How the “Holocaust” was Faked
THE ALLEGED “Holocaust” of “6 million Jews” at the hands of Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany during WWII is the biggest lie ever foisted upon humanity. The very idea that the Germans organized and executed a complex conspiracy involving “homicidal gas chambers” and other barbaric, sadistic forms of mass murder designed to exterminate European Jewry during WWII is laughable on its face when you stop and objectively think about it. (ILLUSTRATION: Highway sign near Detroit, Michigan)
National Socialist Germany and her allies were fighting a multi-front war against some of the most powerful nations in the world at the time, including the United States, the British Empire, and the Soviet Union. The idea that they would divert their precious and extremely scarce resources and manpower towards implementing a systematic campaign of mass murder specifically designed to annihilate European Jewry is absurd.
There was no German conspiracy to systematically genocide and destroy European Jewry during WWII. There were no “homicidal gas chambers” utilized to murder Jews and other “undesirables”. The system of concentration camps throughout much of Europe developed and administered by the Germans and their allies during WWII was simply a network of labor, transit, industrial and detention facilities — not “death camps”. Jews, political prisoners and Communist subversives (many of whom were in fact Jewish), homosexuals and many others were detained and either put to work or imprisoned in German-administered concentration camps and industrial facilities throughout Europe.
These forced laborers and prisoners were well-cared for, at least until the end of the war when Germany’s supply lines broke down and chaos ensued as a result of the Soviet and Anglo-American invasion of German territory. They were well-fed, well-provided for, and given medical treatment and entertainment. They were allowed to attend concerts, organize plays, make music and play sports. If the Germans were hell bent on murdering these people, why would they provide medical care for them and allow them to entertain themselves?
The entire WWII narrative, especially the fake “Holocaust” story, is basically the exact opposite from what we’ve been told and taught.
The Jewish Bolshevik terrorists who overthrew the Russian monarchy during WWI and their allies — the USA and the UK, primarily — committed the real atrocities and genocides against the German people and their sympathizers during and after WWII. The British and Americans engaged in a systematic fire-bombing campaign specifically targeting German industrial and urban areas for destruction. Major cities all throughout Germany were fire-bombed on a regular basis, resulting in the horrific death for millions of innocent German civilians — men, women and children.
The Allies sunk German civilian ships escaping the rampaging Soviet Red Army towards the end of the war, ending the lives of countless innocent civilians including, ironically enough, many Eastern European Jews fleeing from the advancing Red Army. The barbaric, out-of-control Red Army was encouraged to rape, pillage, torture and murder Germans as they advanced into German territory, and they did. Hundreds of thousands of German POWs and civilians were starved and murdered after the war, often suffering gruesome deaths from exposure, thirst and torture at the hands of the victorious and ruthless Allies. The National Socialist political, cultural and educational establishment was systematically dismantled and destroyed, with many top officials and leaders murdered, tortured, robbed, imprisoned and otherwise mistreated.
Jewish propagandists have entirely reversed the reality of the situation using their control of the media, and have blamed the Germans for starting the war and committing all the alleged atrocities, when in reality the Germans and their allies were the most disciplined, honorable and righteous forces fighting in that fratricidal Jewish-instigated war. The German people and their allies were the ones who experienced a genuine holocaust — a real genocide — during WWII, not the Jewish population of Europe.
The simple fact of the matter is that the “Holocaust” narrative — 6 million Jews persecuted, abused, and systematically exterminated by “those evil Nazis” during WWII — endlessly promoted and perpetuated by the Jewish-owned mass media, Hollywood and “entertainment” complex, and educational and political establishment is 100% bogus in virtually all respects. The Germans simply wanted the Jews out of Germany, clearly and correctly recognizing them as an alien, hostile and treacherous force working to subvert, pollute and destroy the German nation and Western civilization.
Jews were encouraged to leave Germany, and many did. Others were imprisoned or detained in the various labor and concentration camps established and administered by National Socialist Germany, and were well provided for. They were certainly not killed using “homicidal gas chambers” and other sadistic forms of murder in a systematic campaign to eliminate European Jewry. …
The Role of Allied Propaganda Before, During and after WWII
The fake Jewish “Holocaust” narrative is really just an extension of an on-going anti-German propaganda campaign going back to WWI. During WWI, Western (often Jewish) propagandists targeted Germany and her armed forces with ridiculous “atrocity propaganda”, alleging in their newspapers and other media outlets that the Germans were engaging in barbaric, ruthless behavior, including raping and murdering innocent civilians.

The fabricated idea that “millions of Jews” in Europe were being exterminated by the Germans and other “fascists” was regularly promoted by Jewish propagandists and their allies in the West beginning in 1915 during WWI. This slanderous, entirely false accusation had been and continues to be endlessly promoted to the often gullible and susceptible Western public, resulting in extremely negative anti-German sentiment, not to mention the widespread belief that the Germans did in fact commit these outrageous (although quite ridiculous) atrocities. The following video demonstrates this point perfectly:
During and immediately following WWII, deceitful propagandists continued to level this “atrocity propaganda” against the Germans in order to demonize them and prepare the Western world for the institutionalization of the myth of “6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis”. Western and Soviet propagandists, including psychological warfare specialists in the United States Army and individuals connected to Hollywood, were involved in manufacturing “evidence” — including fake, altered or otherwise misrepresented photographs and videos, “human lampshades”, “shrunken heads” and other absurd props — which was used to “demonstrate” to the world that the Germans did in fact commit outrageous atrocities during the war, particularly at the various concentration camps and industrial facilities under their administration. Dave Mansfield of and Mike King of recently collaborated and produced the following video underscoring the points I am making here:
The Role of the Nuremberg Show Trials
… Following Germany’s defeat in WWII, the Allied countries organized a series of military tribunals often referred to simply as the Nuremberg Trials. The trials consisted of the International Military Tribunal and the Nuremberg Military Tribunal. The Nuremberg Trials were a total sham — “show trials” if there ever were any.
The trials were essentially organized to not only demonize, vilify and falsely blame the Germans for initiating the war and committing all of the “atrocities” and “war crimes”, but also to whitewash and cover up the very real crimes committed by the Allies in addition to officially institutionalizing the fake Jewish “Holocaust” narrative.
Fabricated evidence and false testimony was introduced by the Allies, and many of the German defendants were physically and psychologically tortured or otherwise coerced into making false confessions during the trials.
The Role of Fabricated, Altered or Otherwise Misrepresented Imagery Associated with the “Holocaust” and Alleged “Nazi Death Camps”
Virtually all of the iconic imagery associated with the alleged Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be either entirely fabricated, altered or extremely misrepresented and taken out of context.
The imagery associated with the “Holocaust” — photographs of piles of dead bodies, emaciated prisoners, Jews being “rounded up”, train cars filled with dead people, etc. — has been used to psychologically traumatize the masses, rendering them vulnerable to manipulation and facilitating the fake narrative of “6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis” to be literally implanted in their minds.
