An Election Day Message
by James Harting
WE UNDERSTAND WHY many — indeed, maybe most — Whites are furious at the Democrats. Over the course of the past six years, the Dems have pursued a course of relentless racial, political, social, cultural and economic warfare against the White population. And although White males have been their primary target, they have not spared our children, our women, or our elderly.
Truly, the policies of the Democrats towards White people have been thoroughly despicable.
Thus, we know why a huge swath of White voters are inclined to take political revenge against the Democrats by supporting the Republicans in the November 8, 2022, midterm elections.
So, vote for the Republicans if you must — but do so with open eyes, and comprehend that the Republican leadership has no sympathy for the plight of our race. Although the vast majority of Republican leaders, elected officials, and candidates are biologically White, understand that they feel no sense of racial loyalty at all — zero, nada, zilch. Their only loyalty is to their own pathetic political careers — and to the powers to which they are beholden and which they serve: the Jews.
You may want to vote for this Republican or that Republican because they have made a speech that promises you some small portion of the things you want. But you must realize that that is what politicians do: They promise you what you want in exchange for your vote. And then they betray you at the first opportunity. Remember the 30-foot wall on our southern border that Mexico was going to pay for? Remember the enthusiastic chants of “lock her up?”
Of course, there is one special constituency that the Republicans have no intention of betraying: the Jewish overlords whom they serve.
Yes, vote for the Republicans if you must, but do so with your eyes open. And consider this: By supporting them you are validating the system that is murdering our Race, and your vote makes you complicit in whatever crimes or misdeeds they commit if elected.
We have said it before, but we will say it again, over and over until it sinks into the densest skull: There is no political solution to the problems which beset American Whites. At this late date, we cannot vote ourselves out of the mess in which we find ourselves as a people.
Race is the issue.
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Source: Do Right and Fear No One
Voted once as a teen because I was young and naive. Never did it again and never will.
This system is beyond repair and needs a total overhaul.
Ha, voting what a joke.
I voted a couple of months ago, mostly for our county officials Many of whom I know and interact with. They were not on today’s ballot, but I went in anyway if just to cast my vote for my friend Rick Tyler who is listed as a candidate for governor. His campaign slogan is Make Tennessee White Again. Rick had no illusions about winning, but got on everyone’s ballot because he could.
Despite the above paragraphs , which are irrefutable , still the intoxication of the election cycle descends. Nor do I vote. However everyone including candidate are not so disenchanted. There are (were) honest people in congress . Tom Feeney in FLorida 24 district , a naive lawyer from Pennsylvania represented the long forgotten constitution with its inferred moral laws. Because he refused to pay for the whole worlds’ health care , a benefit that most from Florida could not have he was maligned in the Daytona Journal as a “child hater”. The captious voice should be familiar , since it is ubiquitous.He was repudiated by the pious electorate . Virgil Goode , from Virginia voted with rectitude for moral law . justice and incorruptibly . This caused a visit from… Read more »
Tuesday is one of the two days of
the week when I am not working.
I am not working today. I am also
not voting today.
Jew team one and Jew team two. Two different arms on the same Frankenstein monster.
A government of, by, for and about the people, my foot! I’ve only voted 3 times, but I’m done. No matter who wins, we’ll still be stuck with the ADL and the federal reserve. Welcome to the 21st Century Jewnited States of the American Weimar Republic .
Here we are now, the day after the midterm election ritual. I couldn’t bring myself to watch the vote returns, but just saw this report from a correspondent who has followed them: The Republicans totally blew it. They couldn’t beat a retard in Pa and now the fate of the Senate hangs in a runoff between two nigger retards in Ga. And so many Whites still refuse to see the truth. It is difficult to believe that Pennsylvania voters have decided that the Fetterneck retard is the best man to represent them in the U.S. Senate. He should have lost among White voters after Oprah’s endorsement — White male voters, that is. It looks like Georgians will have to hang in there for another month or so before they know… Read more »
I voted Republican for local and state races. Probably the most important were for a couple of open state supreme court judges and a couple of appellate court judges. Democrats were running black women and white liberal women for these positions. I did a write in for my US House representative: Vladimir Putin. I voted Libertarian for my open US Senate seat, not because I am on board with Libertarianism, but as a protest vote against the two establishment parties. Once they get to Washington there is no difference between the two parties on all the vital stuff, so I don’t bother voting for anyone at that level. In the aftermath it is becoming obvious to a lot of people that either A. This election was rigged and stolen again,… Read more »
Voting or election cycle is a psychosis , most experience when they imbibe the elixir of ,” your vote is your destiny.” People unconsciously vote out of despair and the only metaphysical luxury they are granted called hope. . The democrate knows people better and vomit out platitudes and the insulting lies they have taught from John Dewey school and constant propaganda. The republican , like this Kary Lake from Arizona is preaching the idealist with a Trump rhetoric of rebirth and returning to law, justice and family . Declare sovereignty , seal the borders and be home by Christmas. A bird singing with charisma out of her cage . Her opponent swings immured happily in her barred sanctuary meditating and espousing on the vapid shibboleths of liberalism and UN… Read more »