American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

Welcome to 2021

Penny Phillips and Jawan Kavorie Crittenden

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 2 January, 2021 2021-0102 – Welcome to 2021.mp3

by Kevin Alfred Strom

LET ME TELL YOU what we don’t need in 2021. We don’t need Jawan Kavorie Crittenden, a male Black who in the last week of 2020 was arrested for the crime of murder; police say “Jawan” came upon Penny Phillips, a White woman and city employee in Florence, South Carolina, and, for reasons unknown, plunged a knife into her body again and again and again until she was dead in a pool of her own blood. The Jew-owned national news media have kept this murder a secret, and even their local media are “memory holing” it, according to one correspondent, who says they refuse to publish photographs of killer and victim in the same story. Officials have repeated the phrase “random assault” again and again in connection with the case, implying that race could not have been a factor.

We don’t have a “random assault” problem; we don’t have a “gun problem”; we don’t have a “culture of violence” problem; we have a race problem — we have a dysgenic African problem. We have a Third World savages problem. We’re not allowed to discuss the savages as savages. We’re not allowed to admit that there are biological differences between the races that make them behave differently even in the same environment, that make some of them very volatile and violent no matter what subculture they belong to or adopt. We’re not allowed to say that we’d be better off in a White society with White standards of behavior, ethics, and justice. We’re not supposed to even start thinking that we could not only do just as well, but infinitely better in every way, without the violence and stupidity and crime and parasitism of the Third Worlders that is hung around our necks. We’re not supposed to say that not only are the non-White savages a direct threat to us and our children, but that even the non-Whites who aren’t savages are a biological threat who are supplanting us, replacing us, and killing us through racial mixing in the lands our forefathers fought and died for. We’re not supposed to say that these people do not share our standards, our ethics, or our love of freedom — and that we will surely lose our freedom, and make our civilization into a Third World hellhole, if we give up and let them keep the land that ought to belong to our sons and daughters.

Not only are we not allowed to say such things, but we damned sure are not supposed to do anything about them.

But I must add that the Blacks are not at the root of the Black problem. Primitive Third World peoples generally are not themselves at the root of the disintegration of America. If they were restricted to their own territories, where they could live as they see fit and where their leadership elements could handle their social problems in a way appropriate to their nature — or not handle them, for that matter — they would not be a problem for us. Sudan, Mexico, and the Philippines will never constitute a technological or economic or military threat to the First World, the White World. The problem is the mindset and the laws and the pressure that make us import and support and mix with these people to the point that it literally is killing us as a society and a race — just as it killed Penny Phillips as an individual.

The real threat — the real root of the Black problem and the immigration problem and the severe problem of the needless tragic death of Penny Phillips and the thousands of White men, women, boys and girls like her — is the highly organized and well-funded Establishment which has made multiracialism into a new religion, into a false morality and an all-too-real legal system which forces us to accept the Jawans of this world into our neighborhoods, into our places of work, and into the schools where we send our innocent children. And this multiracialist establishment — in media, in government, in the academy — is largely a Jewish establishment.

Let me give you an example. In the United States, the Jewish organization calling itself the Anti-Defamation League (or ADL for short) is in the forefront of the quasi-legal and propaganda campaigns to convince White people that it is good and virtuous to mix the races, both in society and in the marriage bed. The ADL, which has links to Jewish organized crime, has engaged in corruption of police departments, even stealing police files to get “intelligence” on Americans who don’t approve of the ADL’s multiracialist agenda. The ADL pushes for laws — and even writes so-called “model statutes” that are then passed by craven legislatures plied by Jewish money and cowed by Jewish media — which would criminalize Whites speaking out on behalf of our race. The ADL even pushes its filth on schoolchildren and gets our tax money to pay for it.

