You Can’t Convert Non-Whites Into Whites — So Stop Trying
by H. Millard
LISTEN UP you Great White Mothers (GWMs) and you Great White Fathers (GWFs) of this generation. We see you.
You are the present generation of those like you in prior generations who tried to convert Native Americans — Red people — into White people inside by stealing their children and putting them in so-called Indian schools and giving them White haircuts, White clothes, White values, and White religion. But you did not convert them into White people. Why? Because all peoples are their genes — their DNA Codes — and you can’t convert what they are biologically.
But it wasn’t just you GWMs and GWFs in America who did this. The GWMs and GWF’s in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand also tried to do the same thing with their native non-White peoples. And, naturally, they also failed to convert even a single non-White person into a White person inside of dark skin. Why? Because skin color is not like different color paint over identical automobiles. Skin color is an essential part, and a marker, of who and what the person is. It comes from your DNA code and genes just as almost everything else about you physically and mentally ultimately comes from them. Thus, if the skin is not White outside the person is not White inside.
In the 1960s, you Great White Mothers and Great White Fathers started parroting nonsense as though you were trained seals. You mouthed this really stupid cliché, and made it one of your top values, and put it into laws in various ways; it went something like this:
I’m not a racist and I don’t judge others by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
Really? What a stupid thing to think and say. That would be like saying you don’t judge sharks on their external appearance but on the content of their character. Utter rubbish. It is perfectly logical and appropriate to consider the outside of the packages that make up different humans because in the case of humans the package is an integral part of what is inside. Skin color comes from the genes and is part of the DNA code. And it does give an indication of the content of the character of the individual, since that same DNA code also determines the personality and other characteristics of the brain.
The present generation of GWMs and GWFs are falling all over themselves in a masochistic orgy of stupidity, genuflecting and apologizing and asking to be whipped for being born White. You can see and hear them supporting groups, philosophies, and causes that are really harmful — to the point of genocide — to Whites. This is just the other side of the same GWM and GWF coin.
Today, the GWMs and GWFs want to “mother” mostly Black people, and these GWMs and GWFs are loving being insulted and attacked because it gives them psychological relief from their guilt feelings about being White. And, ironically, they have both guilt feelings about being White and feelings of superiority for being White at the same time. Talk about being neurotic. No; talk about being nuts. Talk about suicidal self-hatred and a desire to not be as you are born. In fact, many of them don’t want to exist at all. Very sick.
The subconscious feelings of superiority are shown as these soul-sick GWMs and GWFs try to take part in Black demonstrations, where the Whites always want to be right at the front so they’re seen as the superior persons that they think they are. “Hey, everyone, look at us, we’re virtuous Whites and we stand with Blacks; see how we’re in the front and how we’re screaming at White cops and giving support [mothering and fathering] to our Black brothers and Black sisters against all you racist Whites.” And, watch them as they try to out-Black Blacks in their anger at supposed anti-Black “racism.”
Of course, they love all this masturbatory masochism and self-abnegation until the non-Whites tell them to stay out of their 100% non-White graduation ceremonies and meetings, or to get to the rear of the protest — and this, of course, causes great confusion among the GWMs and GWFs who are probably saying, in typical GWM and GWF fashion, “Hey, we’re just here to help you [to mother and father you] against other Whites who are racist.” And, this, of course, is just an update of what was said in the past by the earlier generations of GWMs and GWFs when they said things such as “Hey, we’re just here to help you [to mother and father you] to end segregation.”
The GWMs and GWFs are always trying to help non-Whites — to mother and father them, and teach — sometimes just by example, by showing them how to act like a good “liberal” White. Which, in their unspoken opinion, is the way all people should act.
Because of their soul-sickness, these sad sack GWMs and GWFs think all people of every race are really just like White people inside. This is part of the false notion that the content of one’s character is the same in all humans. In their minds, some of these GWMs and GWFs think (though they would never say it out loud or phrase it this way even in their own minds) that if they can just mother and father Blacks well enough, the Blacks will let their “inner Whiteness” come to the fore, even though they (tragically) are locked into non-White skin with non-White facial features etc. The truth is that our genes are us, and their genes are them and never the twain shall meet. It is a universal law: We are our genes.
Let’s look a little more into this and see if we can find some more universals to make the point that you can’t convert non-Whites into being Whites. This starts with our senses.
All animals, including humans, are given senses. We have senses so that we may experience the world around us and so that we may sense danger and stay alive to fulfill that first commandment of all living things: Reproduce. Make more like yourself. Mate.
It is the same for everything that lives, including humans.
With dogs, the king of the senses is smell. That’s how they mostly experience the world and avoid danger — so they can live to mate and make more like themselves.
With humans, the king of the senses is our sight. We mostly experience the world via sight. That’s also how we primarily survive in order to breed. And Nature (meaning also evolution) has made the major human races (really different subspecies, or different species — or even different genera, as Darwin suggested) color-coded, and has given them different facial and other features so we can perceive danger at a glance and from a distance, so we can avoid “stranger danger” — in order to live and to breed with our own kind, and pass on our unique DNA code to our offspring. And by seeing these differences we can easily avoid mating with those unlike us, and thus avoid destroying our own internal DNA code that makes us, us — and which is in competition with all other DNA codes in the eternal gene wars.
