
What England Has Come To

And it isn’t only England; the war on White people is everywhere now.

IN LONDON, England, a Black 16-year-old, Sherome Williams, was out culturally enriching the city with other members of the local Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity™ team, Bilkan Bilkaner and Duke Quainoo, when the group came upon a White university student named Russell Jones.

Seeing that Russell Jones was clearly in need of enrichment, Sherome Williams shot him with a shotgun. Once it was clear that the White man was still in need of Diversity™, Williams, Bilkaner, and Quainoo proceeded to stab him in his face. Next, in the interest of Inclusion™, they stabbed him in the neck. Finally, to complete the Equity™ phase of the DIE™ process, they stabbed Russell Jones in the back ten times.

Naturally, the trio then wrote a rap song celebrating their murder cultural enrichment of Russell Jones — a powerful contribution to the rich tapestry of multicultural arts with which London is blessed.

The murder cultural enrichment took place in 2018, but made current headlines as Sherome Williams was only now finally sentenced. He was already in jail for an attempted murder cultural enrichment in 2020.

I don’t drape this savage murder in Anti-White Diversity™ Newspeak to make light of Russell Jones’ death — I do it because I desire the death of Anti-White Diversity™ Newspeak. I do it because I desire an end to the War On White People, and an end to the assault on Western Civilization.

The language of the Diversity™ lie must be eradicated — because it gives cover to the Anti-White war machine that is eradicating us. It works from the top-down and from the bottom-up.

From the top, our governments — long since subverted — purposefully import hostile elements, radicalize them against the established White populace, and empower them with specials rights, privileges, and benefits inaccessible to the established White populace, all while simultaneously dehumanizing and disenfranchising the established White populace. And the established White populace is expected to cheer this. Because Diversity™.

From the bottom, those hostile elements serve every negative purpose — from White displacement and depopulation to lower wages and lower quality of life. Oh — and murder. Uniquely high rates of violent crime and anti-White murder. And the established White populace is expected to cheer it. Because Diversity™.

Diversity™, and every other stupid word under that Anti-White umbrella, just means “Anti-White.”

Diversity™ is the false god to which Western Civilization has been sacrificed.

America has just celebrated Independence Day — a time of the year we like to thumb our nose at England — but there’s a war raging in England right now, and it’s the same war raging in America. And in France. And in nearly every White (or formerly White) nation.

It’s not a war specifically against Brits, Americans, the French, or any particular nationality. It’s a war against a single race of people, wherever they’re found. It’s a War On White People.

Sherome Williams wasn’t simply some 16-year-old gangbanger. Whether he knows it or not, he’s a foot soldier in the War On White People.

Russell Jones wasn’t simply some chap at the wrong place at the wrong time. Whether, in his last moments, he realized it or not, he is a victim in the War On White People. Another sacrifice to the Diversity™ gods.

The crosshairs on Russell Jones are on all of us. White people are in this together, whether we realize it or not.

Without that realization, we’re all eventually Russell Jones.

With that realization, it will be a bad day not just for Sherome Williams — but for the [Jewish] civilizational assassins who set him loose.

* * *

Source: Daniel Concannon

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Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
13 July, 2023 2:18 pm

…Williams shot him with a shotgun.

No relation, except my great-great-great-grandfather may have owned his great-great-great-grandfather.

White man
White man
15 July, 2023 9:49 am

WHITE survival and a WHITE future for future generations of WHITE people is all that matters! The WHITE Race as a whole, must totally turn it back on the non-white racers, and be done with them. That is it.!