But does the ADL “sincerely believe” in multiracialism and intermarriage as a philosophy for everyone? Hell, no, they don’t. They believe in multiracialism and intermarriage only for non-Jews, for you and me and Penny Phillips. For themselves, for Jews, they preach an entirely different philosophy — an opposite philosophy, in fact. A philosophy of preserving their identity as a people. A philosophy of nationalism and of maintaining the blood of their nation pure. A philosophy that — except for some exceptions, often highly visible ones of great propaganda value — almost always opposes intermarriage and works against it. A philosophy that seeks to inculcate a fierce loyalty to nation and race in its children, a loyalty that will last a lifetime.

More than a decade ago, in an interview with the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, then ADL national director Abraham Foxman warned against intermarriage between Jews and non-Jews and told us of the need to — in his words — “stop our bleeding now.” The ADL also said that Jews need special Jewish schools, and decried the fact that only 29 percent of Jewish children in the United States attend private Jewish schools and yeshivas. (That’s really something, coming from a group that was instrumental in denying Whites the right to have our own schools.)

According to the ADL, $70 million should be “invested” each year in Jewish education in the United States — in expanding the infrastructure and in tuition subsidies. Presumably the US taxpayer would foot the bill, like he does for Israel and almost all things Jewish.

And the ADL recommended that millions more should be spent to bring young Jews from America to Israel, to be indoctrinated in Jewish nationalism and ethnocentrism.

Foxman’s and the ADL’s racialist attitudes about Jews mixing with non-Jews — in bed and in school — may seem strange to new listeners. After all, isn’t it the ADL that provides mandatory “diversity training” for pre-school teachers all across America?

Yes it is. The ADL has a program “targeting children ages 3 to 5” — their words. It’s called The Miller Early Childhood Initiative,

The program, proudly described by them as “the first of its kind,” subjects toddlers to political indoctrination specifically designed to eliminate all feelings of racial kinship and loyalty, and to, in the minds of the children, equate such feelings with ‘hatred’ and ‘bigotry.’

Around the same time that Foxman was pushing exclusive race-based schooling and racial-nationalism for Jews, Linda Santora, director of the ADL’s “early childhood education programs,” proudly announced that the ADL lessons promoting racial mixing among non-Jews will be “incorporated into the children’s normal classroom activities.” She adds, “There’s a song children can sing that encourages them to stand up for other children when they see them being excluded.” The ADL operatives utilize activity guides featuring ‘Sesame Street’ characters so as to make it more palatable. “Tolerance, forgiveness and acceptance are at the very depth of making change in the world,” said Jewess Marlene Canter, an ADL board member.

Of course, the ADL’s Miller Early Childhood Initiative program is strictly for Gentile consumption.

The ADL and the leaders and higher-level functionaries of the Jewish establishment know that multiracialism is a poison that leads to societal death. They go to great lengths to avoid multiracialism and mixing for their own people. But for other peoples, they promote — nay, even insist upon — the very same poison. We, they say, must never exclude the Jawans of this world from our neighborhoods, from our businesses, from our schools. To do so, they say, is the ultimate sin. But exclude them is exactly what we must do. Even more important, we must exclude the Abraham Foxmans, the Jonathan Greenblatts, and the George Soroses of this world from any position of power over us.

It’s too late to save Penny Phillips. But we can honor her life. There are millions like her, in just as much danger, Penny’s sisters and brothers in spirit and blood, who need to be protected, who need us to love them and care about their future and end the madness that has gripped us. So let this be your quest in the new year, let this be the purpose of your life: the love of your people, your nation, and the future of White children.

* * *

THE JAWANS — and those who weaponize them — are what we don’t need in the new year. But what do we need? Let me quote the words of our National Alliance Chairman William White Williams, who said this, and quoted our founder William Pierce, on that very topic.

Thanks for that good wish for the National Alliance…. It has been a difficult year for our people. Though Dr. Pierce is physically gone, his Alliance is still here and slowly growing, though not nearly as fast as it should. Instead of just wishing the NA your best for 2021, join with us, spread those words by Pierce that inspired you to others who will be given hope.

