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Writer Who Questioned Jewish Claims in Imminent Danger of 25 Years Imprisonment

by Fred Leuchter

REVISIONIST WRITER and researcher Germar Rudolf has recently been charged by German prosecutors for publishing at CODOH (the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust) in the United States. [Publicly questioning the Jewish stories about their alleged losses in World War 2 is illegal in Germany and several other countries — but not (so far) in Germar’s adopted country, the US. — Ed.]

Obviously Germany has no jurisdiction over publishing material which is legal in the United States. [The Cosmotheist Church bookstore carries books from his Castle Hill publisher and CODOH.] Two years ago Germar was sentenced to two years of probation for a minor crime. Just before the probationary period was about to end, the court ordered him to complete the rest of the probation while wearing a tracking ankle bracelet. With his probationary period almost at an end, Germar had no reason to flee, so why would the authorities suddenly want Germar’s location to be constantly monitored?

Germar believed that the ankle bracelet was being put on him to make it easy for Germany to arrest him and have him deported to Germany — so he refused, and removed himself from the endangering jurisdiction, keeping his current location a secret. [Germar is facing 25 years in German prisons if he is extradited there. He may be forced to move to another country.]

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Here is some background on Germar’s situation, based on information from his recent book, Hunting Germar Rudolf:

What happens if a scientist touches the “third rail” of western societies, that is to say, violates the only taboo left standing? Does free speech prevail? Read this book, and you will find out that the answer is: No!

Germar Rudolf, born in Germany in 1964, was a promising young scientist preparing his PhD thesis at a Max Planck Institute in Germany in the early 1990s when he was asked by a lawyer to conduct forensic research on whether or not the Nazis used gas chambers to mass murder people at Auschwitz. Rudolf found the evidence wanting, but saying so in his expert report and as an expert witness in court led to relentless retaliation by the authorities and mass media of his native country: He lost his job, had his final PhD exam denied, was vilified by the mass media, thrown out of his apartments, had his home searched by the police several times, and was eventually sentenced to 14 months’ imprisonment for his research results during a trial where he was denied all opportunity to prove that his research was correct.

Facing a cascade of further prosecutions for his ongoing research into this matter, he eventually fled his home country and tried to find a safe haven first in Spain, then in England, and finally in the United States. But no matter where he showed up, he found himself again hunted for his controversial, yet peaceful scientific publications. Even the US, where he applied for political asylum, denied him due process and shipped him right back to Germany, where he was again put on trial for his activities as a science publisher. Although his activities outside Germany had been perfectly legal in those places, the German court nevertheless sentenced Rudolf to thirty more months in prison for them. They even threatened him that, if he dared defend himself, he’d be prosecuted for this as well.

In the present book, Rudolf, who once firmly believed in the orthodox Holocaust narrative, explains what brought him to doubt it, and why he ventured into a research field where those who cast doubt on mainstream views are ostracized, marginalized, persecuted and in many countries even thrown in jail, as he was. In several autobiographical essays, Rudolf tells the gripping story of his twenty-year struggle against governments the world over trying to silence him with almost any means. He explains how the existing legal framework in Germany provides for far-reaching covert government censorship and the staging of political show trials. There are, for instance, no transcripts of proceedings in German courts, an appeal of many court decisions is impossible, and filing a motion to introduce exonerating evidence is deemed a crime in certain cases! Germany’s police have a dedicated “state protection” branch going after political dissidents, and German censorship law allows banning and confiscating anything the government declares a threat to “public peace.”

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Source: Fred Leuchter

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7 November, 2022 3:12 pm

Nietzsche saw the persecution of philosophers and truthtellers by their contemporaries as a sort of opportunity, even a necessity, as an element that forces them to surpass themselves.
Germar Rudolph’s situation draws the line between this notion, and the practical, agressive, cruel side of reality. I hope with all my heart that he will make it.

”With me not everything is possible, but without me, nothing is.”

