They Can’t Just Kill Us Outright — or Can They?
by Douglas Mercer
KEVIN ALFRED STROM HAS postulated that every subversive Jewish action can in fact be boiled down to one motive: to stop White people from having more children. It stands to reason. In their campaign of White genocide they can’t just kill us outright, right? So instead they pursue every means to weaken and demoralize us, to make our breeding grounds war-torn hellholes, in order to stop us from reproducing. In this way they effect White genocide. This war of attrition may take longer than they’d like, but it avoids them coming out as murderers and the inevitable backlash.
It is a process of social sterilization. Just as in that rat experiment when they halved the territory and the food and it became a war of rat against rat, and the breeding stopped. So they create an environment which is totally unconducive to the having and raising of White children.
How do they do it?
They bring in immigrants and lower the wages and mix up the races and threaten the neighborhoods; they outsource the jobs and they explode the communities and proletarianize our masses; they unleash criminals and terrorize us; they push “welfare” for others (and taxes for us to pay for it) and now “reparations” and impoverish us; they turn our children “gay” or “trans”; they glamorize and advocate for race mixing; they laud misnamed feminism and women in the workforce; they vilify our race and our ancestors and our heroes; they demonize us. Each and every one of these is an identifiably Jewish movement and each and every one has a common theme: they make it less likely that White people will reproduce. They want a poorer, demoralized White race without racial pride, confused sexually, without the proper roles of man and woman. They want us racially diluted and inundated by crime. All of this will lead to fewer White people being predisposed — or even able — to have children.
Because, if your goal is to achieve White genocide, it is best that the White children not even be born. Because they can’t just kill us outright, right?
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Or can they? More than a few Jews seem to be saying the (not really so) quiet part out loud of late.
Joshua Stanton is a “respected” rabbi in New York City and not that long ago he got up in front of his congregation and announced that it was a military command that Jews kill Amalek and then blot out the memory of Amalek. “Amalek” meaning White people, Amalek meaning us. The reason this shofar-blowing Jew gave for his openly genocidal design was that White people are “racist.”
And then there’s this:
A professor at Wayne State University in Michigan was suspended from the university without pay on March 27 2023 after posting on Facebook that he thought it would be more admirable to kill conservative speakers than to shout them down.
The professor in question is Steven Shaviro. No early life history stalks him online, but a brief glance at him is more than enough to convince you that, had he been born in Jerusalem and been taken to the temple to be circumcised by his uncle the High Priest, no more would he be marked out as a Jew. And then, when you read his statements, the Jew shines through ever more clearly.
Steven Shaviro, an English professor at the university, wrote in a now-deleted Facebook post: “So here is what I think about free speech on campus. Although I do not advocate violating federal and state codes, I think it is far more admirable to kill a racist, homophobic, or transphobic speaker than it is to shout them down.”
He starts out with the bland caveat and then walks right up to the line of the law with his equivalent of “will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest” — though in this case it’s the meddlesome White people. To him, noticing and objecting are capital offenses. If you are White and want your descendants to be White, what you really deserve is a bullet in the head. How dare these White men come on the campus and speak their minds?! Their minds are full of racism! How dare the administrators allow this?! He thinks we are a plague and should be dealt with via straight-up extermination. Between this and the typical Jewish strategy of genocide, at its core, there is not a spit’s worth of difference. The only difference is Shaviro is forthright about it, whereas Jews usually dress their murderous intentions as stages of “humanitarian justice.”
Shaviro has previously aired his grievances against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ efforts to restrict DEI in Florida higher ed, and has openly admitted to using Critical Race Theory curricula in his classes.
None of this is shocking. Shaviro is one of those typical post-war lurid academic creatures, a jargon-laced art house nerd and “avant prof” who pontificates on postmodern theory, the aesthetics of masochism, and Lacanian tropes. That is, he was never able to buckle down and actually master a discipline, so he just latched on to the latest trends and catch phrases. When “diversity” and anti-White “race theory” came to the fore, he was fortuitously positioned to glom on to the wave, and, as a Jew, attacking the White man came naturally to him. He obviously is put off by things like “don’t say gay” or Charles Murray at Middlebury, and he finally blew his stack and said what they all are thinking. Why don’t we just kill these bigots?
“When right-wing groups invite such speakers to campus, it is precisely because they want to provoke an incident that discredits the left, and gives more publicity and validation to these reprehensible views than they could otherwise attain. Every time protestors shout down a racist or transphobic speaker, they are indulging their own moral sense of validity at the expense of actually strengthening the very bigots against whom they are protesting.”
This is one of their favorite myths: the myth of the reactionary provocation. Would to the gods we had White people in positions of power who were drawing first blood, who were out there on the ramparts taking the initiative and fighting their inevitable fire with anticipatory fire. But anyone who knows anything about the “official” right knows that, far from bestriding history and peremptorily commanding the anti-White march to stop, they walk obsequiously behind their nominal enemies, imploring them to move just a little bit slower. The conservatives who show up at these campuses are almost always civic nationalists and one-world/one-race cretins.