A prime example is this iconic photograph, which a simple Google search for “Buchenwald concentration camp” turned up:
Or this one:
Images like this showing piles of dead, emaciated bodies have been shown to unsuspecting audiences, inducing psychological trauma and fear in their minds, in order to sell the idea that the Germans systematically murdered millions of people (especially Jews) in “death camps”. The fact of the matter is that when the war was ending, the German-administered labor and industrial camps were not supplied and many people did in fact perish in horrible conditions. But that does not prove that the Germans were systematically murdering people in these camps. It simply demonstrates how deceitful, brazen and ruthless the Western and Soviet propagandists were in their efforts to demonize and slander the Germans.
Also, some of the iconic imagery associated with the Jewish “Holocaust” turns out to be photographs of dead German civilians murdered in Allied fire-bombing campaigns, which were presented to the masses as “proof” of German atrocities. Again, the shameless, deceitful behavior of the Western Allies and their Soviet Communist partners knows no bounds.
The iconic “Holocaust” imagery shown repeatedly to mass audiences is never put into context. The images are simply shown, and we are expected to believe that the “Holocaust” was a real event.
The aforementioned Dave Mansfield of produced the following short video highlighting some of the more brazenly fabricated photographs that have been used to demonize the Germans and support the fake Jewish “Holocaust” narrative:
The Role of Jewish Hollywood and the Organized International Jewish Community
… Since WWII, an entire industry relating to the fake “Holocaust” has arisen in the West. Disgusted by the outrageously brazen corruption emanating from the deceitful, exploitative leaders and representatives of “Holocaust survivors”, Jewish academic Norman Finkelstein wrote a book discussing and exposing what he calls The Holocaust Industry. Organized Jewish interests and their lobbies have successfully created an extremely lucrative financial and sympathy racket based on their false, entirely fabricated narrative of “6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis” during WWII.
“At the end of the twentieth century, the ‘Holocaust’ is being bought and sold,” wrote Tim Cole, a Professor of History specializing in the “Holocaust” at Bristol University, in his book Selling the Holocaust: From Auschwitz to Schindler, How History is Bought, Packaged and Sold. “In short, ‘Shoah [Hebrew word for Holocaust] business’ is big business.” (See here and here for more.)
The “Holocaust” is indeed an industry at this point — a commodity endlessly pushed and promoted by academia, politicians, government officials, international political organizations such as the UN, media moguls, Hollywood producers, organized Jewish groups, the Jewish state of “Israel” and others connected to the “Holocaust” racket.
Hollywood and the “entertainment” complex in the West — which is virtually entirely owned and dominated by Jews with deep ties to the Jewish state of “Israel” and the “Holocaust” industry — have produced countless propaganda films masquerading as objective depictions of experiences of European Jews during WWII. These films and documentaries have served to perpetuate, reinforce and even expand upon the false, entirely fabricated narrative of “6 million Jews systematically genocided by the Nazis” which has been manufactured and sold to the public during and after WWII.
There are countless “Holocaust” museums and memorials all across the globe, many of which receive official state funding and endorsement, including the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC. Not a day goes by without a mention of the fake “Holocaust” story in the mass media, entertainment complex, or political establishment. This false narrative is constantly being reinforced and perpetuated to the public on a daily basis, often in the most crass, deceptive, and emotionally exploitative ways imaginable.
The fake “Holocaust” narrative has advanced a number of important geopolitical, cultural and economic agendas primarily benefitting international Jewry and the illegitimate Jewish state of “Israel”, including:
- Elevating the alleged “suffering and persecution” of the Jewish people during WWII specifically, and all throughout history generally, over all others;
- Covering up the crimes committed by Jewish terrorists, Communists and propagandists prior to, during and after WWII by projecting those crimes (and even fabricating new ones) on to the German armed forces and their allies;
- Creating an extremely lucrative financial and sympathy racket, netting the Jewish state of “Israel” and the organized international Jewish community billions of dollars annually;
- Serving as a basis for the creation of the Jewish state of “Israel”, while excusing and justifying the genocidal, illegal policies she has pursued since her founding;
- And demonizing the one man — Adolf Hitler — and his political movement who stood up for their country and race against the Talmudic forces of internationalism and globalism seeking the subjugation and ultimate destruction of the White race and all genuine nationalities, ethnicities and cultures.
[…] in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.
Keep these profound insights in mind the next time you are exposed to the endless barrage of “Holocaust” propaganda emanating from Jewish Hollywood, the mass media and the educational and political establishment in America and around the world.
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Read the full story on the Realist Report
It begins with the holocaust as the greatest lie on man kind. Arthur Butz, an American wrote abook, the greatest Hoax of the Twentienth Century. Der Groesste Betrug der Zwnazigsten Jahrhundert. Do not try to find it in Bundes Republic . It is censored Inzeniert. Law is a good thing with lawful and honourable people or , well I cannot explain why law is good any more. Today law is not always good. It does not matter if the holocaust apocalypse is true. It is the law in Europe and to doubt it is a crime. Jawohl , even if you are an Amerikaner, mein Freund. They will get you. And the corpses? In April, 1945 Dresden, no military object, was bombed by the Americans for the third time. Americans… Read more »
I’ll be glad if the holocaust was a lie.
Der Groesste Betrug Der Zwansigsten Jahrhundert
Wow, you actually spelled it incorrectly. Halten Sie sich an Ihre eigene Sprache.
The Holohoax is a fortress for our enemy. Its walls MUST be knocked down!
That “forbidden” Whole truth can be found here:
Where have all the lampshades gone?:
They vanished when DNA analysis appeared!
Someone should have been charged for destroying evidence.
The first-mentioned were known to be ordinary goat skin parchment even before Ilse Koch’s trial. She was released by US General Clay but spent a long term in prison on other matters, eventually committing suicide.
It’s going to take a lot of professionally made Jewish holocaust debunking videos put on every video sharing website in the world to make a dent in the 70 year old Jewish indoctrination racket.
The zionist ,hollywood,Stalin and Truman used the fake holocaust to manipulate world opinion in invading Palestine.
Are you all serious? There is so much documentation and VIDEOS TO PROVE IT EXISTED! Did those people, six million of them, just leave, never to be found on any documentation again? are you kidding? To even think that you sick people could assume that all those lives lost were not real? please go find some common sense, and along with it, some medication for your mental disability.
do you know every one of those 6 gorillion personally? if not how do you know they existed at all you thick one
If i told you all my mates were murdered by communist Jews, and you said where is the proof, would me saying, “Well, they are not here, so they must have been murdered by Jews” — would that be sufficient evidence for you? You are one hell of a retard.
You are actually either brain dead or a 12 year old little girl with a daddy issue. Did you even research?Did you talk to holocaust survivors and learn facts from the source. Did you hear about Germany’s laws about the holocaust. Oh wait let’s here more of your excuses. Because right there is absolutely no truth in mass killing
Absolutely zero facts in your argument. Just name-calling. Who is the little girl? The truth is hate to those that hate the truth. Now make sure you add “LOL” to your reply . Everyone knows it’s a mental midget’s attempt at declaring yourself the winner.
