
Latest Update on Allen v. SPLC Litigation

SPLC lovelies

by Glen K. Allen

Friends, Donors, and Interested Persons,

On Monday, May 11, 2020, I filed my reply brief in my Allen v. SPLC (and Beirich and Potok) appeal to the Fourth Circuit… This completes the briefing in my appeal. What remains is oral argument, although given the Coronavirus complications and the radioactive (to some) nature of my claims against the SPLC, it is not certain I will be granted oral argument. I deserve it and need it but in this Twilight Zone environment — who knows?

I will immodestly say that I and my co-counsel, Fred Kelly (I call him Fighting Fred Kelly; he is not only a pugnacious and capable attorney but a former boxer at Notre Dame) have presented compelling arguments, both in my initial brief and my reply brief. If you want a quick sense of the tenor of my reply brief, maybe scan the table of contents and read the Introduction. The SPLC attorneys’ arguments have been quite weak, so if I can get a fair shake in the Fourth Circuit my prospects are good. I have raised some very important issues and I hope the Fourth Circuit does not avoid them, as Judge Blake did in the District Court.

The Coronavirus has preoccupied almost everyone’s attention, but I see another kind of virus that is more insidious and more dangerous. That is the cultural or spiritual virus that so infects our Western Civilization as to allow creatures such as the SPLC to thrive, while decent men and women who oppose the hard left globalist agenda are ostracized, destroyed financially, and in some instances imprisoned. You and I are doing what we can to fight that virus. Thank you for joining me in this endeavor.

Here again is my website for donation purposes, if you are so inclined:

I hope you are all staying safe and sane, as best you can. My best to all of you.


Glen Allen

About the Author

Glen Allen grew up in Western Colorado. Following honorable service in the U.S. Army from 1978 to 1982, he attended the University of Maryland School of Law, graduating near the top of his class. After a judicial clerkship, he worked as an attorney in commercial litigation for a major law firm for 27 years, in a career that included an appearance before the U.S. Supreme Court.

He retired in December 2015. Hoping to help his adopted City of Baltimore, after retirement he began work as an assistant City Solicitor for the City of Baltimore until the SPLC, by means of a carefully orchestrated news media attack based on stolen confidential documents, engineered his termination in August 2016. An avid participant in the Senior Olympics, Glen holds the Maryland state record for the 400 meter dash for his age group.

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Source: Will W. Williams, National Alliance Chairman

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29 May, 2020 8:22 am

According to the ACLU, SPLC & ADL an organization is a “HATE GROUP” if it has “beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people”. By their own definition the SPLC & ADL are HATE GROUPS. During the Trump “transition” following the 2016 election, following their usual modus operandi, the SPLC & ADL have been running around to the MSM giving hysterical, frightening, interviews about an IMAGINED “wave of Trump induced HATE CRIMES(TIHC)” The SPLC & ADL have been absolutely silent about the ACTUAL, RECORDED HATE CRIMES committed by Blacks and ANTIFA on White Trump voters , or about how MOST of the CLAIMED TIHC are actually FALSE FLAG events staged by the supposed victims. The SPLC, ACLU & ADl are HATE GROUPS spewing venom and INSTIGATING… Read more »