The Jew’s “Holocaust” Culture of Contrived Victimhood Threatens White Survival
The post excerpted below is an instant-classic about how exaggerated and contrived Jewish victimhood related to “the Holocaust” has created a culture inimical to White racial survival. We demand an end to this culture and trillions in reparations for the damage done. — Dissident Millennial
Jews and Competitive Victimhood
by Brenton Sanderson / June 29, 2021
DESPITE BEING the wealthiest, most politically well-connected and influential group in Western nations, Jews have assiduously (and successfully) cultivated the notion they have always been, and remain, a cruelly-persecuted victim group deserving of everyone’s profound sympathy. The “Holocaust” narrative has, of course, been central to this endeavor. The entire social and political order of the contemporary West — based on the alleged virtues of racial diversity and multiculturalism — has been erected on the moral foundations of “the Holocaust.” White people cannot be recognized as a group with interests because “never again.” Western nations have a moral obligation to accept unlimited non-White immigration because “never again.” Whites should meekly accept their deliberate displacement (and ultimate extinction) because “never again.”
Numerous studies have demonstrated the power that can accrue to individuals and groups who successfully cultivate their status as victims and underdogs. Social psychologists have labelled the tendency to see one’s group as having suffered more than an outgroup as “competitive victimhood.” . . .
Activist Jews are acutely aware of the power of competitive victimhood in contemporary culture, and much of the research into the subject has been carried out in Israel. A study by Schnabel and colleagues found that groups are motivated to engage in competitive victimhood for two reasons: the need for moral identity and the need for social power.
With regards to the first motivation, people generally associate victimization with innocence. Therefore, if one’s ingroup ‘wins’ the victim status, it means that it is also perceived as moral. With regards to the second motivation, people generally view victims as entitled for compensation. Therefore, if one’s ingroup ‘wins’ the victim status, it means that it is entitled to various resources such as policies to empower it or higher budgets. Groups struggle over both power (budgets, influence, etc.) and moral identity (i.e., group members typically see themselves as ‘the good guys’ and members of the other group as ‘the bad guys’). This struggle makes them engage in competitive victimhood.[1]
These studies, often framed around the difficulties presented to Israel by the victim status of the Palestinians, shed light on the psychological motivations behind attempts to gain acknowledgement that one’s ingroup has been subjected to more injustice than an adversarial social group. The findings show that desire for power plays a key role, and that victimhood experiences (real, perceived or fabricated) have far-reaching consequences for the relations between groups, and “especially in contexts where material and social resources are scarce, group members actively attempt to affirm that one’s own group has been victimized more than the other.”[2]
Given the group evolutionary stakes involved, it’s unsurprising that discourse in many countries is often characterized by competitive victimhood—of different social groups competing over who suffers more. Young and Sullivan note that competitive victimhood is an adaptive behavior through which “groups can unilaterally achieve greater group cohesiveness, provide justification for violence performed in the past, reduce feelings of responsibility for harm doing, increase perceived control through the elicitation of social guilt from the outgroup, and elicit support from third parties.”[3]
The political and economic (and therefore biological) benefits derived from competitive victimhood account for the ubiquity of Jewish victim narratives in contemporary Western culture, and why Jewish historiography is replete with exaggerated accounts of historical calamities, persecution, exile, deportations, and pogroms. According to the standard Jewish account, the biblical Pharaoh, Amalek, and Haman of Persia all attempted to annihilate the Jews, followed by a long sequence of enemies, massacres, deportations, inquisitions, and pogroms. Through this lachrymose Jewish victimhood prism, “the Holocaust” is just the latest in this series of recurring victimizations. . .
Research has found the presence of the Holocaust in Israeli school curricula, cultural products, and political discourse has increased, rather than decreased over the years, and that Israelis are increasingly more preoccupied with the Holocaust, constantly dwell on it, and fear that it will “happen again.”[6] One study, moreover, found that:
Jewish Israelis tend to harbor a “perpetual victimhood” representation of their history, as a group that has suffered persecution, discrimination, and threats of annihilation throughout generations, culminating in the Holocaust. Today the presence of the Holocaust in Israel is pervasive, and most Jewish Israelis acknowledge the Holocaust as part of their collective identity and have internalized this victimization as a core feature of their Israeli identity. Thus, Jewish Israelis are raised in a culture that emphasizes the continuity between past suffering and present suffering.[7]
Studies have found that a focus on an ingroup’s victimization (real or perceived) reduces sympathy toward the adversary allegedly responsible for this victimization, as well as toward unrelated adversaries.[8] A group completely preoccupied with its own suffering can develop an “egotism of victimhood” where members are unable to see things from the perspective of the rival group, are unable or unwilling to empathize with the suffering of the rival group, and are unwilling to accept any responsibility for harm inflicted by their own group. . .