“Did you hear about Germany’s laws about the holocaust.” LOL! Yeah, we heard about them! The fact that Germany needs a law to force its citizens to believe in a “Holocaust” is all I and we need to know that the JEWISH HOLOCAUST IS A SCAM, A SHAM, A FRAUD AND A LIE and that you are one very ignorant, angry and defensive BLOCKHEAD who refuses to be freed from this historical myth, and accept the fact that YOU have been had, and enlightened by the truth. Even if the “Nazis exterminated six-million Jews”, it pales in comparison to the SIXTY-MILLION Russians, Ukrainians and other people enslaved by the Jewish-created Soviet mega-tyranny who were exterminated in mass executions, artificial famines and dreadfully brutal conditions in Siberian gulags–REAL death camps–where average… Read more »
The number of Jews killed isn’t bad in comparison to Russia but it’s the rate at which people not just jews were being killed. Russia had decades Hitler had around 4 years if i remember correctly. Also, just because someones jewish doesn’t make them a jew religious wise.
6 million people would be an awful lot to get rid of.
If you remember correctly? Let’s give Hitler 5 years. What kind of an idiot would believe that the Germans captured, transported, tattooed, undressed, gassed, cremated and disposed of 2.25 Jews per minute, 24/7?
Does your calculator not work???
The Census report from that time period reads only 4 million Jewry lived in all of Europe. Jewry are documented before war, many went to the Palestine land, many went to Hollywood America. After the War, Red Cross was the first to document # of The “Work” camps, their low # was 250 thousand, their high # was less then 1 million. “All those lives lost” yes were Real, they were Men, Women and Children of the Germans, 15 Million.
Please show us 1 piece of physical evidence that Jews were systematically exterminated in gas Chambers. No one is denying there were murders. People of all backgrounds we’re murdered. The Allied Forces murdered millions more than Germany. The left uses the same tactics it used back then, accuse others of their own crimes. The Germans had forced labor camps, no denying that. The casualties didn’t start piling up until the Allies started cutting off supply lines. That’s when the starvation and disease ran rampant. The Holocaust is completely fabricated to justify American and British aggression.
Yes, the Germans had ‘forced labor camps’ before the war started. No German could become a full citizen unless they performed national service.
Yes, Serious, let’s look for the documents! All of us were taught the same nonsense as yourself. Where are the thousands of tons of remains? Where are the six million birth certificates of those who were murdered by the Narzies, in addition to the four million birth certificated survivors who claimed compensation from the German government in addition to the birth certificates of those who died unrelated to WW2. We should expect every hospital in Europe to easily provide such documents. If there are/were 1,000 hospitals operating there since 1845 aprox. then each of those hospitals should have been the birthplace of 10-11,000 Jews on average. It shouldn’t be too hard to check, unless the evil Narzies destroyed the hospital and national records of the holocaust victims, and did not… Read more »
People did die of starvation and typhus due to the allies bombing the supply routes in and out of the camps…the real Holocaust was against the German people
6,000,000 FROM 1900 to 1945 1900 – Stephen S. Wise, New York Times, June 11, 1900 “There are 6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism.” 1902 – Encyclopaedia Britannica, 10th Edition, Vol. 25, 1902, page 482 “While there are in Russia and Rumania six millions of Jews who are being systematically degraded …” 1902- Samuel W. Goldstein, New York Times, November 27, 1902 “PLEA FOR ZIONISM … In answer I would say: Does Dr. Silverman represent the 6,000,000 Jews in Russia, 300,000 in Roumania and the 1,000,000 in Galicia?” 1903 – The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), September 18th, 1903, page 6 ” … six million downtrodden brethren.” 1904 – The Jewish Criterion (Pittsburgh), February 19th, 1904, page 2 ” … where five or six million people existed under persecution.”… Read more »
Brilliant, Nothing else needed to say.
YO BITCH, I’ll raise your 6,00,000 by my 66,000,000! WTF? Yep! RUSSIAN HOLOCAUST: 66,000,000 RUSSIAN SLAUGHTERED BY JEWISH BOLSHEVIKS “We cannot state that all Jews are Bolsheviks. But – Without Jews there would never have been Bolshevism. For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the Truth. The Blood Maddened Jewish terrorists had murdered 66,000,000 in Russia from 1918 – 1957.” “Between the years 1917 and 1991 preceding the collapse of the Soviet Union, it is estimated that Communist Jews murdered somewhere between 60 and 135 million innocent people.” Alexander Solzhenitsyn YOU TUBE: The Communist Holocaust in Eastern Europe ( Masterminded By Atheistic Jews) 542 views Watchman For Truth Victory Of The Light! Published on Oct 30, 2017 JEWISH BOLSHEVIKS MASS MURDERED 66 MILLION MOSTLY CHRISTIANS IN RUSSIA August 19,… Read more »
Clean up your mouth. This isn’t 4Chan.
Wo sind die Dokumente, die diese 6 Mio. belegen? Wie kommt es, dass angebliche Holocaustopfer wieder am leben sind, zum Teil mit anderen Namen.
Wie sagte der Wiener Weihbischof so treffend: ” Die Wahrheit ist ruhig und gelassen, nur die Lüge schreit nach irdischem Gericht!”
Es beruhig mich, es gibt genug Juden, die diesen “Holocaust” selbst bezweifeln.
Man kann hoffen dass, immer mehr Bischoefe und Konfessionen fuer die Wahrheit auftauchen sollen. Holycost ist der Jude ; er will selbst nie verableugnen
Und man haelte Wien fuer die langjaehrige Konklave des Teufelskinder..
so why don’t you mention the real Holocaust? The German Holocaust?. 11 million innocent men, women and children annihilated by the Zionist western governments! Truth only seems a fading memory that those who forget history will repeat it! The Jews Holohoax is designed to stop anyone opposing the JWO
Are you guys for real? All the germans wanting to not be known as murderers, they know it happened, they know. All of you are mental, you all very well know that 6 million innocent people were murdered by your aryan kind.
There wasn’t even six million Jews in Germany during that time, and a lot were allowed to leave before anything even occurred there is no evidence at all that six million died and there is no evidence of six million being killed by the Aryan race. If you spent days researching like I have then you will realize it’s all a hoax
Poland, France, Austria, Holland, Belgium, Italy, Russia, Czechoslovakia, Norway, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece, Germany – Think there might be enough Jews to satisfy the six million mark in all of Europe.
True they were allowed to leave, to other countries in Europe.
Where they were rounded up and shipped back to Germany after they conquered Europe.Don’t like Jews fine, but think on this in a Nazis dominated world there are only to types of people Aryans and every one else. OF everyone else there are only two types, those that are of use to the Aryan state and those that are not. the first are slaves the rest are dead!
