Posts Tagged
The Holocaust
The Jew’s “Holocaust” Culture of Contrived Victimhood Threatens White Survival
The post excerpted below is an instant-classic about how exaggerated and contrived Jewish victimhood related to “the Holocaust” has created a culture inimical to White racial survival. We demand an end to this culture and trillions in reparations for the damage done. — Dissident…
Jewish Assertions, No Substance: IBM and the “Holocaust”
by John Wear ONE OF THE most popular and well-researched books ever written on the “Holocaust” is IBM and the Holocaust, by investigative journalist Edwin Black. This book asks whether IBM (International Business Machines) was knowingly involved in the so-called Holocaust. Black concludes that…
Horst Mahler Released From Prison in Germany After Serving 10 Years for Thought Crime
Horst Mahler’s long-awaited release from prison was not covered by the mainstream media. He’s one of those charismatic “heroes of the Right” the establishment tries to “cancel.” Lawyer Horst Mahler released from prison in Germany after serving 10 years by Carolyn Yeager THE 84-year-old lawyer was…
Poland: Jews Alarmed as Przemysław Czernek Becomes Education and Science Minister
Przemysław Czernek A POLISH politician who last year called a memorial erected by Jews in Poland for supposed “Jews killed by Poles during the Holocaust” an “anti-Polish scandal” was just tapped to become the country’s next education and science minister. Przemysław Czernek of the…
The Joseph Hirt Story
Joseph Hirt Twenty years as a fake Auschwitz-survivor by Hadding Scott JOSEPH BERNARD HIRT worked as a school psychologist and psychology-teacher in Chester County, Pennsylvania until his retirement in 1993. It was not long after this that Hirt took up a second career – as a “Holocaust survivor.”…
Marcel Nadjari’s Message in a Bottle
The alleged letter, left to right, after digital restoration, during restoration, and as it was supposedly found. The apparent age and peculiar provenance of the document do not suffice to make it credible. by Hadding Scott A FEW years ago, Smithsonian “Smart News” and Deutsche Welle reported that…
“Holocaust Consciousness” Is Now Essential to Being Jewish
by Hadding Scott Monday through Thursday this week Yad Vashem’s International School for Holocaust Studies has been hosting a conference, attended by about 200 Jewish educators, titled: “The Shoah and Jewish Identity: Challenges in Jewish Education.” (J. Sharon, Jerusalem Post, 28 December…
Fake Holocaust Survivors: Dario Gabbai
David Dario Gabbai by Karl Radl CONTINUING ON with my series of articles on the claims of so-called ‘Holocaust Survivors’, today we can look at the narrative of the famous ‘Holocaust Survivor’ David Dario Gabbai who died recently and has been subject to many hagiographic accounts of his life. One such…
Jewish Lies About Dachau
Dr. Robert Faurisson talks about Dachau by Hadding Scott PROFESSOR Robert Faurisson demonstrates that the pattern of deaths at Dachau concentration-camp, where there happens to be a thorough record of all deaths, is completely inconsistent with the Holocaust narrative. Probably the most important…
Accidental Family Reunion at Yad Vashem
The complex at Yad Vashem List of Holocaust victims includes people only presumed dead by Hadding Scott THE Israeli Holocaust museum, Yad Vashem, compiles information about alleged victims of the Holocaust, with the obvious purpose of substantiating the alleged extent of mass-murder against …