
They’re Even Admitting that the Slander of Dr. Mengele Was a Pack of Lies — the Last Days of the ‘Holocaust’ Myth

Well, well, It turns out he wasn’t a bad guy after all. Dr. Mengele, center, assassinated by Mossad in Brazil in 1979, age 67, for no reason at all.

HOLOCAUST REVISIONISM is perhaps the most institutionally reviled, criminally punished and socially persecuted field of research in modern Western history. 

Yet, on the much publicized 75th anniversary of the Soviet liberation of Auschwitz, the gatekeepers of the Holocaust continue to give ground, kicking and screaming along the way.

The latest example is a new book by former Museum of Jewish Heritage director David G. Marwell, Unmasking the ‘Angel of Death’, which grants many revisionist challenges to the legend of Joseph Mengele.

Marwell’s work is considered the most well-researched mainstream biography of Mengele to date. In it, he cross references witness testimony from “survivors” with hard evidence and primary sources, only to conclude that their “memories” were “unreliable.” In other words, they are lying.

Stitching together humans to create siamese twins, smashing babies against train cars, attempts to transform boys into girls — all of the barbarism etched into the popular mind about a German in a labcoat, Marwell concludes, is nothing but a pack of atrocious hoaxes.

Marwell does stress that Mengele was a true-believing National Socialist, which in his mind is an act of evil in and of itself. According to the book, he also at times overstepped ethical boundaries, for example when studying the effects of food deprivation on the human body, but the so-called “Angel of Death” made up for this by giving subjects superior accommodations and privileged treatment when the experiments were over. The twins and dwarves he studied were treated kindly, even if looking at living people as laboratory specimens in any context is dehumanizing. By and large, the book admits that what is commonly known about Mengele is fiction constructed by rumors, novels and Hollywood which have been held as true thanks to Jewish “eyewitnesses” substantiating the hoaxes post-hoc.

Mengele’s main achievement at the camp, which Marwell credits him for, was containing and preventing a massive outbreak of typhus at Auschwitz in difficult circumstances. This saved thousands of lives, Jewish and Gentile alike. Mengele was not motivated by hate and sadism. His most intimate letters and confessions show only a passion for advancing medical science.

Majdanek: No Longer a Death Camp?

Another relatively recent victory won by revisionists is a quiet adjustment by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum to their page on the Nazi “killing centers,” They have been forced to admit that the Majdanek camp in Poland was not used to exterminate Jews.

The USHMM credits “recent research” for retracting what has traditionally been considered the sixth death camp. This is research dissident historians have contributed to while risking their freedoms, employment prospects and lives.

Majdanek was the first camp liberated by the Soviet Union, in 1944. There, they found Zyklon-B canisters, ovens and showers, which Soviet propagandists used to declare that over a million Jews were systematically murdered by gas. The evidence provided by the USSR were German documents that they asserted held coded references to systematic homicide gassings. The pattern is similar to what they later argued with Auschwitz, also liberated by the Soviets. Multiple camp guards and commanders were charged with war crimes and given the death penalty based on fictitious claims related to Majdanek.

This fairy tale was promoted by a variety of Jewish and some non-Jewish scholars. In recent years, the death toll itself has been drastically reduced from 1.3 million victims according to the academic Lucy Dawidowicz, to 78,000 according to the chief historian at the camp’s museum today. Revisionists hold that the numbers of people who died, largely of typhus, dysentary, etc, could be half of even that official figure.

The Immovable Force of Auschwitz

If you’ve noticed that the Holocaust story appears more centered around Auschwitz than usual, it’s because this is the last straw Holocaustians have to grasp on.

An interesting new fad has emerged, particularly with “ex-” revisionists, who admit that all the claims of the Holocaust are lies except the ones made specifically about Auschwitz. Some prominent figures in this sphere today include big names like David Irving and David Cole, two men who simply got tired of being imprisoned and physically beaten for their opinions on history. This is a testament to Auschwitz being the king of all third rails. 

But here too, we are beginning to see official omissions of previously claimed homicidal gas chambers, for example at Auschwitz I (Stammlager), the main camp tourists visit. The USHMM now specifically distinguishes only Auschwitz II (Birkenau) as the site of homicide gassings. 

Revisionists like Robert Faurisson have always contended that the gas chamber shown to visitors is a fake. Even though the French newspaper L’Express was able to get the Auschwitz Museum to admit that the gas chambers they show to people are phony, official tour guides still present the exhibit as an authentic homicidal gas chamber. On the infamous Deborah Lipstadt’s website, it says that the gas chamber isn’t a fake intended to fool visitors, it’s a “recreation” meant to be “symbolic”!

Auschwitz appears to be the fortress those invested in Holocaust mythology are staking their last stand on. It is impossible for them to give any more ground without the whole story collapsing.

But nothing is etched in stone. The aggressive attempt at a Zionist shakedown of Poland, as well as antagonizing its people, could put the myth in danger. The Polish government could shut them up tomorrow by inviting both revisionists and affirmers to do an unrestricted forensic analysis of all the Auschwitz facilities and grounds. I doubt the Israelis will like the results.