You are misled. The evil Narzies stated that they wanted the French to be French, the Italians to be Italians, the British to be British and the Germans to be Germans and so forth. They did not want to incorporate other peoples into Germany. Study the numerous peace offers made before and during WW2. Study the numerous war offers made by the virtuous allies. See Life magazine Oct 1938 ‘The US prepares for war against Germany, Italy and Japan’. When had these countries threatened the USA? Their ‘final solution’ was merely to export the Jews, who had declared war against Germany in 1933 and 1939, to Madagascar as proposed by Herzl. When Britain seized Madagascar this option became impossible. The evil Narzies wanted to send them to Britain but Victor… Read more »
Well, just weigh fact versus fact. You are still not coming to technical argument. Produce documentations that prove holocaust. Then produce documentations that disprove it. You shall see the blatant anomalies and lack of any credible documentations that support holocaust. Next assumption is that – Even Germans know this happened. This does not prove that Germans have seen the Nazis in the act. I am an Indian, and we proudly take the name “St. Xavier’s”. That is, Xavier’s was a saint. Amazingly, this saint put thousands of Indians to gallows because “they were black, uncivilized, and worshipped some barbaric idols”. The process is highly regarded by the Vatican as “INQUISITION”. Now the question is- why Indians know that St. Xavier’s was a saint? That is simple- We are a beaten… Read more »
Stop trolling Jew, we all know the truth, the Jews are the biggest problem to humanity
Absolutely DISGRACEFUL!!!!! to suggest that the SS/Nazi’s did NOT murder at least 6 Million innocent JewsGypsys/Gay people,during so-called World War 2 is a Crime of the most serious degree, it is WELL documented,that evil men such as Adolf himself, josef Goebbels,and,particularly heinrich Himmler Detested the jewish Race,and systematically Tortured and,indeed,enjoyed massacring so so SO many innocent Jews,even poor children and,babies!! There is a plethora of Witnesses who were actually detained,in the Polish ‘DEATH’ camps,who STILL can recall the utter evil and wicked Cruelty the German SS committed to these poor people!! How DARE anyone attempt to suggest the above LIES,is beyond belief!!??..DISGUSTING..
silly juden troll
Sorry, missed your evidence other than a reference to hearsay.
The Jews have a ritual every year on Yom Kippur where they place their sins on the head of an innocent scapegoat, said to represent a sacrifice to the gentile god (the Jewish devil).
In their religion, transferring their sins to the heads of an innocent is valid. They are well used to this tactic, as it is a part of their holiest religious day.
When the inmates of the certain death camp Auschwitz were given the choice of waiting for the Russians to liberate them or follow the guards back into Germany more than a hundred thousand of them followed the guards. Please dispute this.
“Absolutely DISGRACEFUL!!!!! to suggest that the SS/Nazi’s did NOT murder at least 6 Million innocent JewsGypsys/Gay people,during so-called World War 2 “
A lie repeated six million times is still a LIE.
It’s “absolutely DISGRACEFUL!!!!!” that people like YOU, T.Browne, in the year 2019 still believe in grotesque atrocity propaganda known as the “Holocaust.”
Shame on YOU for not wanting to educate yourself and free yourself from this historical fiction.
“The Holocaust is a successful historical FICTION”
–Chief Rabbi Arye Friedman, Vienna, Suddeutsche Zeitung, Dec. 12, 2006, p. 7
Are you stupid? To post this paproganda to say holocaust never happened. Do you really think the Internet readers are that idiots. Keep on trying, Nazi b…t.
another silly juden troll
Even if you don’t believe that the holocaust actually happened…you shouldn’t be rude to other people’s opinion.
Christine Jiang:
“don’t be rude to other people’s opinion(s)”?????
Pot. Meet kettle.
That should be applied to the jews/shabbot goy as well. If the jews don’t like someone simply asking for proof, such as the standards used in criminal courts, then they don’t have to assault, bomb, legally fine/imprison and otherwise terrorize those who offer reasons/proof that much of what the jews claim could not possibly be true.
jews are the ones who need to practice tolerance to ideas. Not the Gentiles who are waking up to what Gentiles through the millennia have observed of jews/Hebrews.
SUSAN: Are you stupid? To post this paproganda to say holocaust never happened. Do you really think the Internet readers are that idiots…
It’s propaganda, Susan, something that the more suggestible Internet readers are subject to. Smart people will read this definitive, 30-year-old article by Dr. William Pierce and be deprogrammed from 75 years of Jewish Holocaust propaganda:
HOW PEDOPHILIA CAME TO HOLLYWOOD BY BILLY WILDER Screenwriter and director, Billy Wilder, has had an enormous impact on the public, as substantiated by his numerous Oscars and other film awards. Responsible for famous films like Hold Back the Dawn, Five Graves to Cairo, Double Indemnity, The Lost Weekend, Sunset Boulevard, Stalag 17, Sabrina and The Apartment, Wilder’s cinema successes were granted him as he was just another pawn who was utilized with satanic acumen to help abolish society’s established code of ethics. His own authorized biographer who worked closely with him, Maurice Zolotow, wrote: “Of course, I did not know what I was getting into when I had started this. It became, as all such journeys have become, a journey to find out the secret springs of this most… Read more »
He is not posting propaganda, he is merely proving what the dzews claim IS propaganda.
I’ve seen a doctored photograph that was of starving boy, perhaps 10-13 years old, very emaciated being portrayed as a jewish concentration camp “victim” next to the original photograph of the same boy who was wearing a crucifix…
Another doctored photograph showed a few camp inmates, also emaciated, with piles of corpses in the foreground nearby the inmates used for propaganda purposes advancing the “holocaust” narrative….and the original photo showing no piles of corpses.
Deception is erased with truth–for those whose minds aren’t corrupted.
That u cuz
Hmm, don’t know. Doubtful, no one calls me cuz.
Your wrong dresden was where hitters forces running from the Russians holed up only thing wrong was we did not drop enough bombs on the fukers to many people survived the bombing of dresden shit bomb sights
“You are bitches” “you sick people” “go find….medication for your mental disability” “Are you stupid?” “Nazi b….t” “All of you are mental” and lastly, “..only thing wrong was we did not drop enough bombs on the fukers to many people survived the bombing of Dresden”
The ad hominem attacks, armchair psychoanalyzing from miles away, use of pejoratives, and outright hate (see last quote) have an interesting thing in common: lack of critical thinking and debate skills. In attacking the person when discussing a topic, the attacker surrenders the debate to those attacked.
In a time where “fake news” is being exposed (finally) it is something that should certainly be investigated by Unbiased people. I personally do not believe in coincidences and there are too many here. Articles written for Jews by Jews should warrant a check. Or will thatvopen a “panorama box” that could affect the future outcome of Israels existence.
You all are actual Nazis. LITERALLY YOU’RE NAZIS. Die in an oven like the pieces of shit you are.
Mr Donald JTrump,
A Nazi was merely the German equivalent of an American patriot. Are you an American patriot?
P.S. Those who were cremated in German camps during WW2 died of old age, typhus and other diseases, and mostly in the last few months of the war because Germany’s food and transport infrastructure was demolished.
