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EssaysExtractsJohn Massaro

by John Massaro A FEW words are in order here about the canard that this is a free country with plenty of competing ideas and opinions, as in liberal versus conservative, Left vs. Right, Democrat vs. Republican. This distracting soap opera has been playing for a long time, and I’m hardly the first one to…
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Douglas MercerEssaysNews

Former US ambassador to Israel David Friedman and former US secretary of state Mike Pompeo shoot a section of their new film in Jerusalem by Douglas Mercer ADOLF HITLER SAID THAT in Germany he was really waging war against the conservatives, not the Communists. Because once the conservatives had been…
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David SimsEssays

Steve Turley by David Sims POPULAR CONSERVATIVE YouTuber and writer Dr. Steve Turley bemoans commenters who post “Jew-hater stuff” to his livestreams. He calls what they post “nonsense.” I wrote: But it isn’t nonsense, Steve. The “Jew-hater stuff”…
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Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinionPerspective

by Douglas Mercer STORY IS that at a meeting of Soviet leaders Trotsky got in a real zinger against Stalin that left him speechless. Afterwards Trotsky was sky high on what had happened and he couldn’t stop talking about it. According to his associates he then went on to say what he’d say next…
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Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

Taibbi by Douglas Mercer MATT Taibbi is the sometime darling of the White Right because he opposes war and the surveillance state, and lambastes the lying media. He has also said his style was influenced by Jim Goad. That much is true. But make no mistake about it; he’s on their side. What would…
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Douglas MercerEssays

by Douglas Mercer THAT WARMONGERING bitch Liz Cheney has gotten in a bit of trouble lately. For some odd reason, in this age of grass-roots populism and the mad as hell average White man, this neoconservative managerial toady had risen to the number three spot in the Congressional GOP leadership. Oh…
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CommentaryDouglas MercerEssays

Kristi Noem at the “Monster Energy Team Challenge,” 11 July 2020 by Douglas Mercer KRISTI Noem is that patriotic lady that MAGA-boomers love to love; she’s smoking hot and unlike that other snowbound populist beauty, Sarah Palin, from time to time she can put a word or two together…
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by Robert Stuart SO THE FORMERLY great American Southern state of Georgia is now sending a Black and a Jew to the United States Senate. Yet another sign of the end of the Old America. Blacks and Jews together destroyed the real South — and now they reap the benefits. Funny how that works out. If this…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

by Revilo P. Oliver I ALTHOUGH American Conservatives hope to restore the American Republic, they generally oppose change in all other matters, and hold steadfastly to their old faith in “democracy.” They must therefore derive satisfaction from the assurance that all is normal in their…
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IF WATCHING a Midwestern city burn to the ground over a Negro criminal who couldn’t even be bothered to die isn’t satisfying your wildest “decline and fall” fantasies, there’s always the Republican Convention. We’re all looking forward to the phony tough…
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