I found an important speech by Dr. Pierce, “The Big Picture,” on YouTube in 2013, more than a year before becoming Chairman, and tried to spread it around, but the damned Jews shut it down. You can see it at White Biocentrism and on the Alliance’s Bitchute channel, though: (90) Dr. Pierce explains our big picture – White Biocentrism

Now, six years later, to hell with Jew-owned YouTube, our supporters need to be spreading Dr. Pierce’s “The Big Picture” and more than 100 of his other talks on our Bitchute video channel, at
(90) Dr. Pierce explains our big picture – White Biocentrism

Take his words to heart and act on them, rather than simply wish that his organization has a good year. It’s easy to spread our links. Every person reading these words has a computer or some sort of device that can do this easily. As Dr. Pierce said:

…Many people will not want to be educated. They will be afraid to listen to anything which is not Politically Correct. They will hate us when we try to educate them. They will go back to their MTV. But for every fool filled with hate and fear who will not listen, we will find a person who already has an understanding of the things I have said today and who only needs to hear us say them in order to gain enough confidence to know that his understanding is correct. And we will find other people who have not yet achieved understanding but whose hearts and minds are open, and who can accept the truth when it is presented to them.

And so that is our immediate task: yours as well as mine. We must reach out to our people. We must alert them. We must educate them. We must encourage them. We must inspire them.

And here’s a beautiful, wonderful thing: when you reach out to other people to encourage them and inspire them, you yourself will be encouraged and inspired. When you find out how many other people there are who share our concerns, our feelings, our values, our sense of responsibility, you cannot help but be encouraged.

Even the hatred that you encounter from some people — especially from people in the controlled media — will be encouraging. For you will understand that they would not hate us so much if they did not fear us. And the reason that they fear us is that deep inside them they know that what we say is true.

So let’s get out there — all of us — and start looking for encouragement!

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what we do need in this new year.

* * *

You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help. 2021-0102 – Welcome to 2021.mp3

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2 January, 2021 11:12 am

We have the numbers to replace them! In 2021, buy from our own people and become a prepper. Research your environment. Start your own defense league. Ask your local council what it is doing to record and prevent random attacks by random attackers in your district. Communicate! Abandon the luegenpresse!

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
2 January, 2021 11:28 am

My little bedroom community of Pontiac, SC
is less than a hundred miles from Florence.
This is the first I have heard of this
latest atrocity. Unfortunate though it 
may be, I can’t help but wonder if this
lady was somehow “romantically involved”
with this Kaffer, as so many brainwashed
White women constantly are. There seems
to more than meets the eye to this case.

This certainly was not the circumstances
for little blue-eyed Brittanee Drexel. 
She was abducted by a gang of feral 
Negroes, then brutally raped and beaten 
over a period of several days. After 
they had their fun with her, she was 
shot to death and then fed to alligators.   

Reply to  Walt Hampton
3 January, 2021 11:13 am

I lived near Columbia, SC for four years. I really had to search for a place that was relatively free of negroes. I’ve spent most of my life in NY, FL and CA. I was shocked at how little apparent racial awareness there was among Southerners I knew. Even in private, casual conversation never did I hear any indication of racial awareness even when my thoughts on the matter were made plain. I used to joke that you could choose from among 5 religions (Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, University of South Carolina and Clemson) and at least one of these better be a football team. I think they worship college football more than jesus or the military. VERY nice people. The only annoyance was the frequent inquiries about what church I… Read more »

Mike Mann
Mike Mann
Reply to  guest
3 January, 2021 5:54 pm

“There are days when I am haunted by a feeling that is blacker than the blackest melancholy. I have a contempt for humanity. I despise the people I have been fated to call my contemporaries. I feel suffocated by their filthy breath (. . .) Christianity [the ‘Semitic death cult’] remains to this day the greatest misfortune of humanity.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche, The Anti-Christ I feel the same contempt for my contemporaries as Nietzsche felt for his, most of them being worshippers of “Jesus” and the big game. “There could be no clearer proof that the Jewish mystery religion [Christianity], a spiritual syphilis, has rotted the minds of our race and induced paralysis of our will to live.” -Revilo Oliver, A Cringing Lord Reading Paul Kersey’s OPIATE OF AMERICA: COLLEGE… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  guest
3 January, 2021 11:27 pm

