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God’s Darlings at Work
by Revilo P. Oliver A DESPATCH from the United Press, published in many newspapers (e.g., the Chicago Sun-Times) on 19 March 1985, reported an article by Professor B.J. Bernstein in Technology Review, according to which two Jews, whom the unspeakable Roosevelt had put in charge of the development…

What is Racism? — Part II
Below is a classic editorial from Free Speech magazine that I wanted to adapt and re-post here on National Vanguard so that it doesn’t get lost or overlooked. The piece serves as a great introduction to the philosophical basis of our worldview and a perfect complement to William Pierce’s…

Secrets of the Soviet Disease Warfare Program
Were biological weapons used against Germans at Stalingrad? by Mark Weber OF HUMANITY’S many noteworthy achievements and inventions, few are as evil and as horrifying as biological warfare: deliberate, government-ordered mass killing of people with lethal diseases. During the Second…

It’s Genocide
by Robert Thompson ONE OF THE professed principles of the United Nations, of which the United States is ostensibly a member, is opposition to genocide — that is, to the attempted destruction of a people. Let us look at the UN definition of genocide. The following quote is from the United Nations…

Explicit Call for White Genocide on Columbus Day
Controlled media reaction: Ho-hum. STATUES of Christopher Columbus were vandalized amid continued calls to change the name of the federal holiday honoring the Italian explorer. Red paint, along with messages about alleged genocide of non-Whites, were sprayed on landmarks in both San Francisco…

Richard McCulloch’s The Racial Compact – Part Two – The Call for a Charter of Racial Rights to Prevent Genocide
Below is a condensed version of Richard McCulloch’s modern classic The Racial Compact: A Call for Racial Preservation, Racial Independence, Racial Rights and Racial Good Will. This series of essays calls for “a new concept of racial relations that promotes the continued existence, independence…

The Superholocaust
JOSIF Dyadkin was a Russian geophysicist who languished for years in a Gulag. It is he who researched a study that found between 43.3 and 52.1 million people died in the Soviet Union between 1928 and 1954 — 20 million in World War II, 14.7 million in slave labor camps, 10 to 16 million during the engineered…

Jews: Exempt From the Rules They Force on Us
Israel’s Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked: Her Facebook account and Paypal account, etc., remained intact despite her direct and credible call for murder of Palestinians. by David Sims AYELET Shaked is the Israeli Justice Minister. In 2014, she used her Facebook account to promote genocide…

The Bromberg Bloody Sunday
by Charles Weber ON 1 September 1939 German armed forces invaded parts of Germany that had been annexed to the newly formed Polish state after 1918. On 3 September 1939 England and France, with their mighty armed forces and their vast empires, declared war on Germany, using the German armed action as…

I Was a Prison Guard in Eisenhower’s Death Camps
Despite the author’s religious and universalist misunderstandings, which blind him to the real cause of these atrocities, this is very important testimony. by Martin Brech (1990)
FORTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, I witnessed an atrocity: the deliberate starvation of German POWs by our own army. History,…