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Who to Boycott
by William White Williams (pictured)
I PROPOSE National Vanguard readers take the lead in a campaign to boycott companies that take a stand against White racial loyalists, starting with these companies that match donations made by their employees to the anti-White Southern Poverty Law Center.…

BlackLivesMatter Activists in Montgomery Slam the SPLC
Even fellow multiculturalists condemn the SPLC as a fraud.
JUST A FEW weeks ago the national spokesman for the ADL slammed the SPLC as a fraud that invents fictional “active hate groups.” (ILLUSTRATION: Morris Dees, the co-founder of the SPLC)
Over the years many left-wing publications and websites…

The McCorkill Legacy: Can Bequests be Overturned for Ideological Reasons?
by Paul Fromm
Canadian Association for Free Expression
CAN YOU BEQUEATH your money to whomever you like? Until last May, that might have seemed a silly question. However, the enemies of free speech are nothing if not determined and we are living, it seems, in Absurdistan. Last May, the Southern Poverty…
Canadian Association for Free Expression
CAN YOU BEQUEATH your money to whomever you like? Until last May, that might have seemed a silly question. However, the enemies of free speech are nothing if not determined and we are living, it seems, in Absurdistan. Last May, the Southern Poverty…

The SPLC’s Outright Telemarketing Scam
ONE MONTH ago, we gave the Southern Poverty Law Center the benefit of the doubt concerning their dubious telemarketing practices. Today, with the release of their 2014 IRS Form 990 tax report, we cannot cover for their outright telemarketing scam any longer.
On the right is the SPLC’s IRS Form 990 for…

Who’s a White Supremacist?
No matter what White advocates do, no matter how benign our activities, you can be sure the charge of “White supremacism” will be tossed around by the usual culprits.
by Christopher Donovan
FEW TERMS ARE more beloved by the media than “white supremacist.” It conjures an…

The SPLC — A Deadly Double Standard
ON FEBRUARY 6, 2015 the National Youth Front joined the ranks of American Renaissance and the National Policy Institute on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s website as a so-called “academic” White Nationalist organization. While this designation is considered something akin to a badge of honor…

SPLC: The Quotable Mr. Potok
THE SOUTHERN POVERTY Law Center (SPLC) now has nearly $190 million tax-free donor-dollars available in its bloated Endowment Fund, and received just over $31 MILLION donor-dollars from its mostly elderly donor base last year.
Much of the financial success of this most profitable of non-profits…

New Study: SPLC is a Fraud
ONE SLANDER used by the power structure against traditionalists and the racially conscious is “extremist.” Acting as an arm of that power structure is the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), now officially part of the National Security state. The SPLC was founded by Morris Seligman Dees (pictured),…

SPLC Insinuates Itself into Department of Homeland Security
THE OATHKEEPERS’ Stewart Rhodes and nearly everybody on the “right” is acting surprised that SPLC and DHS have essentially merged. They’re acting like it’s something new.
Which it is not. You already know this, because you are smart enough to read this medium on a daily basis. You…