The Christian scum are still here. I call them
that because all of my adult life I have known
that they have always been the hypocritical 
cowards that they are. I also know that there
are many more Christians in any given area than
there are Jews. I also know that without 
Christians, Jews would be powerless to do 
the things that they do.

New World Ebola
New World Ebola
Reply to  Walt Hampton
9 January, 2021 8:31 pm

wherever these creatures exist, this type of thing happens.
it’s nature.

Reply to  Walt Hampton
21 November, 2022 3:47 pm

Fox memory-holes yet another.

Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
7 January, 2021 3:14 pm

When the NA was brought low some years ago I took it upon myself to obtain recordings of Dr. William Luther Pierce. I continue to spread the word.
My children were very keen listeners of Dr. Pierce’s broadcasts, and I often play them when I think all hope is lost. They are insightful and inspirational.

Mike Mann
Mike Mann
2 January, 2021 5:39 pm

Repeating “the phrase ‘random assault’ again and again” is not the only phrase the Sheeny-controlled media use when reporting Black on White violence. They also often use some variant of the phrase, “A motive has not been identified.” There are countless cases of “random” Black on White violence where a motive had “not been identified.” Books by Colin Flaherty: Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry, Knockout Game a Lie? Awww, Hell No! and White Girl Bleed a Lot and even by some Black authors like Taleeb Starkes: Black Lies Matter: Why Lies Matter to the Race Grievance Industry and his The Un-Civil War: BLACKS vs NIGGERS: Confronting the Subculture Within the African-American Community are filled with detailed anecdotes about Black on White crime that is “random” and without “motive.” Phillip… Read more »

Reply to  Mike Mann
3 January, 2021 11:45 am

Other sites that peel the scabs of negro criminality: Modernheretic which gives a sardonic treatment of negro criminality is occasionally featured by NV. The gallows humor makes the subject somewhat more palatable. There are other sites, but the authors never address the role of jews. They may, however, allow the subject to be discussed in the comments. What’s sorely lacking are sites that give informations on practical and effective countermeasures you can take such as relocation, investments, home security etc. Prepper sites cover much of this but never from a racial perspective. They tend to be conservatives, christians and or libertarians. You will never find a site that warns you to never buy a home in a town/city that is more than 5% negro and to relocate if… Read more »

Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  guest
3 January, 2021 4:27 pm

You will never find a site that warns you to never buy a home in a town/city that is more than 5% negro… My wife and I are working with a realtor in FL and knew we couldn’t directly say “no negroes”…

Cluck cluck. Chicken!

You will never find solutions for your White flight dilemma on some Website. You have to join the National Alliance. Congregate with serious White racial separatists who seriously discuss these things and trade information among themselves (and aren’t afraid to tell some Realtor “No Negroes.”

Reply to  Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
4 January, 2021 10:35 am

And another

Reply to  Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
4 January, 2021 10:36 am

Gives you a pretty good idea of where NOT to live.

Mike Mann
Mike Mann
Reply to  guest
3 January, 2021 4:41 pm

New Nation News is a great site for its nutshelling of many Black violent crimes, as is Another of the informative websites that was removed by our masters was I’ve been following Modern heretic since I first read one of their articles right here on NA months ago. I love the wit and choice of words the writer(s) use in describing the typical and predictable actions of the violent, moronic sub-sapiens as well as the shameless acquiescence to it all by the majority of Whites. You sure are right about their kind of humor (gallows humor: grim and ironic humor in a desperate or hopeless situation) making Black mischief and horrors more palatable. You are also right about your claim that many of these websites don’t mention who it… Read more »

Anonymous coward
Anonymous coward
Reply to  Mike Mann
4 January, 2021 7:17 pm

Niggermania is still alive and well. I always enjoy the “Coontacts” section of the forum.