“The protesters get blamed instead of the bigoted speaker; the university administration finds a perfect excuse to side publicly with the racists or phobes; the national and international press has a field day saying that bigots are the ones being oppressed, rather than the people those bigots actually hate being the victims of oppression.”
This is one Jew with a rich fantasy life — or, more likely, like all of his race, he is an abject liar. The idea that any university anywhere in the Western World would side with the “phobes” is laughable on its face. The only reason they (occasionally) bring a dissenter into the anti-White pro degeneracy lair that is their school is as a half-hearted sop to the idea of free speech, though soon that will be tossed overboard completely in the Rainbow Utopian future. Likewise with the idea that the press is on our side; everyone knows they will defend the “trans” or anti-White activists to the death. Such transparent liars!
The exemplary historical figure in this regard is Sholem Schwarzbard, who assassinated the anti-Semitic butcher Symon Petliura, rather than trying to shout him down. Remember that Schwarzbard was acquitted by a jury, which found his action justified.
Here the “avant-garde” professorial slime pledged his loyalty to the name of a Jewish communist anarchist — this is his hero, a man who dedicated his life to overthrowing everything held sacred by the White race, to implementing Worldwide Jewish communism, and who killed in cold blood a man dedicated to defending our people. Never forget that this is their “ideal.” Never forget they want to kill us.
Schwarzbad was a Jewish and Russian-born French poet, who in 1926 assassinated Petliura, the former head of the Ukrainian People’s Republic. The poet had lost family members in the 1919 pogroms and held Petliura responsible.
Pogroms! The last refuge of Jewish scoundrels; before they had their Holocaust they had their expulsions and their pogroms; it was 2,000 years of the vale of Jewish tears, and it all of course happened for no reason at all.
No. The Jews got what was coming to them. Then they caterwauled for centuries about the “injustice of it all.” They try to get the world to stand in their corner. And when some of the world does get in their corner, the Jews laugh up their sleeves at the gullible goys, and they set about, with White collaboration, to try to make future expulsions and pogroms impossible — though, with their over-the-top mentality and overt malice, they’re really making them inevitable.
So you can see why they don’t want any outspoken White men on their home turf at the universities — and, make no mistake, our universities now belong to the Jews. Seven of the eight Ivy league colleges have Jewish presidents — and the Jews say the one White president is an egregious example of “White privilege.”
How soon will they get what they want? How soon before any self respecting White man who dares speak up for his race in these fetid dens won’t get shouted down, but will simply get shot? Because that is what they really want, and so far we’ve let them get all the other things they wanted. If you don’t believe it just take a look at Steven Shaviro.
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Source: Author
In his book Deadlier Than The H-Bomb Wing-Commander Leonard Young states that there are only two reasons for Coloured Immigration: 1. To pollute and destroy our race by mongrelization; and 2. To provide degenerate urban mobs which can be used for revolutionary purposes. He clearly identified the real driving force behind the plan to destroy Britain when he wrote: “The Banking System which was foisted on this country in 1694 and during succeeding years over most of the world has been the main means by which the Jews have brought misery and impoverishment everywhere. By their manipulation of finance they have been the cause of most wars and economic and social troubles. They have been able to obtain control of governments and of the means of publicity (Press, Radio, TV, Films, Publishing… Read more »
Never such a hard-hitting item has graced the
Internet as this one! Kudos to NV for posting this!
Hitler tried to teach Germans and all Whites
Today, April 11th in history – 1968: President Lyndon Baines Johnson, a lifelong servant of Jewish interests, signs the “Civil Rights Act of 1968,” effectively forcing all neighborhoods in the United States to become multiracial and making the creation or maintenance of a White neighborhood into a punishable crime. The NAACP, headed by the Jew Kivie Kaplan (pictured), pushes for the bill with the assistance of the major media, which are also Jewish-run.
Today, Mai 03th in history – 1948: The US Supreme Court rules in Shelley v. Kraemer that real estate must be sold without any racial restrictions, effectively making intentional White neighborhoods, or keeping any neighborhood White, illegal according to the regime in Washington.
Advent Health Doctor Says “Get Your Booster”
NOW Because Another COVID Variant Is Coming!!
Apparently, doctors haven’t gotten the memo that
the thinking portion of the public has already
figured out these shots and boosters don’t
prevent any kind of illness. MSM Admits: Most
COVID Deaths Are Among “The Vaccinated.” It
sounds like even the doctor is saying the
problem is locking down the chronically ill
and not allowing them to receive medical care,
and not a phony virus whose worst side effect
is fear and stress.
Reaping What They Have Sown:
Traffic Accidents and Deaths
Soar in 2021 Following Roll-
Out of COVID-19 “Vaccines”
Today, June 12th in History 1967: A corrupted United States Supreme Court unilaterally declares all US state laws which prohibit interracial marriage to be “unconstitutional,” overturning the will of the people and statutes in most states of the union going back more than a century.