
How’s Tennessee’s “Multiracial Democracy” Working Out?

The letter The Tomahawk would not publish

by William White Williams
Chairman, National Alliance

I SUBMITTED THE FOLLOWING letter to the editor of the newspaper of record in Johnson County, Tennessee, The Tomahawk, on Friday, 7 April, ahead of the deadline for letters in the next issue. The National Office of our National Alliance is located here in the still nearly all-White county. My letter was not published. My expectation that it would be was low even though I’d “toned it down” for the locals. So, we will publish it here on National Vanguard as “the letter The Tomahawk would not publish.”

Unfortunately, by the time publication of the 12 April issue of The Tomahawk was delivered, the expulsions of two radical Democrats from the Tennessee legislature on 6 April was old news. Justin Jones was reinstated unanimously on Monday 10 April by the 40-member Nashville Metropolitan Council. Metro Council rules ordinarily require members to wait four weeks before filling vacancies in the state legislature. It would have only taken two dissenting members to prevent a suspension of the rules. Had that happened, Tennessee’s legislative session may have been adjourned by the time Jones was reseated. 

Nashville’s White population (not-Hispanic or Latino) is currently 55%, but is slipping fast:

The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is an important new chapter in Nashville’s equity and inclusion efforts. By striving for transparency, we solicit additional opportunities for conversation and collaboration, reveal areas requiring additional attention, and produce greater accountability. According to the 2016 Nashville Annual Report. Nashville is set to be a majority minority city by 2040. The report estimates that the population will have a demographic makeup of 32% White, 27% Black, 7% other, and 34% Hispanic (all races). Nashville is a uniquely diverse city, and to feel the positive impact of this diversity, the City must continuously reassess and adjust its equity and inclusion efforts. Creating an environment where communities have equitable and sustainable access to opportunities and feel a strong sense of inclusion and belonging will encourage Nashville’s prosperity to soar. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion work is neither exhaustive nor complete; it must be an ongoing and intentional part of our work, both now and in the foreseeable future.

Nashville is home to the Country Music Hall of Fame. Country Music by 2040 will be majority non-White to reflect its “diverse” demographics.

The headline, top of the fold, on page one of the 5 January edition of The Tomahawk was: “Johnson County Schools revisit safety protocols in wake of the Covenant School shooting.”

From: Will Williams
Date: Fri, Apr 7, 2023 at 2:31 PM
Subject: Tomahawk Letter to the Editor 4/7/23

Attention: Editor

Sir, please publish this letter in the next issue of The Tomahawk:

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It’s understandable that Johnson County schools are revisiting safety protocols after the tragic premeditated mass killing of six people in the Nashville Christian elementary school by the 28-year-old seriously mentally ill former female student there. The shooter, Audrey Whatshername, was a transsexual. Let’s call her Audie as in Audie Murphy, the WWII war hero. A Tennessee congressman has demanded that US Attorney General Merrick Garland open a hate crime investigation since Audie “targeted Christians.” How did the congressman know the shooter’s motive? AG Garland, who happens to be Jewish — unlike Christians, Jews are a protected minority — has said Audie’s motive has not been established. Had she murdered six Jews at a yeshiva, a Jewish school, he would already be calling it a hate crime.

Gun-grabbing zealots immediately began their requisite demands to ban firearms, saying guns are the problem, not deranged mass murderers who use them to kill people. Audie purchased her guns at five different Nashville-area gun stores. Shouldn’t an extremely disturbed, transsexual gun nut who was being treated for an “emotional disorder,” apparently with the “gender-affirming” male hormone, testosterone — that may well have a psychotic effect on the brain of a female — be flagged during the required background checks at those five gun stores?

Nashville state legislator Justin Jones leads protestors in insurrection.

A second Tennessee story, related to Audie’s “suicide by cop” murder spree, is the two Democrat state legislators that were expelled from their elected offices by a majority House vote on 6 April after had they disrupted the legislative session with a bullhorn in one hand and a raised Black Power fist, chanting the “no action, no peace” threat, agitating their rowdy demonstrators in demands for gun control legislation. Former state lawmaker Justin Jones of the gerrymandered Nashville district, attributed his expulsion to “White racism,” an assault on Tennessee’s “multiracial democracy.” The other expelled lawmaker, Justin Pearson, represented the majority-Black Memphis district.

Johnson County gun owners should appreciate that their majority-Republican state legislature decisively quelled this threatening Black and LGBT insurrection.