P.P.S. Does the US President mind you using his name?
WHO RUNS HOLLYWOOD? C’MON December 19, 2008|JOEL STEIN I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe “the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews,” down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood. How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive… Read more »
“You all are actual Nazis. LITERALLY YOU’RE NAZIS. Die in an oven like the pieces of shit you are.” Hit a nerve, I see. Lol. I guess this rabbi is a “Nazi” too? Right? You nasty, HoloHoax-believing blockhead? “The Holocaust is a successful historical FICTION” –Chief Rabbi Arye Friedman [a Jew] Vienna, Suddeutsche Zeitung, Dec. 12, 2006, p. 7 “The existence of the Zionist regime is based upon the belief that they have to destroy the belief in God throughout the world. Another one of their goals is to destroy the other peoples both physically and economically. Every believer throughout the world should fight Zionism. Whoever cooperates with Zionism in any way is, in fact, opposing his own religion. Whoever believes in Islam and wants to support the Zionist regime… Read more »
After reading numerous replies, I can see the Jew boys are upset. This reminds me of my cousins in Georgia: I can hear the bull frog callin’ me, wonder if Leo Frank still hangin’ to the tree.
Mr. H. warned everybody about the Big Lie. It’s a remarkable fact that it was used against him, i.e., the so-called Holocaust.
“The idea that they would divert their precious and extremely scarce resources and manpower towards implementing a systematic campaign of mass murder specifically designed to annihilate European Jewry is absurd.” Okay so you say that a mass murder campaign would be stupid as it would be a wastage of resources. “They were well-fed, well-provided for, and given medical treatment and entertainment. They were allowed to attend concerts, organize plays, make music and play sports. If the Germans were hell bent on murdering these people, why would they provide medical care for them and allow them to entertain themselves?” You contradict yourself. Medical resources are extremely necessary in a war. Why would they spend their scarce resources keeping these people well fed and all of that if it would be easier… Read more »
Because the German people were civilised Europeans bound by the international rules of good treatment of detained populations.
the jews were gassed huh what about the other 8 million bastards that got tossed in there with them,2 to 3 million Russians prisoners just disappeared before end of 1943! After they were worked to death building who knows how much stuff to keep the war machine going. They don’t even rate an honorable mention in history. The mistake by the German SS is they kept meticulous records and were unable to destroy all of them before capture. I agree that the holocaust is as exaggerated as slavery from the nineteenth century in America is today.
Himmler wrote to the head of the camp system stating that everything must be done to keep the inmates alive. When Auschwitz was closed the inmates were given the choice of being liberated by the Soviets or of following the guards back into Germany. 150,000 followed the Germans. They knew that the Germans had done everything possible to help them survive. Auschwitz had hospitals, maternity wards, 45,000 book library, sports fields theatre building, cinemas etc and numerous modern kitchens, one of which is routinely misidentified as a crematorium. Inmates were paid for their work and the Red Cross sent 950,000 food parcels. In a recent trial a witness stated he could smell burning flesh when he arrived at Auschwitz. Quite so. He smelt the camp kitchens preparing food – crematoria… Read more »
We were told that 840,000 Russian soldiers were immediately killed by a pedal-operated brain-bashing machine at Sachsenhausen and cremated with five portable crematoria. If that was true then the last of the cremations would have been completed after the Beatles stopped singing. In the meantime someone within the surrounding 100 klms would have smelt the huge pile of corpses.
The truth is that the Russian soldiers joined the German army because they did not like Stalin and his back-shooting Komissars. At Normandy, one in six of the captured Germans was found to actually be a Russian. The Germans sent them to fight away from the other Russians. Research Stalin’s ‘torch-men order’.
If they intended to kill them then surely all they needed to do was keep them in the centre of German cities. If that had happened then today’s few survivor Jews would be suing the allies for compensation.
Note that before the war evil Nobel Peace Prize nominee Hitler lobbied to humanise warfare, especially to criminalize the bombing of civilians. He said that dum-dum bullets had been banned then it should likewise be possible to ban the bombing of civilians.
Holocaust Yes – “You contradict yourself…”
First of all, the Germans used medical resources on the prisoners in labor camps so they would not get sick and can work to provide resources for Germany during the war dumbass. It was necessary to do that.
I think the continued efforts on the part of the revisionists to prove what is patently obvious that 6 million kikes did not die in homicidal gas chambers, although it would have been a blessing if they had, is counter-productive. We are tail-gating, and by that I mean we are letting the Jews control the debate. I do not care if 6 million Jews died in gas chambers, it still would not have been enough in my view. Let us focus our efforts on the 100 million gentiles killed by the Jews in two fratricidal world wars, and at the hands of the Judeo communists in Russia, central and Eastern Europe. By focusing exclusively on the alleged 6 million barbequed kikes we are playing the game according to the rules… Read more »
Dear White Warrior, unless you are of 100% Aryan blood and can trace your linage back for generations, you are just as likely to end in the camps as a Jew. They Jews only went first.
Next would have been all the sub-human races (i.e; Non-Aryan).
The Germans were described as considering the Russians to be sub-human. Not so! The Germans considered the RULERS of Russia/USSR to be sub-human, not the Russian people. Please try to refute this!
ZIONISM! If you take the time to study the Jewish Bible, you will see that the God of the Jews was a genocidal racist! In the Book of Numbers (31:7-18) we are told of the exploits of the “sons of Israel” who, when they vanquished the Madianites, “killed all the men as the Lord had ordered Moses to do”, “took all the women into bondage”, “burned all the cities.” When they returned to Moses, “Moses was wrathful. What ! he told them, you have suffered all the women to live…! Now, go forth and slay all youths, and slay all the women who have known a man in wedlock… But all the virgins…keep them for yourselves.” (14-18). During the conquest of Canaan, the successor of Moses, Joshua, carried on with… Read more »
The people who think the Holocaust is fake makes me sick. there is so much evidence to prove that it happened. THERE ARE PEOPLE STILL ALIVE WHO WENT THROUGH ALL THE CAMPS. The camps weren’t to help people, they were to kill. Stop thinking the haulocost was good, or fake, it’s was REAL and BAD. I pray for all those who don’t believe in it, you all must be mental…
All the evidence for the holocaust is easily explainable, they have even used different dead bodies from different fights and placed it on Germans to make people fear them even more and to continue to spread the propaganda toward the Germans. the Germans are the ones who faced REAL genocide not the Jews
If that is true, then how do you explain the concentration camps? How about the people who are still telling their stories to the world, in hopes that people such as ourselves will not be so ignorant as to brush the past aside? Are you calling those people liars, as though they were forced to tell such lies to sway the public? If so, what is their gain to tell lies as such if all they will live with is the regret that will haunt them?
Umm.. m the occupation of Israel in which the Zionist killed millions of Palestinians for maybe?