Tom Shelley (pseudonym) does a whale of a job keeping his site going, and it is no B.S., which is more than I can say for Anglin and his Daily Stormer.

Mike Mann
Mike Mann
Reply to  Anonymous coward
5 January, 2021 3:59 pm

That’s odd that you can access niggermania’s website and I no longer can. Whenever I try, the following message is displayed: 404 Not Found
You have requested a page or object that was not found on the server. This may be the result of a typo or broken link.
Please contact the site administrator for assistance.
If you are the site administrator:

  • Make sure the requested file exists.
  • Remember that our filesystem is case-sensitive.
  • Enable and check the site’s error log for more information.
Anonymous coward
Anonymous coward
Reply to  Mike Mann
5 January, 2021 8:00 pm

Gotta be your ISP, browser, or country blocking it. Try a web-based proxy server, or download and use TOR browser (easy).

NM is definitely still online. I just checked.

Mike Mann
Mike Mann
Reply to  Anonymous coward
6 January, 2021 12:09 am

I tried the TOR browser and was able to access it without a problem. Thanks for the recommendation.

Anonymous coward
Anonymous coward
Reply to  Mike Mann
7 January, 2021 9:24 am

Mike, with TOR if you ever can’t access a site you are sure exists, go to the upper right of screen where the 3 horiz. bars are, and click “New Tor circuit for this site.” Keep doing that, within reason until you get the site you want. Sometimes even when you are on a site, and just changing to a different page or forum there, you will get a “cannot access” message or something. Then again, you must do a “New TOR circuit..” TOR uses hundreds of diff circuits/servers all over the world. If one is blocking or just not working, you just try a new circuit until your site or page comes up. NV has strong security protection and often sees some TOR browser relays as being a threat,… Read more »

Mike Mann
Mike Mann
Reply to  Anonymous coward
7 January, 2021 2:16 pm

Anonymous, thanks much for some very useful information in these times of nonstop censoring, deleting, shadow banning and stealing of domains, as well as making it difficult to access certain websites. I followed your directions to access TOR (my tab shows “New private window with TOR”), and I’ll do that from now on every time I have a problem reaching a site. Maybe using the DuckDuckGo search engine through TOR will be more useful than it was through Brave. There were quite a few things I wasn’t able to find using DuckDuckGo on that browser and often had to use JEWGLE to find what I was searching for.  I also stopped using ProtonVPN because of problems reaching many of my usual sites, including my credit and debit card websites. All… Read more »

Anonymous coward
Anonymous coward
Reply to  Mike Mann
7 January, 2021 6:02 pm

When you use “New Window,” I don’t think it goes thru a new relay (new country), like the New Circuit option does.

One more thing. I read in more than one place that for security/anonymity purposes it is best to keep the TOR browser page minimized (default) when using it. If you max it to full screen, somehow makes it easier for relays along the way to determine if it is a repeat user, and then link it to your actual ISP. Or some such potential weakness. So keep window small. . Read all you can about TOR if you are interested in the anonymity/security angle.

Mike Mann
Mike Mann
Reply to  Anonymous coward
8 January, 2021 12:01 am

Thanks again for your helpful tips. Instead of accessing TOR through the New Window, I’ll just double click on the link in the file I saved the TOR download to like I did before and make sure that I don’t use full screen.

Clinton Adolph Seeber
Clinton Adolph Seeber
3 January, 2021 10:24 pm

Speaking of things that we’re not “permitted” to say – I cannot say what listening to this broadcast makes me want to. And I really can’t say anymore than that.

Phil Keup
Phil Keup
4 January, 2021 10:36 am

I have always been of the opinion that unpopularity for doing what is right is not unpopularity at all but GLORY…..Marcus Tullius Cicero.