Will Williams, Laurel Bloomery

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Source: Author

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William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
20 April, 2023 8:18 am

We’ve gotten a little off the topic of Tennessee’s “multiracial democracy” and how it’s working out. As a Tennessee resident and White racial separatist, I’m certainly concerned about how it is working out with multiracial population centers of Memphis and Nashville. In order to introduce some like-minded Whites to our Alliance and the idea of racial separation I put the following comment up under this article Black Lives Matter Diary | Counter-Currents — Will Williams April 16, 2023 at 8:12 am Flel: I work with and live near blacks that have adopted enough of white culture to survive in polite society. I still see no reason to live near them nor to provide them with any additional subsidies… When will our movement have the same determination…?You, sir, are no “supremacist.” You are… Read more »

The Truth is Out There
The Truth is Out There
13 April, 2023 8:58 am

The truth is that the White race is more compliant and subservient than the Blacks ever were. Whites actually think that they are virtuous to go along with their own demise. Blacks might have played along with the anti-Black narrative, back in the day, but in their hearts they kept the flame alive. Whites have not. I have been to Nashville and seen the “hipsters” there—each one of them seems to be just a few steps away from being Dylan Mulvaney.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  The Truth is Out There
13 April, 2023 7:39 pm

I don’t know who Dylan Mulvaney is, but do not judge Upper East Tennessee by what’s going on in either Nashville or Memphis.

So, what do you suppose compliant Whites, marching off to their own graveyards should do, Mr. Truth? Keep marching, or say, “Enough!” join the National Alliance with others of us, determined to separate from the mess they’ve been led into?

Withdraw your consent to be led to your demise. Join Us | National Alliance (

Reply to  The Truth is Out There
13 April, 2023 7:49 pm

There’s an interesting article on here about the domestication of man that began in the Roman Empire. I’ve been pondering over this domestication of the human animal and particularly the White race. Being highly civilized brings a level of domestication as a necessity for the smooth function of said civilization. Whereas the other races maintained a healthy level of primitivism as well as being in an environment that selected for strength and ruthlessness the White man lost his primitivism and, indeed, made the degradation of it one of his pass times. Our civilized societies select for those willing to be more docile and subservient as a matter of necessity. A few years ago, I believe it was an article on Daily Stormer, that went over how some negro was saying… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  torch
14 April, 2023 1:21 pm

Well said, Mr. torch. Our race’s altruism should be kept ‘in-house’ as opposed to giving it away to ungrateful and often hostile non-Whites. Another weakness of Whites left unmentioned but highly important is the lack of White racial solidarity in feeling, thought, and especially action. It’s our purpose in the National Alliance to imbue those racially-oriented characteristics in our kind through our program. Even those Whites who are conscious and want to see our race on a much more progressive path in life but remain lone individuals aren’t going to accomplish much. We must realize that organized, intelligently directed, and disciplined activity is necessary to attain the goals we seek to accomplish. No others have the vision to do this and I recommend all serious and sincere Whites join us.

Reply to  torch
14 April, 2023 9:07 pm

Varg has talked quite extensively about muhCivilization and how yesterday’s wolves have become today’s shi-tzus:

Elfriede Lentner
Elfriede Lentner
Reply to  The Truth is Out There
14 April, 2023 12:21 am

What you’re saying is, that many European-descent Whites act based on some pseudovirtuous worldview, because they think, among other things, that going along with demise-incurring corruption makes them virtuous?

Reply to  Elfriede Lentner
14 April, 2023 9:10 pm

And this pseudo-virtuous worldview was bamboozled into White minds by (((‘God’s chosen’))) because muhBahble is the ‘truth’ and a ‘historical document’ and those kindly old rabbis would NEVER lie……

The Truth is Out There
The Truth is Out There
Reply to  Wolfgang
15 April, 2023 9:40 am

IS IT POSSIBLE that Christianity has gotten into our DNA? That somehow the people who did not go along with “do not resist one who is evil” (Matt. 5:39) got selected out of the gene pool? Or do the institutions of society impose on us the “turning of the other cheek”? I don’t know, but I can see how watching the UFC and learning some moves is closer to the human condition than supporting BLM. The “woke” causes, and the tactics they use, seem to me to be eerily similar to the ascent to power of Christianity under Theodosius.

Reply to  The Truth is Out There
15 April, 2023 7:50 pm

I guess I’m living proof that it did not get into our DNA.
Born into a nominally Cathocuck family – the women being far more into religion than the men, as usual – in a 95+% Cathocuck country, I always felt there was something not right about the whole thing, even as a little kid.
My Pagan awakening started early, about age 7 or 8, when I realized that holidays such as Cuckmas or Pass- erm, ‘Easter’ weren’t just days but rather seasons.

Reply to  The Truth is Out There
14 April, 2023 4:11 am

Perhaps You freight Whites with too much weakness, and credit Blacks with too much interior content, too much humanity, anthropomorphize them. What anti-Black narrative? Whites have too often, to their sorrow, gone along with a narrative that Blacks are better than Blacks actually are. (Not to mention Whites are the only race to treat Blacks as if they were equal humans — if Whites die no-one else will tolerate the continued existence of Blacks, of course in reality Whites will live but we will never help Blacks again). “Compliant and Subservient” is not the truth, the truth is the European Race, unlike any other race, will stand out side of themselves, of their own interests for principles, for these principles (among a few others): * Truth * Law * Fairness * Leadership principle Such are strengths,… Read more »

Reply to  b.smith
14 April, 2023 9:13 pm

I repeat myself- yet again- when I say that Whites – Celts and Germans in particular – are the only people in the world who are able (and willing) to identify and empathize with creatures other than themselves.
Which, in a sane world, would be an excellent quality, but has been weaponized against us – like so many other things – by the Jew.