Yes, as Christ stated: The Jews are liars. Their father was a liar and murderer, and contained no good within him. Stories of Jews, given their genocidal and supremacist religion (as evidenced by their texts) are not enough to convict the Germans. All nations have civilian interment camps during wartime, to include the US during WWII. That does not mean anyone was systematically murdered in them. Te Jewish Torah is one long exposition in genocide, racial supremacy on a grand spiritual scale, land dispossession, and world domination eschatology. The Germans accused them of what the Jews themselves say that they do. Given that the Jews have been a major issue for most nations over the course of their existence, as proven by how how many times they’ve been kicked out… Read more »
I wasn’t trying to be rude I was just in the moment, also if anybody wants to talk about the holohoax, I just need to bring up the real holocaust, in which 9 millions germans were killed after their surrender in 1945
Most people do not deny that jews were killed in the camps, but they do question the 6 million number because it doesn’t hold up under scrutiny. Also, the reason more and more people are questioning the obvious holocaust lie is because the jews and Israel use it to evade any ind of criticism or scrutiny for anything they do including the active promotion of white genocide through promotion of open borders and diversity only in the West.
Greg, if the Germans wanted to kill the inmates all they needed to do was to prevent them entering the camp. Inside they received food, warm clothing, shelter, medical care (Ann Frank’s father spent time in the camp hospital with typhus) and even camp money. The Red Cross was stationed inside the camps. The death rate in the camps fell after the Germans introduce Xylon-B to disinfect clothing
Instead, they could have used Eisenhower’s method of killing a million surrendered German soldiers after the war – let them starve surrounded by barbed wire and machine guns.
Make an effort to conduct in-depth research.
Yes Greg Hartley, even Simon Wiesenthal went through thirteen ‘certain death’ death camps!
The First Protocol of the Elders of Zion is Genesis ch 47!
Here you will see the 3000 year old modus operandi that Jews have used on non Jews.
History proves that the Jew will play the middleman between the RULERS and the RULED and exploit the situation for their tribe!
GOOGLE: The JEWel wasp and the Cockroach.
See how this parasite turns its victim into a zombie!
Laurent Guyénot • April 8, 2019
This is how the Jew brainwashed the Gentile with its book of myths!
GOOGLE: Gentiles in Halacha.
See from this Jewish document how Jews hate Gentile
Jews were murdered in Germany during the War, but so were lots of other people! The claim of 6,000,000 is bogus and a propaganda ploy! So what is Holocaust denial? Jews DENY & HIDE that THEY slaughtered 66,000,000 Russians! RUSSIAN HOLOCAUST: 66,000,000 RUSSIAN SLAUGHTERED BY JEWISH BOLSHEVIKS “You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators”. “We cannot state that all Jews… Read more »
Basically all the confessions toward the holocaust were received by threats of torture, the holes at the top of the “gas chambers” we’re actually found to be built after the war not during, there is not ONE document out of the millions the allies received from Germany that stated the extermination of Jews, really if hitler had that as his main goal, why not one? why don’t we talk about the tens of millions of gentiles that have been killed for these Jews? why do we assume the Germans and Adolf are bad when they WERE actually one of the most courageous people of all time, the problem is they saw the problem we Americans don’t
Seriously? Have you even read Mein Kampf, Hitler laid it all out there in 1923.
If you think it was a hoax you’re fucking retarted.
The moment you use insults you already lost
Yes Bruh!
Yes Bruh!
and again, YES BRUH!!!!
“If you think it was a hoax you’re fucking retarted.”
IF you believe in the hoax “you’re fucking retarted” (sic) and extremely ignorant of what really happened back then.
I wonder what will happen if the populace wakes to the fact that our spaceship earth is about to be destroyed because of the Jews’ mindless efforts at economic enslavement, as described in the Talmud, and its execution by their wholly owned proxy, General Electric, emanating from a place called Fukushima. The 3 top engineers in its design quit because of their realization it was a disaster waiting to happen. But the Jewish controllers ignored their advice, rather pursuing shareholder profits for their Jew clientele.
6 million then 9 million, lord the number increases with each article that is written! Its funny that tests were done on the so called gas chambers and no signs of gas were found, or at least not in the amount that was needed to exterminate!
Brainwashed by western powers to feed their own agenda.
Maybe you should get some medication for your mental disability, and your brain washing…
The victors write the history….
To say America and Britain committed atrocities on the same level is crazy. Britain was hit in residential areas all over the country killing large numbers of people. Even non Jews were killed or had to leave their counties in mainland Europe because of Nazi murders I.e Ukraine, Poland to name a few.
Lee it is not crazy at all. Look at what the British were doing. They had enslaved South Africa, India, and Hong Kong with segregation and imperial rule. The United States were lynching black people and practicing segregation nationwide. They imprisoned Japanese families in prototype FEMA camps. So those countries aren’t really clean themselves.
Lee, compared to the 75,000 killed in Hamburg alone at the beginning of the war, the 400 total for the Coventry deaths would not be shown on the same chart.
Remember that after seven German cities were carpet-bombed evil Hitler bombed London with peace pamphlets and was ridiculed for his efforts. Hitler never wanted to attack Britain. It was Churchill who was the aggressor and he began carpet-bombing as soon as he was appointed Prime Minister by the King, unlike evil Hitler who was democratically elected (twice).
To collect 6 millon people (jews) from Germany, in Germany? would mean that every city/town/village, house, flat, shed, would have had a large jewish population, thus to collect all 6 million jews right across germay to one or two locations would have needed huge logistics and man power… every german including Hitler as well as the top officers to the bottom commander, the regular Soldier and common man/woman and child would have seen the great 6 million movement… between 1930-1943 that would have taken years to accomplish on just one train?? As we all know the camp had its own train.. also every comman person to the allies and even the Russians would have seen such a great movement of 6 million people (jews)…. looking at it from a military… Read more »
That retarD cannot even SPELL retard (retart???)
The current claim of 1.2 million at Auschwitz is a complete joke. The simple math doesn’t support the claim during the period of operation cited by the U.S. Holocaust Museum. Over 1300 persons would have to have been gassed and disposed of each and every DAY, for the 900-1000 days from the spring of ’42 to the autumn of ’44. That is a ridiculous number and logistically impossible. It was even more ridiculous when they claimed 4 million. I won’t even bother doing the math on the amount of ovens needed for disposal or the astronomical fuel requirements to operate the coke fired ovens.
They are clearly lying.
Mathematics doesn’t lie and doesn’t have an agenda.
When 500 people died after a heatwave in Russia a few years ago the country did not have the capacity to cremate them, even though the USSR owned Auschwitz for twenty years and had access to this miracle of engineering that could cremate someone in a minute or two. The British Cremation Society states that a minimum of 90 minutes is required for a cremation. 1,300 cremations would require 1,300 ovens operating for 90 minutes.
As I understand it, the whole of the German camp system had 52 ovens.
