
Video: More Anti-White Hate

QUESTION: “What are White people superior at?”


• “Violence”
• “Genocide”
• “Fear”
• “Ignorance”
• “Being dicks”
• “Destruction of humanness”
• “Lying, stealing, and cheating”

Hatred of White people is truly America’s pastime.

Watch these freaks rattle off the anti-White blood libel that’s been sown into their psyche by the Anti-White Industrial Complex.

No hesitation, no fear.

And definitely no consequences.

Now change the question from White people to Jewish, Black, Asian, Latino, or anything other than “White people,” but keep the answers the same…

The video is removed, accounts are banned, jobs are lost, the ADL and a litany of other ethnic interest groups are activated, the FBI investigates, and politicians from both parties post performative condemnations of “hate speech.”

Just last week, Rasmussen published one of the most eye-opening polls in the history of the United States. There were two headline-worthy revelations:

Half of America’s Black population believes it’s NOT okay to be White

Only 67% of America’s White population strongly agrees that it’s okay to be White

A grand total of three — I repeat: three — media outlets covered the Rasmussen poll. Not one of those outlets reported the results as indicative of popular anti-White sentiment, instead inexplicably framing the results as somehow being “anti-woke.”

No one in media wanted to touch this poll because it’s far too eye-opening for a White population that the media works so diligently to keep asleep.

Also last week, Scott Adams, the creator of the Dilbert comic strip, reacted to the Rasmussen poll during a YouTube stream. Adams concluded that the half of Blacks who don’t think it’s permissible for White people to exist are a hate group, and advised White people to “get the Hell away” from them.

And can you guess how many media outlets are covering Scott Adams’ “racist tirade” of “unhinged hate speech” and the subsequent cancellation of Dilbert by hundreds of newspapers?

All of them.

The results are too lengthy to inventory.

They’re not covering the Rasmussen poll Adams was reacting to, of course, they’re simply covering “White Man Bad” and “White Man Cancelled” as they always do.

* * *

Source: Keep NH Granite

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David Cavall
David Cavall
27 February, 2023 8:30 pm

That video is a showcase for some of the ugliest, most ignorant people I have seen in ages. I love the one where the Negro says White people are violent. Apparently he is clueless to the fact that darkies are 27x’s more likely to assault a White person than vice versa. That Negroes make up 13% of the population and commit 60% of the murders. Shall I list the stats on the rape of White women by blacks? We are on our way to becoming S. Africa. It’s a very bad time for Whites in America.

C.E. Whiteoak
C.E. Whiteoak
27 February, 2023 10:28 pm

What a bunch of morons! I very much doubt that even one of those ugly creatures in that video has an IQ of over 89, yet they are being allowed to run the country.

28 February, 2023 9:11 pm

“What are White people superior at?”

Answer: Whatever we want.

2 March, 2023 11:05 pm

Non Whites hate us because they aren’t us. We build better, more beautiful and more sophisticated societies. We have superior art, culture, architecture and finally civilization to all other races. That’s why all of them flock to White countries and want to live there. If the White race dies out, an eternal darkness of barbarism and savagery will reign supreme on this planet.

Alex Lund
Alex Lund
3 March, 2023 2:07 pm

I know I fall into the trap, but:

If we whites are that good at genocide, why arent we alone on this planet?

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Alex Lund
3 March, 2023 11:46 pm

If Whites are so good at doing what’s necessary for our race, Mr. Lund, then are you willing to join with other Whites such as yourself in making this happen?

Cabot Montreaux
Cabot Montreaux
13 March, 2023 4:12 pm

“What woolly-headed Demostheneses, or Ciceros, or Calhouns, or Bentons, or Clays ever delighted and electrified vast masses of woolly-headed men with their eloquence? What woolly-headed Euclids, or Archimedeses, or Laplaces, or Gallileos, or Herschels, or Newtons ever investigated the truths of astronomical and mathematical sciences? “What woolly-headed Caesars, Alexanders, Washingtons, Napoleons and Wellingtons ever led their marshalled battalions upon the principles of military science to either liberty, victory, or death? What woolly-headed Solons, or Alfreds, or Jeffersons, ever framed a code of laws to direct and guide the destinies of a great nation? “What woolly headed Homers, Virgils, Dantes, Molieres, or Shakspeares ever inscribed their names upon the pillar of fame, by the numbers of immortal song? What woolly-headed Xenophons, Tacituses, Gibbons, Voltaires, Humes and Bancrofts ever depicted the actions… Read more »

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Cabot Montreaux
13 March, 2023 11:00 pm

Sounds like a good book

Cabot Montreaux
Cabot Montreaux
13 March, 2023 4:31 pm

“Throughout recorded history over the last 6000 years the African has invented nothing. He has not even so much as invented the wheel, although he had ample opportunity to copy it from the White Egyptians thousands of years ago. He has never learned to weave cloth, although that too he could have learned thousands of years ago from the White Egyptians. He has never domesticated a single animal. His only method of transporting goods has been his hard, burry head as a means of cartage. “He has never progressed beyond the common mud-hut as a means of shelter, the construction of which is barely beyond that being built by beavers or muskrats. He has never produced a written language. Practically the only trade he has ever indulged in is the… Read more »

Angry Swede
Angry Swede
14 March, 2023 5:35 pm

Well, this is fine with me. I don´t like them either but the difference between me and them is that i don´t wan´t to be near them in any way what so ever, but they always demand their place among us. Extreme hypocrisy in other words. So, i don´t care about their opinions and words, that´s not the problem here, the problem is all white collaborators out there. These collaborators in all parts of our societies, they are the big reason why we are in the current situation. I take for granted the collaborators consider them selves being all these things described in the video, right? :) Finally, i never forgive the collaborators, no way. They are dirt, the worst kind of garbage and they deserve the worst of fates… Read more »