Reply to  Wolfgang
15 April, 2023 5:17 pm

True and part of the challenge: To defeat evil without becoming evil — to save our folk and their virtues too.

And we will do it!

Reply to  b.smith
17 April, 2023 5:33 am

You are all getting carried away.

Judeo Christianity is still prevalent in many Whites out of comfort and social pressure. The system itself is based of it.

White Americans are still relatively comfortable in the multiracial dystopia that their country has become.

But as soon as a catastrophe of major proportions happens (crash of dollar, Russian nukes) that will be a harsh awakening from fantasy land for many White men. For those who survive.

Then, hopefully, many of those survivors will understand how harmful sticking to Judeo Christian teachings is, and will leave it for good.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Jamie
17 April, 2023 12:33 pm

Perhaps a major catastrophe will occur, or things continue to slowly evolve for the worse for Whites as is happening presently. The point is, those of us who recognize that our race is in decline can and should work cooperatively to survive what is coming by building communities. We in the National Alliance offer a community based upon our principles and goals in order to retain group cohesiveness and uniform direction that can be extended over generations and longer periods of time.

Those individual Whites who cannot or won’t appreciate what we’re doing may very well suffer the consequences, but we who do should act upon this information.

13 April, 2023 11:35 pm

The Republican party are all just a bunch of losers. They always cave to political pressure. After all they are called conservative so they simply conserve and eventually declare whatever the communists decide as being the “American Way”. The party of Lincoln was founded in 1848 by Marxists and the revolution has achieved all of its goals.

Reply to  Phil
14 April, 2023 9:18 pm

The only thing the Cuckservatives have ever actually conserved were their stock portfolios.
The Republicucks – or any other party for that matter – are not ‘losers’ they are ACTORS.
Politics is basically puppet theater for adults, the goyim sheeple masses are tricked into believing that there is more than 1 party (there isn’t) , that there are fundamental differences between the (not) different parties and that that they, the people, actually have some input into what happens by making little marks on a piece of paper every few years (they don’t).
The only natural form of government is tribal, merit-based, non-hereditary monarchy, the Romans and their Cuckstian successors got rid of that real good.

Reply to  Wolfgang
15 April, 2023 5:12 pm

In time we will present them a stark choice: Be judged by the white folk they betrayed, and put into our service, …or be left to be eaten by the diversity they betrayed us to. It will happen, lol. A side effect of my current project will be admittance (when I can stomache it), to their selfish realms (they’ll admit any featherless biped who has money, even a damn “rayciss”), one of my recruiting lines for such selfish cowards will be: “There’s a war against white people and you damn well know it, you’ve been running from it, hiding behind your money from it your whole life. If white people lose, the diversity will eat you and nobody will care. But white people are gonna win, and then they will… Read more »

Reply to  b.smith
16 April, 2023 7:21 am

Based on my observations, that vision is quite a ways in the future, most Whites are still WAY too comfortable. My much more immediate hope is that the intelligence that the VAXXXed are most likely sterile filters down to the Normie masses while there’s still a chance for me to have children.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  b.smith
19 April, 2023 11:23 pm

b.smith: In time we will present them a stark choice: Be judged by the white [sic] folk they betrayed, and put into our service…or be left to be eaten by the diversity they betrayed us to…It will happen, lol. — Lol? You think our cause is funny, b.smith? Who are “we” and “our“? You certainly are not recruiting for the National Alliance with this current project of yours. That’s not how we do it. — A side effect of my current project… one of my recruiting lines… will be: “There’s a war against white [sic] people and you damn well know it, you’ve been running from it, hiding behind your money from it your whole life. If white [sic] people lose, the diversity will eat you and nobody will care.… Read more »

Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
20 April, 2023 12:29 am

The survival of our folk is a very serious matter Will, but there will be laughs along with the tears along the way, and sublime moments among the tragedy. No guilt trip for the cowardly well off white folk — they won’t feel guilt anyway, only fear when they realize that “we”, we who did something for our folk to survive, were right, while they were fools. No threats, just the kindness to judge them still worthy, if they are, and to reach out a hand to help them find a way to get onboard and do something good before it is too late. Alliance recruits a better class of white folk than these, I know & respect and would take care to not misrepresent that to anyone, however others… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  b.smith
21 April, 2023 9:24 pm

b.smith: Alliance recruits a better class of white [sic].. I know & respect and would take care to not misrepresent that to anyone…. — National Vanguard is the National Alliance’s primary Internet outreach to recruit new members. It is not a platform for non-members like you to come on and give off-the-wall advice about how you recruit for whatever it is you think you are building. We do not need your recruiting advice. Understand? Kevin Strom put up some good recruiting advice from Dr. Pierce to members just yesterday, here: Hitler, National Socialism, and Recruiting for Our Cause | National Vanguard If you have interest in how NA recruits, put ‘recruiting” in NVs search block and you will come up with some approved methods and advice for NA members, like… Read more »