Brutal Reality, to be frank, you yourself are complete joke. This article was written by an idiot. For actual proof: (which you provided but this article did not) here are some samples of the text, with my annotations separately: ________________________________ “National Socialist Germany and her allies were fighting a multi-front war against some of the most powerful nations in the world at the time, including the United States, the British Empire, and the Soviet Union. The idea that they would divert their precious and extremely scarce resources and manpower towards implementing a systematic campaign of mass murder specifically designed to annihilate European Jewry is absurd.” They were at war because of the holocaust, which was the preliminary reason, among other things. ____________________________________ “Images like this showing piles of dead, emaciated… Read more »
“They were at war because of the holocaust…”
You obviously don’t know what you are talking about.
“Brutal Reality, to be frank, you yourself are complete joke. This article was written by an idiot. “
YOU describe yourself!
Contrary to your knee-jerk response, this article was written by someone very educated on the subject.
“It is these lying ‘eyewitnesses’ that the ‘holocau$t’ scam relies upon. Unfortunately for The Believers, Revisionists research what these shysters actually say. The more you look the worse it gets for the pathetic story, hence the intimidation and jail sentences of anyone who scrutinizes the specifics.”
Because it technically started when hitler attacked poland, but the mass killing was when more than a few countries were pulled into it. Besides, the time he did attack poland, the earlier, less historically noted racism were started. Here are 2 sources, feel free to help me understand why i’m wrong, as I don’t want to be biased. *That sounded more sarcastic than intended* (i’m being genuine) World War Two in Europe began on 3rd September 1939, “when the Prime Minister of Britain, Neville Chamberlain, declared war on Germany. It involved many of the world’s countries. The Second World War was started by Germany in an unprovoked attack on Poland.”- What google pulled up when I searched when world war 2 started The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution… Read more »
After the Versailles treaties handed a large section of Germany to Poland (the Polish Corridor) the Polish government began ethnically cleansing this land of the Germans who had lived there for centuries. Hundreds of thousands of Germans fled to Germany and the German Government protested on dozens of occasions to the League of Nations about the murder of approx 60,000 German civilians. Hitler attempted to reach friendly compromise with Polish leader Pilsudski but he died. Thew incoming military leader Ridz-Sigly attacked Chechoslovakia in March 1939. Meanwhile Britain and France informed Poland to not allow a German Railway across the Polish Corridor to rejoin Germany and East Prussia. They said they would come to Poland’s aid if Germany retaliated. They did not. Emboldened by this offer Poland made numerous attacks against… Read more »
What is your source for this vital information? On this issue of Poland’s putative role in provoking Germany’s invasions in 1939 hangs the whole necessary edifice of German war guilt. Historical truth is a very murky concept. Even as I write most of the world outside of the USA seems to believe what they are being told by the controlled media: that Mr Biden has won the election and that Mr Trump is the devil incarnate trying to steal it from him. The majority also believe that the corona virus is a significant threat to those in the prime of life! Heaven knows how ‘those who control the narrative’ will spin this yarn in years to come but I have no great confidence that the ‘truth’ will win out. For… Read more »
“The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. “
You’re repeating Holohoax folklore. Nice try, but YOU failed.
“Revisionists are just the messengers, the absurd impossibility of the laughable ‘holocaust’ storyline is the message.”
But if Poland was attacked for no reason, why does this article say that the germans are all innocent? Also, a fire in a box wouldn’t have taken that much time and recources. Neither would slapping some fence around a school and throwing some shovels in it.
Someone, it takes about 20-30 kilos of coal to cremate a corpse – multiply that by a mere million. Regarding time, the British Cremation Society has stated that it takes at least 90 minutes to cremate a corpse. Multiply that by a mere million. Where is the mountains of ash. If the ash was spread around the countryside their would still be squillions of tooth and bone particles to find.
I understand the entire German camp system had 52 ovens, enough to deal with the typhus epidemic deaths.
Has anyone else noticed that all these Holocaust and anti-semitism laws are are laws in ‘white’ countries only because the ‘whites’ are the only threat to Jewish Supremacism.
If anyone doubts that the Jews were behind the Bolshevik Revolution, WW1 and WW2 then take a read of a little book I have put together titled ‘The Truth about Germany and the World Wars’ (got banned from Amazon). It also explains the no holocaust.
It can be bought at for £1.50
or you can download it for free at
How could they have been behind the Bolshevik revolution? 17 of the 388 members of the Bolshevik Government were not Jewish.
It is only a coincidence that 255 of them arrived from the Lower East Side of New York
I was raised believing in the Holocaust, but now I am looking at the fact that it could have been staged, or at worse, that the numbers are far out of reason.
An expert, World Renowned gas chamber expert said there was NO EVIDENCE left anywhere in the walls or elsewhere containing human beings were gassed???
This is very hard to try and figure out, but I believe something happened but perhaps on a much, much smaller scale, if even at all. What this article says has very valid points, but with each side just brushing off the other, the truth itself will never be established and presented to the Public.
I should have written above that Trump’s tweet that seems to originate from Netanyahu’s office, is in reference to his withdrawal from the Iran treaty. That is a self inflicted wound on America that makes no sense other than a foreign control. The move on Embassy to Jerusalem does at least win for Trump American Christian Zionist votes.
Note that the city of Bandar Abbas is significant in Iran. Nearby is Iran’s oil.
6 million Jews or 6 million lies? The latter.
Why are anti-deniers given a venue here? They have huge unchallenged podiums already in the mainstream media, wikipedia, school and college curricula, as well as taxpayer-subsidized museums, monuments, “non-profit” political-action organizations like ADL and SPLC, and the state of Israel. Would the answer be, “don’t be censorious like they are”? It should be “they don’t want a debate, they want to end all debate”.
To the person that said that Poland was invaded for no reason, try again. Look at a map of Germany and Poland pre WW2, you’ll notice a section of Germany located behind Poland’s borders. It was in this small section that German citizens were being raped, murdered, and locked away for nothing. Hitler pleaded with Poland to open a small border to allow Germans to open supply lines to their cut off territory, and Poland gave them a big fat no. Hitler therefore had no choice but to declare war on Poland. Please do me a favor and check facts before you speak.
the one thing here that I disagree with is that you imply that every jew in germany was part of some beastly plot to take over germany and thus could be considered part of a hostile alien entity working to destroy germany from within. I wasn’t there, but somehow I have to think that most of those people just wanted to live freely and comfortably and raise their families and mind their own business. Today there are what we call the 1%ers. I’m sure that only a small portion of them are knowingly involved in the plot to destroy most of humanity. Many of them may believe that it’s a good idea to send money to Israel, but it’s not because they’re mean, it’s because they’re ignorant. I would say… Read more »
There are only good ex-Muslims & good ex-Jews!
Muslims call non-Muslims KAFIRS!
Jews call non-Jews GOYIM!
Both class non-Muslims & non-Jews as sub-humans!
Laurent Guyénot • April 8, 2019
JFK/911 and From Yahweh to Zion
These 2 books will blow your mind and open your eyes!
Laurent Guyenot
Actually, evil Goebbels said in a speech that there were of course good Jews and bad Jews but if the good Jews would not separate themselves from the bad Jews then what could be done about it?
