Posts Tagged
Holocaust Revisionism
Deadly Dogmas, part 2
by John Massaro MOST AMERICANS, WHO TAKE our First Amendment for granted, or don’t even know what it means, are unaware that it’s a felony in several European countries and also in Canada to defy Holocaust dogma. This in itself is a strong hint as to where the truth lies. For an act of heresy committed in…
Deadly Dogmas, part 1
Here the author compares aspects of the vaccine dogma to other dogmas that many people hold dear. Some may find these ideas upsetting or infuriating. Please read no further unless you consider yourself totally open-minded. by John Massaro WE HUMAN beings are part of the natural world. We are animals…
Arrested for His Opinions in Scotland: French Scholar Vincent Reynouard
FRENCH REVISIONIST SCHOLAR Vincent Reynouard was arrested in Scotland last month, on 10 November 2022. He is presently in an Edinburgh prison cell, where he will remain until 23 February next year, when a court will determine whether he should be extradited to France, where he would be jailed under…
Udo Walendy: Soldier, Patriot, and Scholar (1927-2022)
UDO WALENDY – German patriot and pioneering revisionist scholar and publisher – died last night aged 95. The following obituary is reposted from the Real History Blog. Born in Berlin, he was among the last of the wartime generation, having served as a teenager in the Reich Labour Force, then as a Luftwaffe…
Writer Who Questioned Jewish Claims in Imminent Danger of 25 Years Imprisonment
by Fred Leuchter REVISIONIST WRITER and researcher Germar Rudolf has recently been charged by German prosecutors for publishing at CODOH (the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust) in the United States. [Publicly questioning the Jewish stories about their alleged losses in World War 2 is illegal…
Denying Holocaust Denial
by Thomas Dalton, PhD. ON April 8, it was announced that Canada would soon be joining an illustrious club: the enlightened nations of the world that have elected to ban so-called Holocaust denial. Depending on how one interprets the law, there are currently 18 nations that either explicitly ban “Holocaust…
Should Teachers Present “Both Sides” of the “Holocaust”?
A new Texas law is more open-minded than legislators intended. by Hadding Scott DUE TO a recent rightward shift in political and cultural winds, there has been a controversy focused on the Carroll Independent School District (near Dallas-Fort Worth), where the director of curriculum, in a private…
UK: Yet Another Heavily Funded Neocon Network Controls, Grooms Political “Leaders”
IN JUNE 2021 a neocon propaganda outfit (based in London but named after a notoriously pro-Zionist US Senator) published an alarmist “analysis” of “Iranian Influence Networks in the United Kingdom”. The report was issued by the Henry Jackson Society, named after Sen. Henry Jackson (1912-1983)…
Ursula Haverbeck: Update on the Verdict
Determined truth-teller by Monika Schaefer THIS BRIEF article is just to clarify — to the best of my knowledge — the status of the heroic Ursula Haverbeck. On December 4th, 2020, Haverbeck was found guilty for a “speech crime” under the infamous Par. 130 of the German Criminal…
Germany: Ursula Haverbeck Sent Back to Prison
She may become the oldest female inmate in the world. JUST WEEKS after finishing a two and a half year prison sentence for “Holocaust denial,” 92-year-old Ursula Haverbeck has been convicted again by German courts for “Holocaust denial”. If the federal court’s…