
The Anti-White Anglo-Saxons

by Robert Stuart

IN HIS most recent book Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition (2019), Kevin MacDonald writes that, alone among the races, Whites are prone to forming what he calls “moral communities” which take the place of kinship communities. We see this in the anti-White Whites of today; we saw it in the “civil rights” era. And we saw it in spades (pun intended) in the anti-slavery movements of the 19th century. And out-anti-Whiting all other anti-White Whites was a coterie of Bostonians who struggled prodigiously to undermine everything their ancestors gave them. In his book MacDonald pays close attention to the Transcendentalists, those naïve thinkers who, among other things, congregated around the failed experiment known as Brook Farm in search of communal living combined with easy sex.

They were the hippies of their day, with a Boston Brahmin accent. MacDonald says that what fascinates him about this group is that they were wholly untouched by Jewish influence; yet everything that the Jews would unleash on us was present in them, at least in embryo:

…universalism over particularism, anti-traditional thinking, and a horror of the sins of their fathers. It was Wagner who noted that even the parasite Jews had to have something dead or dying to feed on: “It is only when the inner death of a body becomes apparent that exterior elements have the power to seize on it; though only to destroy it. Then it is, maybe, the flesh of the body is transformed into something like swarming worm life; and who then would dare to assert that it continues to live?”

This perfectly describes these Boston creators of “moral communities”; this perfectly describes these anti-White Anglo-Saxons. They sided, they claimed, with “the human race” — and were an eternal shame to their own.

* * *

John Brown’s ancestors on both sides had lived in America since the 1650s.

He was colonial America, heritage America, to his core. But when Black savage Elridge Cleaver was cleaving off all of the White heroes from his version of history, he had occasion to say: “With such exceptions as John Brown there has been very little reason for a black man to respect a white man.” Such ignominy — to be the one White man whose reputation will survive in post-White America, to be so heralded by a vicious enemy of your people. But then Brown was a vicious enemy of his people too.

Brown’s father, in the grips of Christian delusion, taught his children that “all God’s creatures are equal,” and, unlike many of the anti-slavery Whites, he truly believed it. That teaching launched him on his mission; going to Kansas and butchering White men at the behest of Blacks; getting up a small army and trying to occupy federal property in hopes of getting weapons to arm Blacks in their “freedom struggle” which included murdering as many White people as they could get their hands on. He was an admirer of Nat Turner, the killer of scores of White people, and he sought nothing less than to ignite thousands of Nat Turners, and have them kill hundreds of thousands of Whites. Something to make the charnel house of Haiti look like a Sunday picnic. At that time America was yet to go quite around the bend, so they sent in Robert E. Lee and stopped him — cold.

And those Bostonians? Sitting in their well-appointed parlors on Beacon Street, they posed as ladies and gentlemen whom you would never suspect of having blood on their hands, but as they dreamed of “one world” and continued to get more and more overwrought about slavery, they surely had blood on their minds. The “Secret Six” were a group of New Englanders who funded Brown’s maniacal anti-White raid on Harper’s Ferry. They were: Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Samuel Gridley Howe, Theodore Parker, Franklin Benjamin Sanborn, Gerrit Smith, George Luther Stearns. A veritable roster of Anglo-Saxondom. Anglo-Saxondom gone to seed, and to the devil. Only among a certain breed of White man can such insanity persist. They are the anti-White Anglo-Saxons.

Not to be outdone, Ralph Waldo Emerson sent his reputation down three trillion notches by his response to Brown. As if in ecstasy, Emerson said that Brown was “The saint, whose fate yet hangs in suspense, but whose martyrdom, if it shall be perfected, will make the gallows as glorious as the Cross.” So much for him.

But amidst all of this New England ethnomasochism there is one ray of light. Nathaniel Hawthorne never really fit in with the Transcendentalists. His stay at Brook Farm was brief and disappointing to him. As a deep believer in the existence of sin, he could never share their sunny outlook on “all humanity.” He was a hard man with clear eyes and knew better.

Hawthorne was also a racialist, as was his wife, something which generations of American English teachers apparently don’t know

One night, one of his do-gooder, all-the-world-is-equal friends came to dinner. He hadn’t told the Hawthornes beforehand, but, in the spirit of the times, he had brought a Black man with him to the dinner. The Hawthornes were appalled. But he, being an impeccable gentleman, and she, being an impeccable lady, said nothing during the meal. When it was over, they bade their friend good night. Alone, the great writer turned to his wife, shuddering, and remarked on the terrible odor they had had to endure. Hawthorne never spoke to that friend again.

Hawthorne was repulsed when he heard of the doings of John Brown. No glowing tribute flowed from his pen for the vicious White-hating maniac. He was not a part of the “moral community” beginning to metastasize around the issue of slavery and eclipse the kinship community of race in the North. No, he was no anti-White Anglo-Saxon.

