Posts Tagged

European Jewry

Douglas MercerEssays

Germany: a heartfelt welcome to “refugees” by Douglas Mercer ORSON WELLES once said that he met Hitler, that he sat with a group for lunch in which he was present. Welles said that during the lunch Hitler did not say a word. From this, he supposedly deduced that when Hitler was not mesmerizing…
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THE CHIEF RABBI of Brussels told an Israeli radio station Monday that there is no future for Jews in Europe, The Jerusalem Post reports. Rabbi Avraham Gigi (pictured) described the environment of fear in the Belgian capital since the city has been in lockdown following police terror raids across…
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I’VE RECENTLY come across an interesting document (found here) which details a conference that took place in Israel on May 7, 2013, called the “Jewish Contribution to the European Integration Project.” (ILLUSTRATION: Michael Mertes, German representative for Israel at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.)…
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Community heads bemoan increasing prevalence of anti-Israel efforts and a Europe ‘fed up’ with the Holocaust EUROPEAN JEWRY is all in the same boat, and that boat is slowly but surely sinking. That, at least, was the impression from a roundtable conversation Tuesday at the Jerusalem Press Club with…
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THE ALLEGED “Holocaust” of “6 million Jews” at the hands of Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany during WWII is the biggest lie ever foisted upon humanity. The very idea that the Germans organized and executed a complex conspiracy involving “homicidal…
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