Bigotry in Bellingham
by Douglas Mercer
HATE IS ON THE rise, this we know for sure; “anti-Semitism” is on the rise, we know this because the Jew media never stop telling us. The epochal irony, though, is that what really is on the rise is a genocidal mania against White people. But to utter that truth just “proves” (to them) that hate is on the rise and anti-Semitism is on the rise. It’s a perverted Rube Golberg logic that is typical of Jews. What they do, they accuse you of. And try to make everyone afraid of you.
There is bigotry in Bellingham, Massachusetts, they say. Atavism, nativism, xenophobia, and know-nothingism are skyrocketing in the town. White men with tiki torches draped in White sheets maraud and stalk the land. They say that at Bellingham High School there was a sign the other day which read (hold your breath) “Stop White hate.” Now you don’t have to be a genius (though maybe it helps) to realize that this message is ambiguous. On the one hand, it could mean stop White people from hating, on the other it could mean stop the coloreds from hating White people. The “good folk” in Bellingham instantly and without qualifications or reservations chose the latter interpretation, and you would think that, because they are against hate, they would applaud the banner.
Not on your life.
The idea that someone would want hate against White people to cease, that some White people would be against hatred of themselves, well that is hate per se.
You see how the game gets played? You see the racket?
You see, hatred of White people is the lifeblood of the System. Hatred against White people is a fully regime-approved message. They say “stopping hate” is what they want. But they want the hatred against White people — hatred of White people by non-Whites and by White people themselves — to continue unabated.
Stop White hate.
It’s not quite a Zen koan, but it’s really instructive, is it not?
As I said, you don’t have to be genius but it does help.
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For all the clamor that attended the event of the posting of the Stop White Hate (that is, stop hating White people, not stop White people from hating), you’d have thought that the Lindbergh baby just got kidnapped. The local and the national press were all over this story of hateful White people asking people not to hate them. If that is what it was, of course. You can be sure that they weren’t looking in to it too hard — why, they had a genuine instance of “White racism” and that doesn’t come around every day, so they were going to run with it. But, assuming it was “racism,” their response was: How dare they? Why, White people are hateful so they deserve to be hated. It’s only restorative justice. White people can’t ask not to be hated: that’s hate!
Parents are upset after a racist sign was posted near Bellingham High School, WBZ-TV’s Christina Hager reported.
Christina Hager appears to be a White woman, probably of the Wine Aunt or Cat Lady species, though maybe a bit more upscale. From her reporting and her scowl you can tell that she is a self-hating White person because she totally disapproves of White people asking not be hated. That is, she wants coloreds to hate White people and she wants White people to hate themselves, just like she does. She’s made it to the lower reaches of the Jews’ media in this country — local news, professional ghetto variety. She knows the Jew rules, all right: Toe the “anti-racist” line, deplore White pride, spit on your people’s history, get ahead. She’s not going to buck that. And boy, she sure got a gusher on this one: The story got picked up all across the nation on all the major outlets, because a story of a White woman getting raped by a Negro holds no interest for Jew media scum — but a story of White people asking to stop the genocide aimed at them, that’s “racist” and so is right in their wheelhouse. Hager makes it clear she is against White people asking not to be hated. So undoubtedly she is for them being hated. That’s just logical, right? So she is a self-loathing White. She wants coal-colored coloreds, and everyone really, to hate her despised race. She as juch as said so in her reporting and her scowling demeanor. She may think she’s on the side of the angels, but she is extremely deluded; for lack of knowledge our people perish.
Stop White hate.
It’s right there in the words.
“Hate has no place on campus,” said a school official. Unless you are hating White people — then it is applauded and encouraged. As I said, hatred of White people is the lifeblood of the System; it is a fully approved regime message. It not only has a place on campus, it has pride of place; it will be taught in the classroom along with the holy scriptures of Howard Zinn. In the morning they won’t say the Pledge of Allegiance, they’ll do a “land acknowledgement.” White kids will get the message: Your day is done.
Some parents are on edge after a sign that said Stop White Hate was discovered along the street entrance of Bellingham High School over the weekend.
Pin and needles of anxiety they are on; the razor’s edge. What can be lurking in their fair town? Hate? Division? Disinformation? The incitement of violence? White Pride? Will there be cross burnings? Lynchings? Will a White homeowner not sell to a Black? Is someone hoarding Zyklon B? They close their shutters and shudder in their homes.
School Superintendent Peter Morano sent an email to parents this week saying it is deplorable, and we denounce it. Police say a couple of residents took it down when they saw it and brought it to the police department.
Deplorable! A police matter! The greatest crime of all is for White people to stick up for themselves, to defend their own interests. The White race lost its race pride card in 1945 when we put down and slaughtered millions of our kin who’d perversely decided a few years earlier that they didn’t want their nations supervised by Jews. Our race pride card was revoked for all time. Ashley Montagu and Gunnar Myrdal told us as much and they wouldn’t lie, would they?
