democracy” was achieved with minimal bloodshed the Marxist blacks would begin stealing everything. How much coverage is this getting in the West? The same countries that imposed sanctions on the Whites in that country in the name of racial equality will now doubtless turn a blind eye to this outrage. Hell, they may even drum up some B.S. justification for it. I for one hope that the White farmers choose to not go quietly into the good night.

Will Williams
Will Williams
Reply to  George Wright
7 March, 2018 6:21 pm

GEORGE WRIGHT: I for one hope that the White farmers choose to not go quietly into the good night. — Next door in Zimbabwe, the regime that took over from the tyrant Mugabe, wants to make up with the White farmers who made things work in Rhodesia before the spooks took over and killed off many of them and stole their farms: White farmers in Zimbabwe have been thrown a lifeline by the country’s new government, offering hope to those who live in fear of losing their livelihoods and raising the prospect of a new era in the shattered country. The country’s new agriculture minister, Perence Shiri, told the white farmers, many of whom struggled under the recently deposed Robert Mugabe, that they would be offered 99-year leases over… Read more »

Reply to  Will Williams
8 March, 2018 10:26 pm

Very interesting, thanks for the information. I hope a plan like this could be introduced for S.A. Farmers as well.

6 March, 2018 10:32 pm

The Glenn Beck radio show gave a teaser when at the end of today’s program (3-6-2018) the declaration of race war by South African blacks on the Whites was mentioned as a story to be covered in an upcoming show. We shall see how much coverage the Jew-controlled media allows… That the same fate is in store for Whites everywhere around the world is not in doubt in my mind. When numerous university professors openly and brazenly call for White genocide here in the US, what’s bound to follow is their students echoing then supporting the same thing. The only difference is that the US is just a few decades behind South Africa. Whites now should not wait for an open declaration of war to reclaim control of our destiny;… Read more »

7 March, 2018 2:06 am

They have been there since 1652…. wow, I wish people could see through the envy, the hatred these ‘Jewish Oligarchs’ embody, regardless of how it effects others surrounding their manipulations. Psychopathy, you have to learn how a psychopath works and thinks when moving toward a their ‘goal’. They don’t calculate consequence or limitations, it is a ‘deal with that when it falls’ and then claw anything and everything. Jesus/Yeshua said (yah, yah I know even in the midst of talking about ‘love & forgiveness’ for non Jews) “Know thy enemy, be wise as serpents, they hold the keys to the kingdom but don’t go in themselves, they ‘lay in the food troughs so the ‘cattle’ can’t eat’… hmmmm.” Because they are serpents. No empathy, no conscience — psychopaths.

8 March, 2018 1:22 am

How is that they are stealing what was theirs to began with? It was stolen from them without compensation.

George Wright
George Wright
Reply to  nancy
8 March, 2018 7:38 pm

Nancy, you clearly don’t know the history of the region. Most of the area in question was never inhabited, much less farmed by anyone prior to Whites arriving. No disrespect intended to you.

Reply to  nancy
9 March, 2018 2:04 pm

Nancy, like George said, the land was uninhabited when the Whites came. You need to read up on the history, the actual history, and not just listen to the rhetoric coming from the black groups over there and Lefty, anti-White media. The Whites who first came to SA in NO wise “stole” anything from anyone. And since over 70% of the farms over there are White-owned, these negroes will be killing the Golden Goose when they themselves steal those farms because the blacks will NOT farm or maintain most of it and there will be massive food shortages coupled with economic chaos. Then, of course, the blacks will be begging “Please, Whitey, come back! We dyin heah!” like they always do following a few years of “Wakanda”…

I'll Have White Nationalism With A Side of Fries
I'll Have White Nationalism With A Side of Fries
9 March, 2018 9:47 am

Let’s say we’re all South Africans for a moment. Every day we read what our negro-empowered government intends to do: take our homes, the land they sit on, everything inside – most likely even our car and our lawnmower. Probably our new microwave too. All of it. Oh yes, one more thing: they’re going to take our lives. So we stock up on guns and ammo. Who could blame us, since we can expect no help from other white countries. But at least we South African whites have each other, right? Oh, wait… Then you remember. When the idea of turning over our country to negro-rule was proposed, the vote was open only to South African whites. At that time, we whites could have unanimously voted ‘no’. Could have… But… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
9 March, 2018 8:43 pm

They and their Jew masters know they have whitey on
the run, so they are thinking…why stop now?