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by Mark Weber CONSERVATISM certainly seems alive and well in America. For years polls have consistently shown that more Americans identify as conservative than as liberal. In recent decades both branches of Congress, as well as the White House, have often been controlled by Republicans — who…
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Martin Luther King marching with Rabbi Abraham Heschel at a Vietnam War protest in Washington, DC in 1968. by Richard Houck THERE ARE FEW displays of ethnomasochism and xenophilia more perverse than that of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day — a day in January when White and Black alike are meant to remember…
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Andrew HamiltonEssays

by Andrew Hamilton From an early age I had this incredible sense of mission, this desire to fight injustice and storm the ramparts of evil. For me, that evil was everything marching under the banner of leftism. But I simply couldn’t find the front lines. The various Patriot and conservative groups that…
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EssaysHadding Scott

by Hadding Scott NATIONAL-SOCIALISM IN GERMANY had to overcome not only Marxism, but conservative tendencies as well. The non-Marxist German resistance to Hitler consisted of Christian fanatics and aristocrats. These were people who either wanted things to go back to the way they used to be, which…
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Herding conservatives so they will serve the Jewish agenda THROUGH MY YEARS of experience with the alternative media I believe I have become pretty good at detecting disinformation. During the Trump campaign I found myself at my wits end seeing and listening to endless drivel about how Donald Trump…
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THE BIGGEST DANGER facing our coming utopia of open borders, eroding rule of law, soulless materialism, spiritual poison and demographic disaster is the vile evil of “nationalism” and “racism,” or, if you prefer, what every sane White person used to believe before the…
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Jew Eric Kaufmann has a book coming out later this year called Whiteshift: Immigration, Populism and the Myth of Majority Decline KAUFMANN STUDIES White anxiety about immigration and its political manifestation in phenomena such as Brexit or the Trump vote; but he is not a detached scholar, impartially…
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November 19, 1955 To: Willis Carto Dear Mr. Carto: We are in receipt of your letter of November 15th, 1955 requesting information concerning the NRP, its leadership, aims and growth. In regard to whether the National Renaissance Party is “Nazi-Fascist” as labeled in the Velde Report, let me state that…
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Kevin Alfred StromNewsOpinionVideo by Kevin Alfred Strom SHARE THIS video with every “normie” you know. Your friendly, authoritative-sounding, objective, caring, and concerned local newscaster — whether…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

On the 100th anniversary of the birth of George Lincoln Rockwell, we present William Pierce’s piece on his life and work. by Dr. William L. Pierce ON THE eighteenth of June, 1945, a little over six weeks after the death of Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess wrote the following words in a letter to his wife,…
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