Dr. Seuss Was a “Racist,” Oh My!
by Chris Rossetti
HE GAVE AID and comfort to the enemies of White people, and, according to the rich and the powerful, that was fine, even laudable.
He betrayed his nation and his people to Jews and Communism, and savagely attacked any who tried to save America. For that he was lionized and praised.
He fought to get America involved in World War 2 as an ally of the Soviet Union, and ruined the reputations of those who tried to keep us out of that slaughter — and, as a result, millions of people died. And that, too, was regarded as “good” and “moral.”
His name was Theodor Geisel, known to millions of readers as “Dr. Seuss,” the author of children’s books in the 1930s to 1970s that are still popular today. But he was also a vicious, anti-White leftist. A betrayer of his own people. He was such a fanatical supporter of the Jewish agenda to mongrelize and Communize the United States that some people assumed he was a Jew (and honestly, considering what he did, he might as well have been one) — and years later the mayor of Jerusalem actually made him an “honorary Jew” to reward his “fine work.” He evidently wasn’t a Jew, though. But he was the most enthusiastic anti-White, anti-nationalist piece of scum that you could ever have the misfortune to meet.
But in today’s hyper-accelerated anti-White social paradigm, Geisel was a “White racist,” some of whose books must be — and are being — suppressed. Why? As William White Williams recently wrote on White Biocentrism: “In one of Geisel’s banned books he represented Asians with horizontal lines as eyes and holding chop sticks! He represented Africans in another banned book as barefooted and with grass skirts! Horrors!”
Bare feet, grass clothing, and narrow eyes. Enough to get you banned forever these days.
But visceral hatred and gutter-level smears of anyone who would defend White racial integrity, which “Seuss” engaged in for years, gets a pass (those works of his aren’t banned, or suggested to be) — in fact, they got a pass for almost a century now. More than a pass, really — they were praised to the skies.
Apparently Geisel, early in his career, made some cartoons for college and humor magazines that used racial stereotypes. That has put him on the censors’ radar in recent years. Then some of the anti-White academics that your children’s tuition and your tax money pay for got hold of Geisel’s children’s books, and started to “see” all sorts of “White supremacist symbolism” that, needless to say, isn’t really there. But in the Evil Insane Asylum that America has become, such imagined “sins” are enough to get anyone — even dedicated “anti-racist” and slavish servant of Jewish power Geisel — crucified. It couldn’t happen to a more appropriate guy.
My theory is that Geisel was what Dr. Pierce would have called a “trendy.” When it was common in the “young set” of the 1920s and 30s to make fun of non-Whites in a gently stereotypical way, that’s what Geisel did. When so many of his generation got propagandized by Jews into hating “racism,” loving Communism, and attacking Hitler, Geisel got into the groove faster and stronger than anyone, much to the benefit of his career.
Here are some of the maunderings taken from the 51-page ( ! ) “study” in “Research on Diversity in Youth Literature” that the SPLC used to get Geisel’s works (formerly recommended by the SPLC, by the way) banned from a recent event. Hold your nose!
In the sequel The Cat in the Hat Comes Back, the story is centered around the black Cat expelling ink from his body and getting it all over a White family’s home. This reflects an anti-Black reference from the early twentieth century that Black people get their skin color from drinking ink. For example, a 1916 magazine advertisement by Morris and Bendien shows a Black baby drinking ink, with the caption: “N*gger milk” (Pilgrim). The connotations are that Black people are not human, their Blackness is unnatural, and Blackness is dirty.
…The Cat’s mouth is also depicted as open wide on fifteen of the nineteen pages he is present. Nel cites Sianne Ngai’s research that explains, ‘the mouth functions as a symbolically overdetermined feature in racist constructions of Blackness.’
Theodore Geisel is proof of what Sam Dickson said some years ago: The White racial traitor will never be remembered as the “great hero” that he imagines he will be as he commits his treason. His own people will either not survive to remember him — or, if they do, they will execrate him for his betrayal. And the non-Whites he helped to power will, at best, prefer to shunt his memory off to the side and give maximum credit to their own kind in their hour of imagined triumph, rather than to some doddering old cracker who helped them way back when. In fact, given a tenth of a chance, they’ll spit on said cracker’s grave and call him a “racist” who was never really on the side of the angels, anyway, since he was a hated White man — no matter what the depth of his treason. And that’s exactly what’s happening to Geisel.
Writing on White Biocentrism, National Alliance Chairman William White Williams offered a selection of Geisel’s anti-White editorial cartoons from over the years, reprinted below.
