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Banks and Honor: Oil and Water
Banks like to present themselves as venerable institutions of utmost integrity, but they’re really more like crooked Jewish casinos with more than a hint of communist tyranny in the mix. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 30 March, 2024 by Kevin Alfred Strom THANKS TO National Alliance…
The Attempted Murder of Truth
A Usual Suspect American Dissident Voices broadcast of 23 March, 2024 by Kevin Alfred Strom TODAY I’LL BE talking to you about an important move by the enemies of our people to suppress all resistance to their anti-White agenda, by expanding their well-worn expedient of making it impossible…
Dr. Seuss Was a “Racist,” Oh My!
by Chris Rossetti HE GAVE AID and comfort to the enemies of White people, and, according to the rich and the powerful, that was fine, even laudable. He betrayed his nation and his people to Jews and Communism, and savagely attacked any who tried to save America. For that he was lionized and praised. He fought…
National Justice Report: Violent “Antifa” Filmed by Project Veritas Is New York Times-published Author
Antifa extremist belongs to bizarre communist death cult, yet receives privileged, pampered treatment from the powerful. by Eric Striker National Justice reports: TWO WEEKS ago, Project Veritas published an investigative journalism piece showing the inner workings of “Antifa”/anarchist…
Latest Update on Allen v. SPLC Litigation
SPLC lovelies by Glen K. Allen
via Friends, Donors, and Interested Persons, On Monday, May 11, 2020, I filed my reply brief in my Allen v. SPLC (and Beirich and Potok) appeal to the Fourth Circuit… This completes the briefing in my appeal. What remains is oral argument,…
via Friends, Donors, and Interested Persons, On Monday, May 11, 2020, I filed my reply brief in my Allen v. SPLC (and Beirich and Potok) appeal to the Fourth Circuit… This completes the briefing in my appeal. What remains is oral argument,…
Southern Poverty Law Center Now Has $162 Million Stashed in Offshore Accounts
Former SPLC boss Cohen: still raking in his share. Organization paid disgraced former leaders over $1 million last year THE Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which last year faced accusations of racism among its highest ranks, reported $162 million stashed in offshore investments and paid its…
Glen Allen’s Lawsuit Against the SPLC: We Will Appeal Adverse Ruling
INTRODUCTION by William Williams, Chairman, National Alliance: We should have expected as much from this judge — a Clinton appointee. The top dogs at SPLC (what’s left of it) were “Friends of Bill.” And, of course, a half billion dollar endowment can buy them a lot of “justice.”…
Disgraced SPLC Still in the Lying Business
Exposed and humiliated Jewish group joins media bandwagon attacking White nationalists, twisting crime statistics. by David Sims FROM THE Web site of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) comes a strawman argument by which they hope to make White nationalists appear to be lying about the correlation…
How They Operate: Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center
Racist power brokers Morris Dees, l., and Richard Cohen. Both are wearing Jewish skullcaps symbolic of their deepest loyalties. by Andrew Hamilton ATTORNEY Morris Dees co-founded the so-called “Southern Poverty Law Center” (SPLC), an enormously powerful hate group, in 1971 with Southern Jew Joseph…
Chaos at the Compound
The “Southern Poverty Law Center” compound in Montgomery, Alabama American Dissident Voices broadcast of March 30, 2019 by Kevin Alfred Strom THE SPLC COMPOUND that sits on Washington Avenue in Montgomery, Alabama,…