America: The World’s Leading Killer
by John Kaminsky
THEY MAKE beating up the world sound like a fun event.
This is the world turned upside down. There’s this ad for the U.S. Navy on TV, with the rich resonant voice of actor Keith David who exhorts young men to serve in “a global force for good.”
Millions of faces of murdered innocents forever serve as a silent rejection of this lie.
In a furnished room far from home, the memory of raping and killing terrified women and children confronts the former recruit and now battle-hardened veteran . . . now reduced to unquenchable tears. The excuse of “just following orders” has always been the last refuge of a soldier who knows he’s guilty.
So many kids who were tricked into killing got rewarded for it, but no reward is big enough to anesthetize the gaping sense of horror at the thought you murdered innocent people.
These thoughts come back at night and all too often kill the recipient of them.
Unless you’re a politician who doesn’t give these things a second thought.
We’ve Lost Our Way
Who was it we are trying to defeat? What was it we are trying to accomplish? What do we do when we know our government deliberately creates the enemies it pretends to fight?
And the most wrenching question of all: What does an act of genuine heroism in service to criminal aggression actually mean? Actually, it means nothing, except for the futile waste of the precious gift of life.
I wonder what was on the minds of Seal Team 6 when their helicopter was going down for the last time. I wonder if they knew they were being eliminated because they couldn’t be trusted to maintain the fraudulent story told by Barack Obama about how these Seals murdered Osama bin Laden and dumped his body in the Indian Ocean.
This is the reward anybody who joins the American military can expect from following orders without consulting their consciences, to be murdered by your superiors for some crime they are trying to cover up.
Around the world America is known as the world’s leading killer, a force known not only for killing without reason and always lying about what it does, but also killing its own operatives when they no longer fit into the plan. Google Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods for further details.
It’s a new twist on the curdled Vietnam legend that we had to destroy the village in order to save it. Now that it’s the operating philosophy of Jade Helm, the NDAA Act and the American military, the theorem has evolved into ‘we must kill them in order to protect them.’
Journalism has never reached the goal it professes to aspire to, but it has never been further away from the goal of editorial objectivity because it remains a smug slave to the financial compromises it must endure to survive. This deal with the devil makes it an unreliable source in most situations.
Jewish-inspired American crimes are camouflaged by compliant media that dare not challenge the lies they are told for fear they will lose their access to the politicians who mislead us. Such is the demented condition of the world today. Vampires feeding on corruption.
We Invent Our Enemies
When the United States ran out of national enemies in 1989 with the fall of the Berlin Wall, it began to invent its own terrorists, first by mobilizing Arabs in Afghanistan into the mujaheddin, then turning them into Al-Qaeda to be impossibly blamed for 9/11, and lately turning this well-funded group into ISIS and the “moderate rebels” of Syria who are indirectly supported by Washington through the stooge states of Qatar, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.
All this political prattle inevitably leads to Russia, one of two major White nation combatants scheduled for annihilation by the Jewish masterminds who seek the destruction of all nations, to the creation of a permanent worldwide prison they will call Jewish Peace.
It will be the ultimate abnegation of humanity, which in its former state used to value conscience and morality, but by now has devolved into a kind of pragmatic treason in all relationships, meaning the chances for cultural cohesion in a society are greatly reduced. Lack of friends makes it easier to turn to Big Brother for help.
Generated by the Jewish psychopaths who run the publishing industry, the lockstep newspaper version is that Russia is always evil and this unfortunate condition may be rectified by bombing them.
Somehow all the newspapers in the country have the same opinion. All news is skewed against Russia, much in the way it was skewed against Germany prior to both World Wars.
It’s amazing. But it is no longer a mystery when you realize one or two people own all the newspapers. Same with TV stations. They all have the same opinion — bomb Russia. And now you know why. All these mainstream media outlets are owned by the same rich White criminals. Well, not exactly White. Jewish. There’s a big difference.
And then there are these heroes we venerate for their bravery and for throwing away their lives after the lies that led them to their deaths. The unctuous words of the people who sent them to hell resonate at the funerals of those who followed orders and gave their lives while murdering people who never needed to die.
War is Our Default Mechanism
We raped Gaddafi in the street and stole his oil and gold, then destroyed his Miracle in the Desert water system. He provided free housing and college to Libyan children, and like Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, what benefits these dictators provided to their people put to shame how little the governments of the West actually provide for their own citizens.

