Posts Tagged
White Farmers of Africa

As Zimbabwe, So America: BLM Land-Stealing Plans
South Africa: These Blacks don’t mean death in the Patrick Henry sense. They mean your death — if you’re White. by David Sims NOW THAT BLACKS have destroyed large parts of most major US cities, it has occurred to certain members of Black Lives Matter that Whites own 98% of the rural…

South Africa: Farm Attack Victim Speaks Out In Court
Even after being tortured and raped in front of her own children by a Black, this White woman still, sadly, fails to completely break out of her mental programming/prison; and quotes multiracialist Communist Nelson Mandela in pathetic hope that it will improve the behavior of Blacks made even more …

15,000 Boers Seek Refuge in Russia
A DELEGATION OF 30 South African farming families has arrived in Russia’s farmbelt Stavropol Region, Rossiya 1 TV reports. The group says it is facing violent attacks and death threats at home.
Up to 15,000 Boers, descendants of Dutch settlers in South Africa, are planning to move to Russia amid rising…

Australian Senator on South Africa: “This Is the Start of a Genocide”
Black attackers are “subhuman,” says senator.
AN AUSTRALIAN SENATOR claims White South African farmers are suffering a ‘state-sponsored genocide’ at the hands of their Black countrymen.
Independent senator Fraser Anning urged the Australian government to grant farmers…

South Africa: Seizure of White-Owned Land to Be Legalized
SOUTH AFRICA’S African National Congress (ANC) has teamed up with the radical anti-White “Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party in that country’s parliament to pass a resolution ordering a subcommittee to investigate ways of changing the constitution to allow the government to seize White…

South Africa and Iran Focus of Latest IHR Meeting
THE END OF White “apartheid” rule in South Africa during the early 1990s was supposed to usher in a golden era of freedom, prosperity and happiness. It hasn’t worked out that way. For the country’s people of European origin, prospects are not bright. Even the BBC asks: “Do white people have a future in…

The Lesson of Africa
by Dr. William L. Pierce ANOTHER White farmer in South Africa was murdered a few days ago. He was 65-year-old Daniel Marais. His wife Maria managed to escape from their farm near Bloemfontein and run three miles with their grandchild to a neighboring farm, after she had been assaulted by a Black.…

To Be, or Not to Be
One of Dr. Pierce’s most powerful works by Dr. William L. Pierce I’VE SPOKEN about the murderous racial attacks against the farmers in Rhodesia during the previous two broadcasts, but the situation there continues to worsen, and I’m obliged to speak about it again today, because…

Horror in Rhodesia
by Dr. William L. Pierce Last week we talked about the plight of the farmers of Rhodesia, now known as “Zimbabwe.” Last week I reported to you that more than 800 White farms had been invaded and illegally taken over by Black squatters, with the blessing of the government of Black dictator…

White Refugees Not Welcome in Australia
WHITE refugees fleeing anti-White murderous violence in Zimbabwe are not welcome in Australia — unlike the 12,000 “Syrians” which that country’s government has announced are welcome, proving once again that the “refugee” issue is not about genuinely helping people in need, but only about flooding…