
The Jewish Oligarch Behind the “World Holocaust Forum”

Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor

IN AN astounding gathering, at least 45 presidents, kings, premiers, and world leaders have gathered in Israel to pay obeisance to the Jewish State and “fight antisemitism.” Israel’s Ha’aretz newspaper calls it “an airlift of presidents, prime ministers and royalty from around the world.”

In the midst of the impeachment proceedings, US Vice President Mike Pence and Congressional leader Nancy Pelosi have flown to Israel to pay tribute. (The US gives Israel over $10 million per day.)

The opulent two-day event is entitled “Remembering the Holocaust: Fighting Antisemitism.” The presidents and kings have gathered in response to a summons to commemorate The Holocaust — an allegedly “unique” “catastrophic” event (though many more non-Jews died in the war than Jews, even if you accept exaggerated Jewish figures) that ended 75 years ago through the deaths of thousands’ of their countries’ soldiers — and to “fight antisemitism.”

It is unlikely that any will mention the current and ongoing genocidal program against Palestinians, the fact that Jews are reportedly the wealthiest group per capita in the world, or that the alleged “antisemitism” they are fighting often consists of support for Palestinian human rights. It is also doubtful that the millions of non-Jews who died during World War 2 (often as a direct result of Jewish-Bolshevist activities) will play much of a role in the festivities.

The event is the brain child of Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor, a Russian-Israeli oligarch known for “unscrupulous business dealings” who made his money during the massive plunder of Russian resources that left many ordinary Russian citizens in misery. Kantor is the president of the European Jewish Congress and multiple other international entities. This is his fifth Holocaust Forum.

A major component of the alleged “antisemitism” that Kantor is fighting is just opposition to the outrageous, inhuman treatment of non-Jews by Jews in Israel.

A Palestinian family carries their belongings towards the remains of their destroyed home, hit by Israeli shelling and air strikes on Gaza. August 5, 2014. Gaza is often called the largest open air prison in the world.

Kantor is a Russian-Israeli billionaire dedicated to Israel. He has stated that the creation of the State of Israel is the “biggest achievement” of Diaspora Jewry, and believes that all Jews must work to “strengthen our beloved state.”

In 2008 Kantor enunciated his core belief: “The reality of today requires that European Jews care not only about the preservation and security of Israel, but also the way it is treated by the rest of the world. This must be the leading priority of the European Diaspora.”

Kantor heads up and sometimes even originated, a network of pro-Israel international entities.

In addition to being president of the European Jewish Congress, he is founder and president of the World Holocaust Forum Foundation, founder and chairman of the European Jewish Fund, originator and president of the International Luxembourg Forum on Preventing Nuclear Catastrophe, co-founder and president of the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation, vice president of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, a member of the International Board of Hillel, and the former president of the Russian Jewish Congress, to name just some of his affiliations.

His ability to accomplish all this stems from his enormous wealth. In addition to being an “international philanthropist,” as he identifies himself, Kantor is an international businessman with $4 billion at his disposal. He has been accused of unscrupulous business dealings and financial fraud.

Like other Russian oligarchs, Kantor made his fortune in the first years of Russia’s “new capitalism”— sometimes called “gangster capitalism” — when, under the guise of “privatization,” Russia’s economy was massively looted, causing ruin to many Russian citizens who saw their life savings vanish, sometimes in a matter of weeks. Kantor’s father, a former Red Army soldierreportedly served prison time for “speculation and embezzlement of state property in a large scale, taking bribes and forgery.” Kantor was among the many individuals in the Russian Jewish community who flourished; many — perhaps most — of the Russian oligarchs have ties to Israel.

Kantor is known for a variety of international activities. Along with notorious oligarch Boris Berezovsky, Kantor is said to have been a “sponsor of the ‘Orange Revolution’ in Ukraine in 2005, which led to the cancellation of the initial results of the presidential election.” Berezovsky later bragged that he had funded the revolution. In 2006 Kantor received an award from Ukraine’s new president for “distinguished services” to the country.

Stamping Out ‘Antisemitism’ and ‘Intolerance’

Kantor has been involved in a global campaign to embed a new, Israel-centric definition of anti-Semitism in European governments and institutions. The EJC says that the definition of anti-Semitism must be “clarified” because “the new form of anti-Semitism” supposedly “emanates from pro-Palestinians.” EJC is the regional affiliate of the World Jewish Congress, one of whose main missions is to advocate for Israel.