The powers that be don’t like this kind of news getting around: that people outside the control of the Jewish banks live better quality lives than those who pay most of their earnings to shysters who don’t lift a finger. Hitler proved that point before he was destroyed by the Jews that plague all countries with their usury.
The new war that we never hear about is going on in Yemen. Like the U.S. invasion of Syria, it’s all about the Saudis trying to reinstall their puppet who was ousted in the last election. The death toll keeps climbing, Yemeni civil society has been destroyed, and the Saudis use American weapons to resubjugate this geographically strategic country.
I learned a long time ago that the core of America’s profitability has always been armaments. We always had the best weapons, and still do, maybe. But for more than a century now, the crown jewel of American industry has been the manufacture of the tools of war.
The entire economy hinges on ability to make war. The educational system is geared to discovering new military applications. America defends dictatorships, and destroys countries that try to be free and independent.
War is our default mechanism. Warmongers trumpet the virtues of war with no consciousness that most of the victims of war are mothers and their children. Smedley Butler outlined our basic problem 80 years ago. Stifled by corrupt newspapers, the message never reached the general public, or if it did, it was ignored and eventually overwhelmed by the Jewish quest for vengeance that started World War II.
Thinking people all over the world had many hours of their attention consumed by the recent U.S. presidential election. History shows their focus was misplaced, because judging by history it doesn’t really matter who is president or who is not. America the machine keeps rolling on no matter who is president. Presidents who disagree with the powerbrokers who own him are efficiently eliminated by a lone nut with a bonafide mental health history.
The Border of Madness
Skewered by the conceptual daggers of Jewry, America has crossed the line into madness. No longer do we hear the cherished words freedom and liberty. The powers that be are flooding the civilized world with savages from the wilds of the world to further degrade systems that worked well before this concerted attack on the stability of White nations.
The wars, you know, these are not exhibitions of our bravery or defenses of our liberty. They are brutal onslaughts on victims who are given the bleak choice of obey or die.
The Jews, you must remember, are sworn to kill or enslave everyone in the world, a goal toward which they have made tremendous progress.
You can’t believe what the U.S. government says. One hundred and three treaties signed with the American Indians. The U.S. never kept a single one. The whole world knows this, but America just keeps lying and the world continues to accept those lies because the U.S. has the muscle and the money to castrate any other country.
A country that has that reputation deserves to be destroyed.
It’s the outright lying that gets me the most. The celebrated bloodbaths in Iraq and Afghanistan, all for lies, all for nothing except oil and heroin, the two biggest cash crops in the world. The obliteration of Syria is about an oil pipeline that Israel wants to build. The U.S. policy is to make all of Israel’s neighbors disaster areas, people living in rubble with no hope for freedom.
The deluded populace has yet to realize this is the Jewish plan for the whole world.
Our government would rather kill you than tell you the truth. Just ask an oncologist, or someone who tried to tell you the truth about your government and was forced to leave the country to save his own life.

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Source: Dark Moon
Excellent Mr. Kaminsky! I salute you!
Old news, but still nice to see others are seeing the truth at last. One fact that is often overlooked or wilfully hidden by those spitting Jewish venom at Russia, and that is Russia also has some big guns too, along with one of the largest nuclear arsenals in the world. More importantly they are a battle-hardened people. Seventy years of living under a repressive Jewish Communist dictatorship makes a people tough – spiritually tough, emotionally tough and physically tough. The same cannot be said of the average American citizen, if such an animal exists. Drop an A-Bomb on LA and NY and I think the morale of the country would collapse. The days of the Alamo have gone and there are few Americans today possessing the moral calibre of… Read more »
I believe WLP once described the Jews’ control over
USofA as “holding a tiger by the tail and dare not letting
“Skewered by the conceptual daggers of Jewry, America has crossed the line into madness.”
A very profound statement with the undeniable ring of truth to it.
“Around the world America is known as the world’s leading killer, a force known not only for killing without reason and always lying about what it does, but also killing its own operatives when they no longer fit into the plan. Google Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods for further details.”
Search for ‘Navy Seals killed in Afghanistan’ and you will find the Navy seals who sank the South Korean destroyer to falsely blame the North Koreans!