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A Temporary Tyranny
American Dissident Voices broadcast of June 11, 2016
by Kevin Alfred Strom
ROBERT MCCORKILL (pictured) was a soft-spoken retired chemistry professor from St. John, New Brunswick, Canada. He was something of a Renaissance man —…

William Pierce on Lawyers and the SPLC
by Dr. William L. Pierce
INTRODUCTION and Afterword by William White Williams: The following transcription is from an American Dissident Voices broadcast originally published in the late 1990s. Little has changed today from Dr. Pierce’s description of professional barrator Morris Dees and his…

SPLC — 2016 Telemarketing Scam
CONTINUING a trend that Watching the Watchdogs first uncovered last year, the Southern Poverty Law Center has once again duped tens of thousands of new donors out of their money through the use of third-party telemarketers.
Page 40 of the SPLC’s IRS Form 990 tax return for 2015 shows that, once again,…

SPLC — Great “Wall of Tolerance” Scam
LAST OCTOBER, we first noted that one of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s most cynical fundraising gimmicks, its long-running “Stand Strong Against Hate” map was conspicuously absent from the company’s web site.
The gimmick was elegant in its simplicity. By simply clicking a link on the SPLC web…

Announcing the National Alliance Legal Defense Fund
Our Alliance is under attack; with your support, we will continue to prevail.
THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE is not only fighting for the minds and hearts of our people in the arena of words and ideas; we are fighting in the legal arena as well. Malicious lawsuits, hostile infiltrators’ false accusations, Jewish…

Deceptive Practices of Those Around Us
by Lawrence Forthright
THE QUESTION of deception within the movement is of the utmost importance, as we who have chosen to carry this burden and fight the good fight must always be aware that those around us may be agents of the government (this may include police, police informants, co-workers, family…

The Courts In Canada Are Dirty
by David Sims
A DECEASED White nationalist, chemistry professor, and coin collector named Robert McCorkill left, in his Will, his estate to the National Alliance, a White nationalist organization in the United States. It was valued at about $250,000.
The Jews of the Southern Poverty Law Center…

SPLC Ordered To Pay $130k For Frivolous Lawsuit
ON March 20th, 2012, the SPLC gleefully announced that they were suing Polk County, Florida Sheriff Grady Judd for allegedly abusing juveniles.
The SPLC then goes silent on the lawsuit and never mentions it again on their website. The SPLC does not want you to know how the case ended. Not only did the…

Court of Appeals Reserves in Crucial McCorkill Appeal: Key Free Speech and Property Rights on the Line
A THREE JUDGE panel of the New Brunswick Court of Appeals reserved its decision in the McCorkill Will appeal. Panel chairman Judge Kathleen Quigg said: “We are going to try to do it as quickly as possible but it also must be translated (into French). It will take a couple of months.” Experienced court…

School District Spends $100,000 a Year to Teach ‘Anger’ to Black Kids, ‘Guilt’ to Whites
EDITOR’S NOTE: The Oregon Center for Educational Equity is linked to the “Southern Poverty Law Center” Jewish hate group.
“WHITE PRIVILEGE” seminars are being implemented for Oregon school officials and teachers, to the tune of $100,000 taxpayer dollars, EAG News reported. …