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How a centuries-old document validates the National Alliance by Ryan Cavallius THE National Alliance is right. The Magna Carta proves it. In two short passages about the Jews, a centuries-old legal document from across the ocean validates the Alliance’s goal of complete geographical separation…
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Gottfried Feder explains how he arrived at the view that interest on debts must be abolished Introduced and translated by Hadding Scott THE GENERAL PURPOSE of this short essay is similar to that of the first half of Mein Kampf: to show how the author arrived at his views.

It is interesting to observe in…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

Edward I of England by Revilo P. Oliver PROFESSOR R.H. Helmholz has published in Speculum, LXI (1986), pp. 365-380, what is, I believe, the first study of the enforcement of the laws against usury in England that is based on the records of the ecclesiastical courts that have survived from the fourteenth,…
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David SimsEssaysOpinion

This is your god, fools. People who have arrogated to themselves the “right” to create money out of nothing — and that includes the entire banking System as well as the central head of the hydra, the Federal Reserve — and then, on top of that, have the chutzpah to charge the people
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YESTERDAY, the Federal Reserve crossed its latest liquidity “free money” Rubicon. It announced it will provide unlimited credit — and assume the bad debts, not just of banks, shadow banks, and wealthy (and mostly Jewish) investors — but for what it disingenuously called “Main…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

Richard Kelly Hoskins by Revilo P. Oliver WAR CYCLES – PEACE CYCLES (Lynchburg, Virginia, Virginia Publishing Co., 1985) is a paperback volume of 250 pages printed by photo-offset from a good computer’s print-out. Although the type is ordinary typewriter type with bold face produced by the…
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EssaysHadding Scott

Introduction by Hadding Scott: Paul de Lagarde (1827 – 1891) was a professor at the University of Göttingen and highly respected in the field of ancient Near-Eastern languages. He was chiefly concerned with elucidation of the Bible, but also wrote books about the ancient Persians and Armenians,…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims THE FOLLOWING EXTRACT is from Red Ice TV’s interview with a Jewish lawyer who goes by the online alias of “Frame Game,” who seems to be an honest and perceptive fellow. Here’s an out-take of the conversation from 12:22 to 15:20 on the recording: Host: “So…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce Middle Ages Were Era of Slow, Ordered Evolution Eastern Europe Had Different Experience With Jews than West Reformation Resulted in Increased Judaization of Western Europe Inside the White Citadel, Jews Wreak Havoc on Society Capitalists, Reds Collaborate Against West
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims LESS THAN sixty years ago, a US citizen could buy a good house for his family with less than his income over two years. If he made $9,000 per year, then his house probably cost him $12,000. Today, the man might make $81,000 per year, but his house costs upwards of $600,000. It makes sense that…
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