The harm done to White group interests by Jewish activism in the post-World War II era has been enormous. Jews have used their domination of the commanding heights of Western societies to effectively sabotage the successful biological and cultural reproduction of White people, whom they regard, based on their ethnocentric and jaundiced reading of history, as their foremost ethnic adversaries. This sabotage takes many forms, including: lobbying for mass non-White immigration into Western countries; the entrenchment of multiculturalism and diversity as central and unchallengeable pillars of social policy; the hypersexualization of popular culture and championing of sexual and gender non-conformity; the deplatforming and censoring of all dissident opinion; and, lately, the diffusion and mainstreaming of Critical Race Theory through all sections of society, and the designation of any pro-White advocacy as a form of terrorism. The net result of these policies has been the rapid demographic and cultural decline of White people in countries they founded and dominated for hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of years. . .
Equally damaging to White interests was the assault on the family from the 1960s onwards—part of a great cultural shift from the affirmation to the repudiation of inherited values. The familial, religious and ethnic ties of White people were presented as an oppressive burden imposed by the past—a way in which parents encumber their offspring with an inheritance of dysfunctional norms. Frankfurt School intellectuals insisted the traditional European family structure was pathogenic and a breeding ground “for the production of ‘authoritarian personalities’ who are inclined to submit to dominant authorities, however irrational.” . . .
While denouncing the traditional White family as proto-fascistic, Frankfurt School intellectuals also championed radical individualism as the quintessence of psychological health for White people. The “sane” individual was promoted as someone who had broken free from the pathogenic norms of Western culture, and realized his or her human potential without relying on membership in collectivist groups. . .
Ethnic Defense or Attack?
Jews, to the extent they admit their involvement in these and other damaging intellectual movements and social policies shaped by them, often portray them as a necessary ethnic “defense” against anti-Semitism. Jewish movie director Jill Soloway claimed, for instance, that Hollywood’s Jews were “recreating culture to defend ourselves post-Holocaust.” From the perspective of White people, however, this “defense” is an incredibly aggressive ethnic attack that threatens our very biological survival in the long term . . .
Activist Jews well know the policies they espouse for Western societies harm the group interests of White populations (that’s the whole point). Thus, while the stated mission of the Australian Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) is to make Australia a “better place” by “promoting tolerance, justice and multiculturalism,” when it comes to the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians this supposed commitment to “inclusion,” “diversity” and “multiculturalism” suddenly gives way to hardnosed biological realism. The problem with Israel adopting the diverse, multicultural approach to nation-building so zealously advocated by the ADC for Australia (and the entire West) is that while it may sound “simple and fair,” it is actually “code for the destruction of Israel and its replacement with a majority Palestinian state.” The ADC insists “It is naïve and dangerous to believe such a situation will not occur if Israel is taken over by a growing Palestinian population.”
This rank hypocrisy (and barely-concealed malice) is standard across the gamut of Jewish activist organizations in the West. While promoting pluralism and diversity and encouraging the dissolution of the racial and ethnic identification of White people, Jews endeavor to maintain precisely the kind of intense group solidarity they decry as immoral in Whites. . .
Competitive Victimhood through the Construction of Culture
In their quest to outcompete their ethnic adversaries (i.e., White people), diasporic Jews have poured enormous energy into competitive victimhood. Jewish historian Peter Novick has described how today’s culture of “the Holocaust” emerged as part of the collective Jewish response to the Eichmann trial in 1961–62, the Six-Day War in the Middle East in 1967, and, in particular, the Yom Kippur War in 1973. While the foundation was laid at Nuremberg in 1946, it was with these later events, and the anxieties they engendered among Jews throughout the world, that “there emerged in American culture a distinct thing called ‘the Holocaust’—an event in its own right,” and with it a term that entered the English language as a description of all manner of horrors. From that time on, he notes, “the Holocaust” has become “ever more central in American public discourse—particularly, of course, among Jews, but also in the culture at large” and has since “attained transcendent status as the bearer of eternal truths or lessons that could be derived from contemplating it.” [19]
Throughout the West, the proliferating “Holocaust” memorials and museums are lavishly funded by taxpayers, and study of “the Holocaust” in schools is mandated by law in many jurisdictions. . .
Establishing and maintaining the narrative of pre-eminent Jewish victimhood is supremely important for the cadres of Jewish “diversity” activists and propagandists throughout the West, given the status of the Holocaust as the moral and rhetorical foundation of today’s White displacement agenda. Invocation of this narrative is reflexively used to stifle opposition to the Jewish diaspora strategies of mass non-White immigration and multiculturalism.
Suppressing Counter-Narratives
The flipside of this constant invocation of the Holocaust as a testament to unsurpassed Jewish victimhood are efforts to suppress discussion of the unsavory Jewish role in the Bolshevik Revolution and communism. This is because free discussion of the Jewish role in communist crimes undermines Jewish pretentions to moral authority grounded in their self-designated status as history’s preeminent victims. . .