Kantor says that BDS, the international boycott of Israel over its violent human rights abuses, is “antisemitic.” (BDS works to “uphold the simple principle that Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity.”) According to Kantor, “Anti-Zionism [opposition to Israel’s systemic discrimination and violence] is almost always just a mask for hatred of Jews and Jewish collectivity and is just the most modern manifestation of the oldest hatred.”

Thus, the opposition of Kantor and his organizations to “antisemitism” often consists of censoring information that exposes Israeli violations of Palestinian human rights.

Kantor advocates that governments punish antisemites as harshly as they punish terrorists. He has been working to convince European governments to adopt a bizarre 13-page program of “concrete and enforceable obligations that ensure tolerance and stamp out intolerance.”

The Orwellian program, entitled “National Statute for the Promotion of Tolerance” (revised version here), would restrict freedom of expression, impose re-education programs, enact surveillance structures, and institute criminal penalties for “antisemitism” and other “intolerance.” Expressing views specified as impermissible would be “regarded as criminal offenses punishable as aggravated crimes.”

The document proposes a deeply authoritarian structure controlling multiple aspects of society to coerce “tolerance,” and anyone who doesn’t get with the program would be taken care of, e.g. “Juveniles convicted of committing crimes listed in paragraph (a) will be required to undergo a rehabilitation programme conducive to a culture of tolerance.” Big Brother in the form of a “National Tolerance Monitoring Commission” would ensure that no one says or does anything that the Commission determines is “intolerant.”

The program is being promoted by Kantor’s “European Center for Tolerance and Reconciliation” (ECTR), and may be on the way to becoming a reality. Kantor has secured former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair as the ECTR Chairman and French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy as a member.

According to its website ECTR has formed a joint task force with the European Council to work on implementing the program throughout Europe. The European Council, composed of the heads of state or government of the 28 EU member states, defines the EU’s overall political direction and priorities.

Moshe Kantor and Tony Blair present Prince Albert of Monaco the ECTR’s 2018 “Medal of Tolerance.” The former Norwegian Prime Minister, former Italian Foreign Minister (current EU Commissioner for Justice), and the former Serbian Foreign Minister (president of the 67th Session of the UN General Assembly) attended the event.

‘Global Pandemic’

Kantor recently said that anti-Semitism is now a “global pandemic” and that the “crisis of antisemitism is a slippery slope to global catastrophe.” He warns that Jews could “disappear completely as a people from Europe,” and raises the alarm about what he describes as “mass killing at synagogues.”

Media reports on the new EJC campaign similarly emphasize recent “tragic attacks” on Jews.

These terrifying attacks reportedly killed a combined total of 14 Jews.

While Kantor and the EJC claim the existence of massive anti-Semitism, Jewish Americans are reportedly the wealthiest group in the US, and this also appears to be the case for Jews worldwide.

Meanwhile, Israeli forces have killed almost 10,000 Palestinian men, women, and children since 2000 and injured tens of thousands; Palestinian resistance forces have killed approximately 1,200 Israelis (details here).

Such disproportion is not new.

Twenty-five years ago, an Israeli author wrote: “In the last 40 years the number of non-Jews killed by Jews is by far greater than the number of the Jews killed by non-Jews.”

A few Jews have opposed Israeli violence. According to Kantor and his cohort, these individuals are also “antisemitic.”

The bodies of five children from the same family killed in an Israeli air strike on 14 November 2019 lie in a hospital ward in Gaza (information on Gaza is here)

Fifth World Holocaust Forum

The new campaign comes just before the Fifth World Holocaust Forum to be held in Israel tomorrow, January 23rd, co-sponsored by the president of Israel. The forums are another one of Kantor’s many projects.

Over 45 heads of state and world leaders have said they plan to attend the event, including the presidents of France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Russia, the kings of Spain and Belgium, and Britain’s Prince Charles. Vice-president Mike Pence and Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, will also attend. [Her Congressional delegation includes Eliot Engel (D-NY), Debbie Wasserman Schulz (D-FL), Ted Deutch (D-FL), Nita Lowey (D-NY), Brad Schneider (D-IL) and Joe Wilson (R-SC).

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Source: based on an article at If Americans Knew

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25 January, 2020 7:12 am

He needs to keep himself out of the United States.