5 January, 2021 11:05 pm

I couldn’t find one local news story which had images of both the victim and assailant in this tragedy. A few had one or the other. That censorship would’ve been quite unusual from a local news bureau before 2020; but many other such reports recently linked to New Nation News are also censoring, e.g Ramsey Co. Att’y: Glenn Lee Burton Faces Charges In Fatal St. Paul Gas Station Shooting – WCCO | CBS Minnesota ( The video attached to it covers entirely different stories. This situation is meant to avoid stigmatizing black readers, to meet new social credit mandates from on up high. It is the equivalent of how cars must meet EPA limits on CO, but the ingenuity behind it is that by not codifying such censorship, it can’t… Read more »

Allen Black
Allen Black
7 January, 2021 7:50 am

In another post, someone was saying ‘The Christian scum are here. The Jews couldnt do what they do if not for them”. THAT is exactly what they want your perception to be, and why they infiltrated the church to begin with. With the juggernaut that is there MSM, Hollywood, Universities, commercials, ect. They have gotten into ALL our heads at one point or another concerning one thing or another, even if its just subtle. In fact the reason they havent been driven out yet is this very psychological manipulation. First off, there IS no “TRUE” “Judea Christianity”…Judaism is the anti-thesis of Christianity and it always has been. Secondly, the bible not only prophesied WW2, the flood of the dragon (weaponized mass immigration) and alot more, it ALSO identifies Jews as… Read more »

Mike Mann
Mike Mann
Reply to  Allen Black
8 January, 2021 12:56 am

Joseph, Jesus’s father, was from the House of David: “To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary.” (Luke 1:27). Mary, Jesus mother, was also a Jew: Luke 1:5, 36: In the time of Herod king of Judea there was a priest named Zechariah, who belonged to the priestly division of Abijah; his wife Elizabeth was also a descendant of Aaron (. . .) Even Elizabeth your [Mary’s] relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be unable to conceive is in her sixth month. As was Jesus: Luke 2:21 On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise the child, he was named Jesus. Mark 9:5:… Read more »

Mike Mann
Mike Mann
Reply to  Allen Black
8 January, 2021 1:36 am

Oh, and don’t forget one of the Christian’s favorite quotes of Jesus: “You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews.” John 4:22

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  Allen Black
9 January, 2021 4:54 pm

If the 10-nation northern confederacy of Israel was captured by the Assyrians, and the Israelites forgot their language, their religion, and their customs, and then moved into Europe . . . . wouldn’t there be some Assyrian words (and customs) in our modern English, or particularly in the Olde English, which was not influenced by Norman French?

Mr Reynard
Mr Reynard
8 January, 2021 10:10 pm

Our people have that problem for over 2000 years ..
See @

You will understand that nothing has changed about the usual suspects for over 2000 years ..

New World Ebola
New World Ebola
9 January, 2021 8:30 pm

When will they finally be dealt with?
We can’t sit back and watch this hell show.
Get organised.

18 January, 2021 4:52 am

I would love to see a detailed article, or series of articles, on The Miller Early Childhood Initiative. Who has any ideas on that?

Josef Tone
Josef Tone
2 September, 2022 4:08 pm

It may sound like a strange thing to state, but this person is not “black,” but a “black mix.” Blacks in places like Angola are normal, they look normal, and act within a range of more predictable behavior. Notice the absurd lower pink lip, and the overall goofy appearance. Although dark skinned, often that’s from many years of sun exposure to just the face and arms, that doesn’t go away after short time because of their particular menalin genes, and he may be more yellow-brown skinned. I would liken it to the difference between pitbulls and “pitbull mixes”; sometimes the pitbull mixes are even worse. The “noble light skinned black” is numerically dwarfed by his mentally unstable counterpart. Pure black Africans engage in savagery and wilding, but not as much… Read more »