The sanctity of the Holocaust narrative becomes even more imperiled thanks to the in-your-face genocidal jingoism of Netanyahu and the unsophisticated political class steering the Israeli ship. International Jewry has spent much of the last 75 years using the Holocaust as the sacred myth guiding the neo-liberal globalist order.

Netanyahu today uses it as a cheap gimmick to push for Israel’s short-term geopolitical goals. The Israeli’s actively tried to make Vladimir Putin the star of this year’s Holocaust show, even though most Jews see Russia as an affront to the liberal world order. Netanyahu is desperate to do whatever it takes to pull the Russians away from their alliances in Syria and Iran so that the Israeli war machine can continue to advance.

At this point, it’s not a question of historical accuracy but of power. And only power can check power. We are living in the last days of the Holohoax. 

* * *

Source: Russia Insider

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pj dooner
pj dooner
31 January, 2020 12:16 pm


31 January, 2020 4:43 pm

It’s a good thing we live in the age of big data. It is now possible to locate the names of those who lied about Dr Mengele and for list them in a chapter of Dr Faurisson’s proposed ‘Encyclopaedia of Holocaust Lies’. These scoundrel liars are responsible for the deliberate hate they directed against millions of innocent Germans. It should be law that any biography of these liars must disclose the fact that they were holocaust liars. Within Germany the law against ‘defaming the dead’ should be imposed on those who slandered Mengele and his relatives should have the right to sue the liars.

Dances with Rabbits.
Dances with Rabbits.
Reply to  Truthweed
31 March, 2020 9:02 am

The problem is the winners write the history books (and make the movies) and not only did they start WWII in March of 1933 as recorded in newspapers of the day, but they self-evidently won it also. To this day they’re being paid tribute by the losers. That would be everyone else.

31 January, 2020 5:02 pm

Regarding Mengele being assassinated “for no reason at all” I can suggest such a reason. Imagine if he was able to defend himself and provide evidence in a court in front of the media. Instead, he was killed to silence him because he was innocent. If he had been guilty then imagine the publicity coup for the Israelis. They would have had incentive to capture him alive and jail him for the rest of his life, displayed in a cage.

Old Norseman
Old Norseman
31 January, 2020 9:42 pm

As a side note I have always particularly enjoyed the song “Angel Of Death” by the band Slayer even though I knew from the beginning that the content the lyrics were based on were most likely Jewish propaganda and lies.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
2 February, 2020 1:55 pm

As I have previously written, a German SS medical corps captain wielding the power of Der Führer himself? Really? Anyone that can swallow such an absurd lie knows nothing about the Germans or their military command structure. Essentially, all the stories about German atrocities are in fact the stories of Jewish atrocities projected on the Germans. Rogue Nhadzee operators in these stories are in actuality Soviet, Judeocommunist rogue agents that carried out their own agendas of mass murder at the command of higher authority, but with little or no supervision by that authority. For the Judeocommunist Jew, it was a time of gleeful, wanton, bloody, mass-murdering mayhem of their hated goy hosts. For the Germans it was a time of trying to stem the tide of Judeocommunist genocide of native… Read more »

Reply to  Arch Stanton
2 February, 2020 5:35 pm

Greetings Arch. I recall that Hitler stated that only he himself had the right to execute concentration camp inmates. Who would dare to contravene this statement? I recall that Auschwitz had a court house and that 160 accused were shot by firing squad. That is the number of those killed there by its authorities. Note that two of those executed had murdered two jews there – it was illegal to murder jews in Auschwitz.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
Reply to  Truthweed
3 February, 2020 10:52 am

A perfect summation of the problem – it’s illegal to murder Jews. But then it’z Jewish law making that case.

Holo Hoax
Holo Hoax
5 February, 2020 2:26 am

Yet still, all the Hellyweird brainwashed sheep on Twitter, on every Holohoax memorial day still throw that ridiculously fake 6,000,000 repeatedly and all the other morons “like” and RT that bogus claim! Not 6,000,001 or 6,000,050… Those “evil germans” stopped at exactly 6 mil.. The whole holocaust is easily proven to be a fraud in many ways, but sheeple don’t even care to look. They’ve already been programmed through 75 years of Jewish Hellyweird, te-LIE-vision propaganda and Jew “media” to spew that lie or they will be shunned by their peers, called crazy and antisemitic

5 February, 2020 10:12 am

A very interesting article, but I would very pleased if you can add the link to the article that refers to the mentioned change of opinion of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum about Majdanek. I´m Spaniard, so I am not used to search things in this website.

Keep working as well as you are doing right now.

5 February, 2020 6:59 pm

That’s why they concreted Auschwitz over, because there is nothing there, not even ash. Two tiny ovens, Red Cross records which show there were more jews alive after the war than before etc etc etc.
The whole miserable tribe was saved from the Allied bombings because Hitler sent them to work camps in the country. The Germans were way too kind to the tribe that was kicked out of 109 Countries. Millions of women were raped by the Communist scourge after the war.
How can you tell a jew is lying? His lips are moving.