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I SUPPOSE Tucker Carlson and those other script readers at Fox News have never seen the book that I own, Dr. Seuss Goes to War. Before “Dr. Seuss” did Horton Hears a Who and other children’s books he drew extremely racist anti-German and anti-Jap cartoons to encourage American intervention in the war against Germany, then against Japan.
Here’s one of his anti-German cartoons that is also anti-Charles Lindbergh, the American hero who was the foremost spokesman for the patriotic America First Committee that tried to keep America out of the unnecessary European war that was to be fought for the Jews and against the interests of Whites:
Here’s another, with Uncle Samuel claiming Lindbergh, born of exceptional Aryan parents, wasn’t related by blood to Germans:
Here, Uncle Samuel tells the “White racist” war industry that it must hire Blacks:
This example shows us that Geisel hated White preservationist Governor Talmadge of Georgia:
And in this work we can see that Geisel had special hatred in his heart for the White preservationist hero, Senator Bilbo:
Yes, “Dr. Seuss” was a racist: He hated Whites.
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Source: Will Williams via White Biocentrism
If that ain’t a jew honker on Geisel there never was one…. We will use him for our jew stereotype in our future anti-semitic fourth Reich propaganda.
Would we even know if he was a crypto? The nose knows.
Geisel is German for hostage. That honker and his ‘artwork’ put together sure do make one wonder…….
Greetings Julius and Jmac. It is possible that Jews originally considered him to be a non-Jew because his mother was not a Jew. Was his father a Jew? That would explain the proboscis.
His Wikipedia bio says: Geisel was born and raised in Springfield, Massachusetts, the son of Henrietta (née Seuss) and Theodor Robert Geisel.[10][11] His father managed the family brewery and was later appointed to supervise Springfield’s public park system by Mayor John A. Denison[12] after the brewery closed because of Prohibition.[13] Mulberry Street in Springfield, made famous in his first children’s book And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, is near his boyhood home on Fairfield Street.[14] The family was of German descent, and Geisel and his sister Marnie experienced anti-German prejudice from other children following the outbreak of World War I in 1914. Brewer as an occupation certainly fits with German (though it might with Jew as well), but a brewer who didn’t become a bootlegger after… Read more »
Greetings Camillo. Geisel experienced anti-German prejudice (pre-Jewdice?) as a child but then became an anti-German as an adult. He also accepted the ‘honorary Jew’ title. Very strange. If he accepted the honorary Jew title then that should be taken at face value for all intents and purposes.
Seuss (or Seuß) means nothing, but the name could have been altered from Suess (Süß= sweet) to be more pronounceable my ‘Murcans.
“On both sides of [Geisel’s] family, his grandparents emigrated from Germany… German was the language of the Geisel household. The family’s religion was Evangelical Lutheran, with services conducted in German.” (Dr. Seuss Goes To War, by Richard Minear, New York Press 1999, page 6)
It is not known if the Geisels were familiar with Dr. Luther’s opinion of Jewry.
Two versions available here: https://cosmotheistchurch.org/
Greetings Will. Perhaps he was just another judeo-communist indocrinated “useful idiot” with a useful appropriate hooter as camouflage.
Hello Truthweed! Your comments are always spot on!. Although he looked very much like a typical Jew he wasn’t one. However, that does not mean anything, in fact, it makes it worse. Why? Well, had he been a Jew everything he said and did would have made sense and we should not be surprised. What makes him particularly disgusting and hateful is his Aryan background. The guy was a typical “shabez goy”, a lackey of Israel, a traitor of the worst kind. As I always say: If it wasn’t for the Aryan traitors who, out of conviction or greed, worship the Jews and would do anything to please them, we will not be in the awful situation we are.
His family was German, both parents. Supposedly, his family faced aggression from others before the outbreak of WWI. He went to work for the government to write propaganda against Germany. He made his choice, probably for money as all jingos do.
Dr.Seuss not only had a traitorous pen, he had a traitorous penis.
I was giving him a pass as just being a weird artist, but then I read that his first wife committed suicide because she suspected, apparently correctly, that he was messing around with the woman who would indeed become his next wife.
This is found, online, in “10 Things You May Not Have Known About Dr. Seuss.”
This makes me sad. His step-daughter by his second wife (Seuss never had ANY biological children) said that he did not have a racist bone in his body. But apparently he was unfaithful to the one who was the very flesh of his flesh.