So, please stop saying that we should consider the character of a person and not his or her color, or similar absurd nostrums. That’s like saying we should deny what our eyes tell us. And that is not a good survival strategy. That is actually a denial of the natural strategy all Whites were born with, the purpose of which is to keep us alive until we mate and produce more like ourselves. And stop thinking that you can turn non-Whites into “internal Whites” just by either showing them “love” or by putting them into formerly all-White communities and schools. It doesn’t work and it will never work.
Here’s an example that might drive the point home that we are born to breed — that is our purpose is living: Magicicada periodic cicadas emerge from underground every 17 years (some broods have a 13-year cycle) for the sole purpose of breeding — making more like themselves — and then they die within about a month after emerging. Brood X(10) emerged starting in January of 2021 and now most of them, except a few stragglers, have long since died, while their offspring have started moving underground and will emerge in another 17 years to continue the life cycle.
If cicadas lived above ground, most of them would be eaten — it is said that even to human palates cicadas taste like tofu so they would certainly be edible, maybe even craveable, by all sorts of predators, including humans. Being tasty is not a good survival strategy for cicadas. On the other hand being tasty is a good survival strategy for Hass Avocados, but I wrote about that in another column.
And the life cycle, to repeat, is be born, grow to maturity, breed to pass on your unique mix of genes, die. It is the same for all living things, with some modifications here and there — but the principle remains the same. That’s what life is all about. That is Nature’s way. Nature (or the Deity, if you prefer) is a constant trial-and-error tinkerer and wants some form of life to continue on no matter what happens with the planet.
To accomplish this goal, different forms of life have different internal DNA codes, causing them act and react in certain ways unique to each variety, with the overall purpose to live so they can make more like themselves, more of that specific variety. And they have their senses to help them accomplish this goal of making more like themselves.
So above, so below. So outside, so inside. Trust your eyes. Skin color is a real clue to what is inside. Don’t try to make non-Whites into Whites. Let them be as they are, and you be as you are.
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Source: Author
©2022 H. Millard
Ourselves Alone & Homeless Jack’s Religion: Messages of Ennui and Meaning in Post-American America by H. Millard — In this book, H. Millard, the hard-to-pigeonhole author of The Outsider and Roaming the Wastelands, has put together some of his category-bending commentaries on post-American America. They deal with politics, philosophy, free speech, genocide, religion and other topics in Millard’s edgy style — and lead up to “Homeless Jack’s Religion,” in which Homeless Jack lays out revelations he found in a dumpster on skid row. ISBN-10: 0-595-32646-3
Roaming the Wastelands by H. Millard — The groundbreaking novel of post-American America and of a life-affirming philosophy that is beyond left and right. From Chapter 1: “There are some among us who can’t help but listen to a different drummer. The drumming they hear is from their DNA. Some try to block it out, but it is heard in the blood which has no ears that can be covered to stop the sound that is not a sound. It is a call of the wild from centuries past to the wild in some humans. Those who try to deny the drummer are doomed to unhappy lives, for they are denying what they were born to be.” ISBN-10: 0-595-22811-9
The Outsider by H. Millard — Non-conformist and alienated, Buck wanders alone through a post-American America seeking meaning and the authentic. H. Millard’s iconoclastic, sacred-cow-toppling essays and fiction have appeared in everything from the high-IQ society Mensa’s publications to newspapers and magazines. Follow the linked title or get it by telephone: 1-877-823-9235. ISBN-10: 0-595-19424-9
There is no point on talking to the lemmings. They are far too gone to ever change their sick ways. Facts and logic are completely irrelevant to them because they think THEY are spitting the facts because the institutions and powers that be say so, so they think it’s true. It’s this type of appeal to authority that the Jews have been able to exploit amongst our kind along with our empathy to make the vast majority of them into mind slaves. Sadly by the time they realize what they have done, it would be too late for they will be the first to go just like in South Africa which I would have fine with after all (you reap what you sow) the problem is that they will drag… Read more »
you are correct.
there is no point in talking to and trying to convince the born waste-eaters.
they are here to obey..,.and feed their stomachs and genitals.
these people don’t care because the Jew has, since their birth, inundated them with ridiculous propaganda and degenerate lies….
without the will to shake off these queer, Kosher misinformating Lies….we are all doomed.
why should these ugly, sloppy derelict insects win?
you kidding me?
these filthy, frail demonic pieces of garbage?
are you kidding me?
these ‘ things ‘ are most likely not even actually human.
obviously….we decide for ourselves.
Every single problem that the White race faces today can be summed up in one phrase. We need to reestablish Pride on our Race. The system we have is not allowing our people as a group with honor, dignity, vitrue and the greatest resume of success the world has ever seen to have any pride . We are being ruled by the enemy of the world itself (Jews) and those who derserve admiration the least (negros sodomites, etc.) we are being put on a pedistal whcih they cretainly have never earned. The Bible teaches there are three kinds of sin 1. lust of the eyes ..a beautiful white woman and a strong virtuous white gentleman. 2. Lust of the flesh…sex is bad which is why we are “born into sin”… Read more »
Agreed. Taking ACTION is the natural continuation of accepting reality as it is, and is what Whites have been blocked from accessing to it as an innate ability. But Nature Speaks through us, and makes us redefine ourselves through our better elements.
Some of us have already passed the threshold of Superhuman Eligibility. Development in action is what needs to be done. Keep it up everyone, I can only do so myself.
This is obviously correct.