Jewish Competitive Victimhood on Behalf of Non-Whites
Jewish activists not only engage in competitive victimhood on behalf of their ingroup (while suppressing all counter-narratives), but wage competitive victimhood on behalf of other non-White groups (except, of course, for the Palestinians and other groups opposed to Israel). This is plainly motivated by the desire to harm White interests. Through founding and promoting intellectual movements like Critical Race Theory, funding anti-White activism, and deploying anti-White media narratives, Jews stoke non-White grievance and physically endanger White people. . .
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Source: The Occidental Observer
It is only just beginning! There are now the
children of “holocaust survivors” to be
followed by the grandchildren of “holocaust
survivors” and so on ad infinitum ad nauseam
ect ect ect so on and so forth.
Greetings Walt. The last actual holyhoax survivors will likely be those who were among the 3,000 children born in Auschwitz, many of whom attended a commemoration there a few years ago. Every one of the 4,384,138 survivors who claimed compensation from Germany by 1987 is proof that there was no genocidal intention to kill them. All the Germans needed to do to kill them was to leave them in the middle of cities being carpet-bombed by other jews, or else, not shelter, feed, warm and clothe them in camps.
well said.
the Germans could have just resituated these insects in the middle of Dresden on February 14, 1945…..and let allied ZOG turn them into ash….instead of coddling them with ballet, theatre and swimming pools at necessary interment camps.
The Germans maliciously hurt not a hair on the head of these cyclopic
just thinking about this enormous, ridiculous lie, and the indifference and credulity of my fellow Gentiles, fills me with the urge to defecate.
They are now making the claim that trauma from the holocaust is transmitted epigenetically so we will never run out of holocaust survivors.
Thanks guest. We will also never run out of ‘THE HOLOCAUST’ (of the Germans by jews) survivors. There were many more Germans HOLOCAUSTED by jews than the jews lie about in their fake holohoax. I hope we never run out of epigenetically affected and aware HOLOCAUST survivors. Don’t burn jews’ books – keep them as evidence of their lying.
and never run out of gentile suspension of disbelief.
Greetings Walt. As you know, the Germans are the victims of the jews’ admitted HOLOCAUST against them. Every German descendant, by the jews’ own logic, is therefore a survivor of THE HOLOCAUST, the actual genocide of Germans instigated and committed by jews including Churchill and Roosevelt. Their lie is crumbling. The truth is rising out of their Niagara of lies. We can see them and their lying.
unless this entire charade is ended. With impunity .
This is only happening because , for many varied and pathological reasons, we allow it to.
I know you already know this WH.
The yellow star was imposed after Goebbels showed Hitler a copy of Kaufman’s (Kaufmann’s?) genocidal book Germany must Perish.
i would hope so.
Be neat if “one” of us would write a book
equivelant to Kaufman’s filthy Jew pablum, concerning the malevolent and illegitimate “state” of Israel .
i wish i could write it.
i’d definitely read it.
It has been written Mortal, by Roy Arthur Topham. See ISRAEL MUST PERISH – chuckmaultsby.net He substituted every word ‘German’ for the word ‘Israel’ in Kaufman’s book Germany must Perish. It’s an extremely interesting, enlightening and appropriate tactic.
damn! thanks Truthweed. i did not know this . i will check it. A.T is tops.
Really no need for a book if one just kept in mind the motto “War by Deception.”
A holocaust to hide the real holocaust – Massacres and Atrocities of World War II
In January 1945, Churchill told the Germans: “We the Allies are not monsters. At least I can tell Germany on behalf of the United Nations … Peace, although based on unconditional surrender, will bring immense and immediate relief to the Germany and Japan. all misery and suffering.”
To this false assurance, the late Dr. Austin App opposed the truth: “These Allies, who ‘were not monsters’, actually raped more European women than in all of world history. –
Apart from the wide-scale rape of millions of German girls and woman in the Soviet occupation zones, perhaps the most shocking outrage recorded by MacDonogh is the slaughter of a quarter of a million Sudeten Germans by their vengeful Czech compatriots
Why it is impossible to gas 6 million Jews
Never underestimate the power of the BIG LIE. The Jews are the masters of it. My personal opinion is the Zionists decided to promote this myth in order to cover up their own involvement with Nazi Germany in transferring Jews from Germany to Palestine. They needed a smoke screen and a continuous barrage of propaganda to clamp the lid down on any criticism of their WWII maneuverings. The more newspaper space that is taken up by their lies, the less room there is for the truth. As the previous stories have revealed, the Zionists have much to hide.