Go to that website and read her heart-rending suicide note.
(For my part “Honorary Jud Seuss”)
Well spotted Rassenzuchtwart. Ausgezeichnet!
Ausgezeichnetes Deutsch!
(Late) Greetings!
As always, anti-White propaganda – even against a self-avowed collaborator – is completely inaccurate. The Cat in the Hat didn’t excrete black ink from his body, he was eating pink cake in the tub. To ape Sean Connery from the great Jew adventure saga Indiana Jones – “perhaps toe-walking dorks should read books instead of censoring them.” If anything, the Cat in the Hat is a perfect embodiment of the wily Jew. He shows up up un-announced, breaks into a home, eats the food, damages the home, then uses inexplicable magic to cover his tracks. Kabbalistically, the Cat uses magical servitors, much the way White collaborators act as servitors to Jewish destructive impulses. Although, Jew magic isn’t nearly so exotic as conjuring egregores, it is just pathological deception that defines… Read more »
Your name Lycurgus is a name I sometimes use as a pseudonym so I am intrigued that you were using it as well. I chose it because of the great statesman who made coins out of iron so the people would not be greedy with their money. Definitely not a jewish hero.
And I am also intrigued that you are familiar with the threat of Kabbalah which is the ultimate source of jewish power. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that the magic they practice is of a super natural origin. The occult is entirely steeped in the foundations of Kabbalah. People assume the occult is a practice without ethnic origin. From Free Masonry to Alistair Cowley it’s entirely based around a jewish mystery religion.
Great minds think alike.
Lycurgus The Lawgiver, founder of Sparta, he espoused the idea that austerity and martial prowess would preserve civilization from the internal rot that decadence brings. Their currency was heavy iron rings that were used to denote quantity as opposed to intrinsic value to be amassed, hoarded, and speculated with.
How right he was.
As for mysticism, it is most likely universal in nature. From the Oera Linda, every indication is that it never became evil and perverted amongst Aryans. Hraldas’ people didn’t appear to be misled by the interdimensional beings the way the race we know as Jews were. They started making deals with the beings of the Schemhamephorahs believing they could be controlled or bargained with.
Thanks for the history lesson. I knew Lycurgus was a historic statesman but didn’t know he was the founder of Sparta. And thanks for the info on the Oera Linda. It was written in Frisian and I just discovered that this was the progenitor language to English. Fascinating. The English are more Germanic than they know. In regards to spiritualism, I am more of a Jungian adherent in that I regard myth and lore from an archetypal point of view. Carl Jung was familiar with Kabbalah but did not study it partly because he didn’t know Hebrew and partly because he was adverse to Judaism itself. But had he studied it, he would have realized that the serpent archetype was a primary deity of this religion. The occult symbol of… Read more »
Greetings my Nat’l Vanguard friends. First let me echo other sentiments here
regarding that schnozz … good grief > talk about the dead giveaway. Mother
Nature has signs and markers for a reason. Now next, the reason for my post
on this article is to encourage all to have a look at this marvelous treatment
of a Dr. Seuss classic I found on Goyimtv. Simply put = oscar worthy! I feel
certain hollywood will recognize it soon at an upcoming “awards” ceremony.
Have a look – it’s a hoot !!
“The connotations are that Black people are not human, their Blackness is unnatural, and Blackness is dirty.”
oh great news, so now can we finally get that filthy semitic text , the buybull banned now on grounds that it portrays “blackness as unnatural” in it’s telling of the “curse of ham” story ?
What an anti-racist literary donkey!
First-time readers here, the remark is based on the Chinese idiom “to kill the donkey when it’s off the millstone” (卸磨殺驢 / xièmòshālǘ), or to get rid of somebody, or something, or both, once they have ceased being useful.
Anyway, here’s the communal media project Wild Hunter World, if anyone is interested in sharing any pictures, or poetry, or at least prompts.
I have waited a lifetime for, Curious George Visits the Sausage Factory.
George spied the meat grinder with shiny blades a-whirring. George was curious . . .
I always thought that the stuff that Dr. Suess produced was just mindless pap for kids. I always thought he was a Jew until recently. He must of had some Jewish background because he sure looked the part. It’s funny though, the people who he kissed the feet of the most have turned against him. Here’s a link to his picture: https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/who-is-theodor-seuss-geisel
I did not grow up with ‘Dr.’ Seuss – never even heard of the guy back in the old country – and I find his books to be rather bizarre and somewhat twisted. I would not give them to children. He will not be missed.