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On the Cusp
Famed conservative Christian CEO of Chick-fil-A, Dan Cathy, bows down and wipes the feet of a Black rapper to “atone for White racism.” American Dissident Voices broadcast of 20 June, 2020 2020-0620 – On the Cusp.mp3 by Kevin…

Video of the Day: Glenn Beck Shows Why We are Not Conservatives
This is a good illustration of why we are most definitely NOT with the Conservatism, Inc. crowd of autistic hucksters, evangelists, and Israel-firsters. These snake-oil salesmen are a cringeworthy embarrassment to middle America. — Dissident Millennial
* * * Source: Occidental Dissent…

The Bright Future of Cuckservatism
AS MOST OF YOU already know, I’m a staunch Republican in the proud tradition of Mitt Romney and that sweaty guy who was one of the less offensive versions of Latino. I believe in liberty, small government, free markets, buggery, our great ally Israel, fighting “socialism,” more…

Race is Just a “Social Construct”? — Wawa Chombonggai Reunites with Cannibal Tribe Who Wanted to Eat Him at Age 6
Serious question for both liberals and conservatives: How do you square a story like the one below with a literal belief in universal human equality? And how much cognitive dissonance does it take to reconcile the existence of a Black cannibal tribe well into the 21st century with the notion that race…

The Professor and the Carnival Barker
Revilo P. Oliver by Margot Metroland PROFESSOR Revilo Pendleton Oliver died in 1994, full of years and honors, as they say; and also notoriety. Long a Classics professor at the University of Illinois in Urbana, he gained his PhD in 1938 with a translation and commentary on a 1500-year-old Sanskrit drama.…

Medium: I’ve Had Sex With Well Over 100 Men, but That Does Not Define Me as a Slut
by Dissident Millennial WHEN THE HEADLINES of a culture become indistinguishable from satire, that culture is beyond parody. Such is the case with a recent Medium post by Kelly Tyler titled “I’ve Had Sex With Well Over 100 Men, but That Does Not Define me as a Slut”. What is your number?…

Determined White People
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 29 June, 2019 by Kevin Alfred Strom 2019-0629 Determined White People.mp3 PUT AWAY those stupid 4th of July decorations. You have nothing to celebrate. White Americans are not free. White Americans are…

Public Says “No Way” When Zionist Dwarf Ben Shapiro Exhorts Americans to Attack Iran
An interesting straw poll of how attitudes are changing in America. IT IS A MYSTERY why Shapiro has any audience at all, considering his highly irritating way of speaking, jabbering away like an angry chipmunk, but some powerful people really want these views out there, so they push him hard, ……

No More Jewish Wars
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 15 June, 2019 by Kevin Alfred Strom 2019-0615 No More Jewish Wars.mp3 ISRAEL is not sacred. Jews are not sacred. Iran is not a threat to the people of the United States. Russia is not a threat to the people of…

Was the Civil Rights Movement Opposed to Identity Politics? Balderdash!
by Hadding Scott THE SELF-PROCLAIMED conservatives of the Republican Party have a sickening tendency to try to minimize controversy by not challenging the sacred cows that the anti-White left sets up for us all. Thus we hear, for example, Rush Limbaugh speaking in reverential tones of “Dr.…