Robert Ferrara
Robert Ferrara
8 November, 2022 2:36 pm

The tribe is really getting desperate now. Their house of cards is falling apart on all sides. This is like what they did to that chap Fred Leuchter. Both of these blokes are experts in their fields, but again, the small hats can never be questioned. Keep on keeping on God’s chosen pets.

13 November, 2022 9:40 am

Recently, in a message I preached while my grandchildren were present, I said that I simply couldn’t live upholding a lie, i. e., a “sanctioned” narrative, no matter how much I would want that narrative to be factual. If the evidence disproved or militated against it, ultimately, I would “feel freer” to reject it. That the truth is liberating even if initially the “truth hurts.” And there has been a lot of “hurting” over the years as virtually EVERYTHING given by virtually every institution making up the post WWII “System” has been a fraud and a lie. And yet it has ultimately indeed been liberating to not be staggering along under a complete Deception. To preempt those hostile to this post simply for some context indicated in my initial sentence… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
19 November, 2022 1:24 pm

This whole episode is consistent with
the Military Government imposed by
the “Allies” on conquered Germany
for now going on nearly eighty years.

20 November, 2022 7:10 pm

The cult of the Holocaust, accusations of holocaust denial, antisemitism, and incitement to hatred, are both the sword and the shield with which Jews and the State of Israel — with the help of their non-Jewish allies and their insufferable thought police, the Anti Defamation League (ADL) and the French International League against racism and antisemitism (LICRA) — obtain financial reparations, social privileges, censor and persecute their opponents, mobilize their community, and realize their hegemonic ambitions on the world. “Memory of the Holocaust is central to the New World Order.” said Ian Kagedan, of the Canadian Jewish Congress and B’nai Brith Canada, 1991.They will defend it to their last breath. Hello to Fred Leuchter, one of the bravest and honorable man I know. He’s got a lot of spunk and… Read more »

30 November, 2022 3:35 pm

Further Information not commonly known. POLAND 1944 AUSCHWITZ BIRKENAU BOMBING BY US AIR FORCE – CONCENTRATION CAMP KONZENTRATIONSLAGER The I.G. Farben plant at Auschwitz-Monowitz was first photographed on an American reconnaissance flight on April 4, 1944. When analyzing the aerial photos, Royal Air Force specialists identified various production facilities of I.G. Auschwitz as targets for strategic aerial warfare. Additional recon flights followed between late May and mid-August 1944. The first sizable bombing raid by the 15thU.S. Army Air Force on the plant buildings of I.G. Auschwitz took place on August 20, 1944. Because of the heavy escort of 100 P-51 Mustang fighters, only one of the 127 bombers employed was shot down. The attack inflicted considerable damage on the production facilities of I.G. Auschwitz. Monowitz prisoner Adam Szaller managed to… Read more »

12 January, 2023 10:23 pm

In all of these trials taking place on revisionist writers and spokespersons, such Rudolph, Ernst Zundel, Alfred schaefer, etc., so much evidence has been produced to deny the gassing story, the German government should be permanently red in the face with embarrassment.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
16 March, 2024 11:28 am

Those National Alliance members and supporter who receive our monthly BULLETIN read an update of heroic Germar Rudolf’s travails, losing both his Castle Hill Publishing house and CODOH to a race-mixing thief, but continuing his publishing despite it all, including this latest magnum opus, the Holocaust Encyclopedia — reference this latest informative article published on 13 March: Holocaust Insights 2: Bergen-Belsen | National Vanguard THIS SERIES is based on the new Holocaust Encyclopedia by Germar Rudolf (available from Cosmotheist Books; purchase here to support our efforts!: Holocaust Encyclopedia – Full Color Hardback produce by Germar Rudolf – Cosmotheism (, a massive volume (634 pages) that demolishes once and for all the myths, misunderstandings, exaggerations, and outright fabrications that surround the “Holocaust” story. We now present the section dealing with the much-lied-about Bergen-Belsen concentration… Read more »