The real holocaust was a Christian Holocaust by Jews of sixty-six million, mostly Christians. Please remove all   extensions that automatically enter and undermine link access
Spiritual, moral, ecological, social scourge – you will recognize them by their fruits
Here is a long list of facts refuting the Greatest Lie Ever Told
As long as private central banks exist, there will inevitably be poverty, hopelessness and millions of deaths in endless world wars during the night until the earth itself is sacrificed to mammon in flames.
The path to true peace on earth lies in the abolition of all private central banks everywhere and a return to the value-based coins issued by the state that enable nations and people to thrive.
All it takes is to abolish gold and implement a currency backed by work as Hitler did in the 1930s before a nation that was more beggarly than today.
White Nationalism is currently creating meta-political networks that might be engaged by whatever authority emerges to re-order the chaos that will follow an anticipated crash of the international financial system. A cadre advancing European scientific methods into the field of economics would be an important node among these connections. The notion that enlightened economic command can achieve the optimality attributed to free-market capitalism needs propagating; and its acceptance would do much to advance White Nationalist cause.
Greetings Ulysses. The 271,000 total deaths in concentration camps (during ten years) published by the Red Cross includes the deaths of non-jewish inmates. I understand that most of the Auschwitz inmates were Roman Catholics. These deaths were from old age, epidemics and mostly from starvation at the end of the war caused by the total destruction of Germany’s infrastructure, instigated by jews, as you are aware.
Regarding “All it takes is to abolish gold and implement a currency backed by work as Hitler did in the 1930s before a nation that was more beggarly than today.” Bypass the Central Bank fraud, work voluntarily for other productive Whites around you.
Greetings Truthweed – -“bypass the Central Bank fraud“, of course, but how? Modern slaves are not chained, they are indebted Do you remember Hollywood’s Blockbuster TITANIC with actor Leonardo de Caprio? Well, it’s not the real story. It’s just part of the story. ( “It is not a question of blindly attacking a mill, but of penetrating it and, understanding its functioning, reversing its mechanism, turning it against itself.” Alfredo Braga America’s path to WWII ( There are many ways to kill. You can stab a knife in the stomach, get rid of bread, not cure someone of a disease, put him in a bad place, kill him through work, induce him to commit suicide, make him go to war and so on. ONLY SOME OF THEM… Read more »
You are correct of course Ulysses. The problem is debt. I was a debt slave for many years and never want to experience it again. Every day I think of ways to make myself and others more self-sufficient. Let’s use our time to acquire necessities and store resources when they are free. Although we ourselves may not be 100% free it is useful to be free enough to have some options. Children should be taught to group together and buy some cheap land with some water that they can improve together. Always having somewhere to stay, eyen in a tent, provide the security one needs to enable one to take potentially profitable risks. If you fail then you still have somewhere to live and grow food and avoid debt. I… Read more »
The very concept of “victimhood” is the invention of Jewish wordsmiths. Before Jews, “victims” were considered “losers” in a conflict, but of course, it would not serve Jewish interest to think of Jews as losers, would it. The difference between Jewish “victims” and Palestinian “victims” lays in who makes the claim. It was not the Palestinians that began whining and complaining about perceived “victimhood” but others who, having been programmed by Jewish wordsmiths, began assigning them the status of victims of Jewish genocide. By contrast, the Jews’ own victim status is self-assigned and self-professed. If it weren’t for the Jews’ whining, kvetching, gnashing of teeth and rending their garments, no one would have ever considered them as “victims” of anything. One major reason for this self-assigned status is to drown… Read more »
The Poles appear to seriously compete with Jews when it comes to being the victims of German “atrocities”. When I visit Polish alternative sites, I’m soon to learn that the Germans had gassed three million Poles and three million Jews. That the latter were gassed was according to these Polish “truth-seekers” a result of Judeo-German collaboration. The Jews simply needed this victimhood in order to establish Israel. That most Poles regard themselves as the victim number 1 seems to be ignored in the West, either due to the language barrier or special tactics (probably both). According to Polish alternative media, the Germans (all evil people, of course) now own all of substance in Poland, and the strings of power in the world are pulled by German Nazis -in collusion with… Read more »
Greetings Lucy. After attacking Czechoslovakia in March 1939 with their 1.7 million troops (the world’s largest army) the evil Germans victimized the Poles with their 1.3 million troops after Poland declared war against Germany – poor Poland.
Greetings Truthweed
Poor west, it doesn’t know that the time of slaughter is at the door (
In an essay reprinted in the May 27, 1996, issue of the New York Times Ari Shavit, an Israeli columnist, reflected on the Israeli slaughter of more than a hundred Lebanese civilians the month before:
“We killed them out of a certain naive hubris. Believing with absolute certitude that now, with the White House, the Senate, and much of the American media in our hands, the lives of others do not count as much as our own….”
Source: first comment on