He did not think that the gallows where Brown was hung was the “new cross.” In fact, he said that when it came to the loathsome Brown, “Nobody was ever more justly hanged.”

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Source: Author

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Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
6 March, 2021 2:48 am

Most excellent. From my childhood, I remember the Northern Yankee anthem “John Brown’s Body Lies A’ Moulden In The Grave,” later on revised to “The Battle Hymn Of The Republic.” That tune, along with “Dixie” let to a fratricidal slaughter of almost 700,000 North American Caucasians.

Malcolm P. Shiel
Malcolm P. Shiel
6 March, 2021 10:35 am

Inspired by this essay, I just read Hawthorne’s 1862 piece for the Atlantic magazine, “Chiefly About War Matters.” It’s full of interpolations from the editor, justifying omission of certain of Hawthorne’s passages. Apparently, in wartime, even gently unflattering descriptions of sacred Northern Congressmen and the most holy President were “too much” and had to be cut out. Here’s a part of one of the interpolations: We are compelled to omit two or three pages, in which the author describes the interview, and gives his idea of the personal appearance and deportment of the President. The sketch appears to have been written in a benign spirit, and perhaps conveys a not inaccurate impression of its august subject; but it lacks reverence… Pardon me while I gag. (The Great Brains at the… Read more »

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
6 March, 2021 6:42 pm

Brook Farm, where the men would sit around and philosophize while the women ended up having to do the productive work. And these louts had the stupendous egos to think that they were the enlightened ones, and the rest were fools. But what kind of deadly fantasy is a goodly portion of our race afflicted with? I suspect that our race, while enduring the long, boring, tedious months of winter, shut up in some sturdy but depressing lodging, got “cabin fever” in the extreme and retreated into the inner world. Although I have no proof of it, I think that a good number of them went rather insane and perhaps this has been passed down, somehow. Maybe genetics is, as one of our writers once said, simply culture gone to… Read more »

mortal goyal
mortal goyal
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
7 March, 2021 1:10 pm

interesting take on “ things” AP.

7 March, 2021 6:18 pm

When it comes to shooting “American” (grey) squirrels, the heroic Brits show no mercy. The deadly problem of the poor little animals: they did not come across the Atlantic as a fried steak in Uncle Sam’s Big Mac. However, with the pestilent Muslim invasion of their island, they perceive no threat whatsoever. Even when their own daughters are kidnapped and sexually abused in rows, as in Rotherham. This bizarre people will remain forever alien to us continentals. Their linguistic brothers beyond the big pond know (at least as far as squirrels are concerned) just as few scruples. Although squirrels are quite charming creatures. Someone said that they put a smile on people’s faces wherever you meet them. For that reason alone, they should be loved, when there is… Read more »

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Rassenzuchtwart
11 March, 2021 9:40 pm

They do often crowd out the generally smaller red squirrel native to Europe, but I’d be in favor of a trap-and-neuter program, in this particular case. Brits better keep what little ammo they may have for more deserving recipients.

Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
13 March, 2021 9:05 am

Sounds like a reasonable solution. The fatal thing about gray squirrels is not their aggressiveness, but their social connectedness within the population and their lack of shyness. While the red squirrel is a loner and retreats in case of danger.

Chris Young
Chris Young
11 March, 2021 11:58 am

These Bostonian Transcendentalists were wholly untouched by Jewish influence? You have to go back at least seven centuries to find any whites who were wholly untouched by the Jewish mind virus. The Christian Bible wasn’t written by Anglo-Saxons.

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
11 March, 2021 5:00 pm

This is what moral do-goodism gets white people. A 15-year-old white boy gets beaten up by a black thug, robbed and knifed twice, probably for putting up a fight.

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
11 March, 2021 9:42 pm

Seems to me that this particular brand of insanity is based on Cuckstian Identitarianism, the notion that White people – the ENGLISH, that is – are some ‘lost tribe of Israhell’, the ‘true Chosen People’ or some such boloney.

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
13 March, 2021 9:57 pm

Just a little digging into real European history will reveal how absurd and impossible is the notion that any European nation is descended from lost tribes of Israel.

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
13 March, 2021 2:40 am

The sordid period from 1850 to 1875 was one of our own doing. It’s a stretch to blame any of it on the Jews. Even in Jew-run Hollywood there was a time when a lot of movies were made that taught the average person (who was not a reader) something of history. One was “Santa Fe Trail” which starred Hollywood’s first great action hero, Errol Flynn, who played the leading role as J.E.B. Stuart, who later went on to become the famous Confederate general . Ronald Reagan played his loyal friend, a young George Custer. The movie has little to do with the Sante Fe Trail and a lot to do with John Brown and his guerrilla war in Kansas. Stuart and Custer were sent as fresh graduates from West… Read more »