Note that 150,000 Jews were in the German military and almost 200 were senior officers. Loyalty was the key importance. The second member of the SS, Emile Maurice was known to be Jewish, but he was accepted as loyal.
This is gross exaggeration. There were no Jews in the German armed forces under Adolf Hitler. There were half-Jews and quarter-Jews, who were barred from becoming officers unless an exception was granted.
Emil Maurice was not Jewish. He had one Jewish great-grandparent. That was enough to bar him from the SS under Himmler but not enough to make him a non-Aryan under the Nuremberg Laws.
THE JEW WORLD ORDER CONINGSBY So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”(pp. 294-252) (excerpt of Disraeli’s novel published in London, 1844) In his novel Coningsby (London, 1844) Disraeli draws a picture from life of the Jews ruling the world from behind thrones as graphic as anything in the protocols of Nilus. (It is expected, that The Times will shortly be in a position to establish conclusively that Coningsby is a plagiarism of a Byzantine novel of the XVIIth century.) The passage in which Rothschild (Sidonia) describes this runs as follows: “If I followed my own impulse, I would remain here”, said Sidonia. “Can anything be more absurd than that a… Read more »
“for though I have been rash enough to buy several estates, my own opinion is that by the existing law of England, an Englishman of Hebrew faith cannot posses the soil.”
The Jews were expelled from England by Edward 1’s royal decree because they had impoverished the country. After they were banished England became ‘Merrie England’ because new laws gave citizens access to money on much fair This decree still stands.
The High Price of Leaving Ultra-Orthodox Life
Young adults who decide to abandon their cloistered Jewish communities have only one another — and a single organization — to help them navigate the alternate reality of modern-day New York.
According to the Polish State Archives it is known a Fact that between 1944 to 1969 over to 2.6 Million Jews changed their names in Poland. In 1976 I was asked by a graduate student to accompany her to a private party that her thesis advisor was having for her students, staff and co-workers at her home in Warsaw.. Towards the end of the evening when most of the people left the party the topic of conversation turned to the Jews in Poland. I remember she stated that starting with Bierut that between 1944 to 1969 2.6 Million Polish Jews changed their names and identities to Polish, The files that stored in the Polish State Archives tha tshe personally handled while working at the Polish State Archives. She went on… Read more »
This is false because at the time of the holocaust America didn’t want to be involved in war therefore that is why America didn’t stop it so how could they have been in war with America…. So try again.
“THE ALLEGED “Holocaust” of “6 million Jews” at the hands of Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany during WWII is the biggest lie ever foisted upon humanity.”
Wrong… it is the SECOND biggest lie ever foisted upon humanity. The FIRST is the claim that the jews are “God’s Chosen People”. That’s a doozie that will NEVER be surpassed.
Both are examples of the “big lie” technique Schopenhauer identified Jews with (with AH following afterwards) executing through endless repetition.
The only counter to this is repetitive and widespread education. As this requires organized activity over generations, we Whites would do well to add our individual strengths to that of the whole so that we can reach all our people, not just those of NV readers. The Alliance needs you now.
They have to keep censoring questions, books and videos that question the holocaust because it really happened.
You get people on here calling us stupid, idiots, etc, and never questioning our statements because they are smart.
Please verify:
As I understand it, there were 4.5 million Jews in German territory before beginning of WW2. Since then, 4.2 million have claimed compensation as survivors.
This accords with the International Red Cross figure for total deaths in the Geman camps of 270,301 (Have seen 270,305).
Auschwitz figure is 53,000 (mostly Catholics according to cremation records).
The US 12th Army’s ‘Buchenwald: A preliminary Report’ stated that most of the killings within the camp were comitted by communist inmates.Of the total deaths there, half were killed after the allies controlled the camp.
When the SS discovered that he camp commander had killed several inmates he was tried and executed by an SS leader.
It was forbidden to abuse inmates and guards could be sent to the Matzgau punishment camp. Moreover, Hitler stated that only he had the right to execute enemies of the State in the camps.
See for Walendy’s article about Delmer: In May 1945, a few days after the collapse, I had a notable talk with an important representative of the opposite side. He introduced himself as a university professor of his country, who wanted to converse with me on the historical basis of the war. It was a conversation of high standing we conducted. Suddenly he dropped the subject, pointed to the leaflets lying on the table in front of me, we were flooded with during the first days after surrender, mainly circling around the concentration camp-horrors. “What do you say about it?” so he asked me. I replied: “Oradour and Buchenwald? With me you force an open door. I am a lawyer and condemn the wrong wherever I meet with it, more… Read more »
GENESIS 47: THE ORIGINAL PROTOCOL OF ZION “When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.” — Dresden James Amidst an over-abundance of ‘information’, and a distinct lack of TRUTH, this is where you’ll find the most accurate “big picture” presentation of why the world is currently in the state it is. People tend to be sucked into irrational behavior en masse. “Men think in herds, go mad in herds, but recover their senses one by one.” — Charles Mackay Here’s your chance to break free from the herd. While you might not agree with everything you read here, I take great care in presenting only verifiable facts. All information is taken… Read more » – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
JEWS HAVE HOLOCAUSTED FOR 3000 YEARS: MOLOCH & THE HOLOCAUST MISHNAH. HE WHO GIVES OF HIS SEED TO MOLECH INCURS NO PUNISHMENT UNLESS HE DELIVERS IT TO MOLECH AND CAUSES IT TO PASS THROUGH THE FIRE. IF HE GAVE IT TO MOLECH BUT DID NOT CAUSE IT TO PASS THROUGH THE FIRE, OR THE REVERSE, HE INCURS NO PENALTY, UNLESS HE DOES BOTH. Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin 64a Soncino 1961 Edition, page 437 Following the Mishnah is a discussion among the sages. One of the Talmud Sages, Rabbi Ashi, comments as follows: GEMARA. R. Ashi propounded: What if one caused his blind or sleeping son to pass through, (3) or if he caused his grandson by his son or daughter to pass through? — One at least of these you… Read more »
HISTORY DIDN’T START IN THE 20/21st CENTURY! For the past 2000 years we have had a problem with a mindset that strives to destroy us. EYES WIDE OPEN! The First Protocol of the Elders of Zion is 3000 years old! It was there for all to see, but because of brainwashing, people couldn’t see it! Genesis chapter 47 clearly shows the modus operandi that Jews have used to control the non-Jew. By playing the MIDDLEMAN to the RULER and the RULED, he is able to use the non-Jews to enrich the Jew and his tribe. YOU TUBE: Sheldon Adelson in Israel regrets having worn the Uniform of the United States 6,257 views NikitaKhruschevSr Published on Jul 7, 2012 But Sheldon Adelson expects his son to be a great sniper in… Read more »
why at the end of ww2 did America pardon Japan for their crimes?
Very few White people in Japan, which means absence of Jewish Enemy no.1.
Also very few Jews in Japan.
The only reason the US went to war with Japan in the first place was that that provided them with the excuse they needed to also go to war with Germany.