“I don’t know what led to it, I don’t know why they put it up there, I don’t know if it’s a parent that’s upset because of the way things are going,” said Lt. Kevin Ranieri.
Do you like the way things are going? What self-respecting White person does? We don’t like that we are being booted unceremoniously out of our ancestral homeland, that our country has been turned into the dumping ground for the world, that our nation is a breeding ground for vicious lies about us, and that our so-called leaders are either fomenting or acquiescing in this. What’s to like about any of that? Nothing, that’s what.
He said since the spot was at a distance from the high school building, closer to the main road, there are no security cameras where the sign was propped up on a tree. “We were hoping somebody could have given some information, somebody could have seen who put it up.”
Now that White supremacy and White nationalism have been declared by the Jews to be the number one “domestic threat,” you can be sure they’ll have most if not all school grounds crawling with surveillance. There will be cameras to the gills now that the White man has spoken up loud and clear, if that is in fact what happened and it was not some “anti-racists” trying to put an end to White people “hating.”
Another mother, Tiara Bacchus, said it’s not the first time her children have told her about racial tensions at the school. “These boys had a rope, and they just kept on saying the N-word, and my daughter, she got up and she went to the guidance counselor.”
That story is as fake as a twenty with a Tubman on it. But in the context of an alleged “upsurge” of “White hate,” there is no tale of Negro woe too tall for them to swallow.
Another “concerned citizen” heard from:
“Thank you for tearing this down. As a Jew I’m deeply disturbed by the rise of racist hate incidents like this.”
As Jew — that says it all, yes? As a Jew, he wants no more White people, and he wants the last vestiges of our race to go quietly into that good night. Of course that’s unlikely, and in their black hearts the Jews know it. The end of hatred against White people will be the least of it. We will again begin to love our race and to reassert our long-lost pride. Because White people are waking up all around us, and we are a fearsome lot when provoked beyond endurance — when we can see plainly how they are heaping up our funeral pyre. And, whatever brainwashing has occurred, no one wants a future where their children are relegated to pushing wheelbarrows full of Tubmans to purchase tubs of dead crickets. We’ve come too far and accomplished too much for that.
And, truth be told, our saga has only just begun.
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Source: Author
I visit the White America blog every day, eager for new offerings. I simply want to thank this writer for sharing his rare insight and wisdom into the depth and breadth of the threat against us as White people, as well as his affirmations of all we were and all we still have the potential to be. In my 60 years of life, I have never read another who compares. Nobody, but nobody, “gets it” like this man does. Thank you for your incredible and powerful work, Douglas Mercer.
I’m not familiar with any “White America blog.” What is the URL?
Perhaps Mr. Mercer will provide that for you here, Steve. I just did a search for ‘white America douglas mercer’ and nothing came up.
However, we have 178 of his hard-hitting essays archived here for your convenience: Douglas Mercer | National Vanguard
Mr. Strom, as NV editor, almost always makes minor copy edits to make Mercer’s words flow better. Mercer appreciates that since he doesn’t have his own editor.
Douglas, I was being kind to Kevin, who is an excellent editor, a perfectionist who can improve one’s written composition and not just grammatically, but like you say, by including entire sentences or even paragraphs, usually bracketed [ ] to signify that it is an additional comment from him as editor. That is being an honest editor. As a fan of your writing, and more a fighter than a writer, I’m with Astrid; I don’t need perfection, I like your honesty, your uncompromising passion, mixed with humor that has occasionally had me laughing out loud. I still have the mental picture you drew for me of the poor potato chip that had been sat on by that brassy, big-boned Black woman, Stacy Abrams. I don’t go to blogs or listen… Read more »
The REACTION…to this OBVIOUSLY anodyne sign…says it all. I say ¨obvious¨ because if the most basic rationality was in place in this otherwise mad-house of a ¨country¨ it would be obviously, utterly benign. So, what we see in this ¨story¨ is mass-hysteria, yes, but also mass mental illness. A normal response any American of generation ago would be to pass it by with a shrug and perhaps mention it at dinner that night WITH ABSOLUTELY *NO* STORY to be otherwise heard about such a nothing event. I say ¨nothing¨ in the context of my overall point. It is very much something in that there is nation-wide massive hate of Whites and a gathering storm of increasing harm scheduled for them.
“What they do, they accuse you of. And try to make everyone afraid of you.” Classic narcissism, projecting and deflecting their own shortcomings onto their target scapegoat and then gaslighting them with disinformation, well, veiled lies, really. I feel sorry for Whites who are so afraid of losing their lousy jobs that they feel the need to sell out their own kin, as if they never look in the mirror and see a White face staring back at them. Look, I know that too many White people have been brainwashed, and especially in college, the liberal arts pounds the indoctrination in further, but I have much more respect for an uneducated White person than one who won’t think for oneself. And the shortsightedness of those who sell out to the… Read more »