Reply to  Wolf
6 February, 2020 12:57 am

Greetings Wolf. After Dr Krege scanned the Treblinka site with an $80,000 ground penetrating radar and found nothing of the ash of the hundreds of thousands of victims, the Treblinka museum decided to place obstructive ‘memory boulders’ there so that other independent researchers cannot also ‘find nothing there’.

Reply to  Truthweed
10 February, 2020 1:30 am

“memory boulders” lol : ) yep the whole dirty holocaust lie would crumble if properly scrutinised. Thanks for telling me – memory boulders, it’s so 1984 lol and of course has a double meaning. Surely this cannot last. I heard a Prepper say just today ‘the sheep are waking up and want to get out of their pen’, mainly regarding the Chinese. Communism is also not allowed to be held up to the light of truth, but also people in the west are waking up, some. Hopefully the tide will turn rapidly in our favour as what the Globalists try to accomplish becomes increasingly more outrageous. It only takes a moment and the game is up, people are beginning to see the whole world is careering towards a globalist police… Read more »

Dances with Rabbits.
Dances with Rabbits.
Reply to  Wolf
31 March, 2020 9:17 am

Well, actually the Chinese are not in the least unhappy with their government. Since dealing with them for business I have learned a great deal and not least is that Chinese are better cared for in general by their government than we are in the West by ours. They are more humane in many respects, they did not execute the Japanese war criminals who so brutalised them but put them into camps from whence ten years later they emerged and made full confessions of their horrible crimes and apologised abjectly. They clearly had regained their humanity when they expressed gratitude to the CCP and the Chinese people and they were returned to Japan where they were disowned and hated for admitting they did wrong in the first place. The scientists… Read more »

6 February, 2020 4:50 pm

According to the book, he also at times overstepped ethical boundaries, for example when studying the effects of food deprivation on the human body, but the so-called “Angel of Death” made up for this by giving subjects superior accommodations and privileged treatment when the experiments were over. The twins and dwarves he studied were treated kindly, even if looking at living people as laboratory specimens in any context is dehumanizing. This sounds far more plausible. Still a bit disturbing, it does seem he was testing the limits of human endurance with regard to hypothermia, starvation, etc … most likely research that was demanded for the Eastern Front, given the circumstances which developed in that campaign. And conducting these experiments on prisoners is still rather heinous, but it’s a far cry… Read more »

Reply to  Faust
7 February, 2020 2:27 am

Greetings Faust. Regarding hypothermia, I understand that the seven volunteers were revived and afterwards received remission of their criminal sentences, but we are never told that in the luegen MSM. Tests of survival in cold were conducted to understand the possibility to rescue downed pilots in seawater.

Dances with Rabbits.
Dances with Rabbits.
Reply to  Faust
31 March, 2020 9:23 am

Are you aware of the kinds of experiments done on humans by the British and the USA both at the time and even in the years after? Not just on the ‘lesser beings’ as they saw the natives of their colonies but even on their own people.

Mustard gas is actually a sticky, oily resin that causes chemical burns on exposed skin and uncontrollable bleeding in the lungs when it’s inhaled. That’s probably why the US Army didn’t bother asking for consent from the soldiers it exposed in Panama in 1942. One of many examples of inhuman experiments on involuntary subjects. Unlike Mengele’s work, the main reason for the USA has been to build better weapons of war. Nice.

11 February, 2020 3:39 am

Putin was voted gentile of the year in israel. He admitted of his jewish upbringing. His grandfather was lenin and stalin’s personal cook. He is a bolshevik.

Dances with Rabbits.
Dances with Rabbits.
Reply to  Hajjar
31 March, 2020 9:27 am

That is an odd thing given the Russian communist party is Putin’s main opposition and supported by the USA in fact. He has not been a very good Jew in Syria either. Meanwhile, Uncle Shmuel has been a great friend to the Jews. Or more like a great servant. If not for Putin the Eretz Yisrael project would be looking near completion by now. Perhaps someone needs to remind President Putin he is a Jewish servant. He may let those Jewish oligarchs return to Russia and continue their looting then without the threat of prison. The ones living in New York and Tel Aviv now. Any wealthy Jews who remain in Russia have been collared and made to demonstrate they are Russian first and foremost and they’re not being spared… Read more »

tony bonn
tony bonn
11 April, 2021 12:12 pm

And speaking of forensic analysis, such an exercise was undertaken at Treblinka several years ago by an Australian scientific team, who obtained a miraculous dispensation from the gods to undertake subterranean excavations – i believe initially through noninvasive methods – to locate evidence of a massive extermination of jews. The goal was to locate bones, extermination and burial artifacts – anything at all which would substantiate a massive murder camp. The researchers found almost no disturbances to the grounds which support the idea that 1.3 million jews were killed, let alone even 10. There were crematoria at the work camps because people died of natural causes at first, and then from Allied bombings and murders at the end. Have the jews no shame? Does anyone stop to think about the… Read more »